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Hello everyone,

I wanted to let you all know that we decided to take the latest reaction down for a review. We've considered everyone's comment on patreon as well as youtube and we understand why watching this reaction made many of you uncomfortable. This reaction will be revisited and be re-uploaded as soon as we can make it happen tomorrow. Thank you very much for your understanding and input.





What was wrong with it. I thought it was fine?


Wow people are so soft lol


What was up with it?


What was the issue?


Too late suckas, already saw it 😎


What were people having issues with?


Because there was a little tension in the beginning among the friends lol


Glad I already watched it



Justin Neason

I understood SOME of the comments, but yal didn't have to do this imo. It really wasn't that big of a deal. Thanks for listening to the fans regardless!


Just some awkward fighting before the reaction, it got kind of personal, but it didn't get THAT out of hand.


Literally just finished watching it 10 minutes ago


God if it’s because people found that ‘argument’ at the beginning bad, then never come to the U.K. British friends might give you PTSD.

James Wise

It has nothing to do with people being "soft" it had to do with them acting kinda childish. People watch avatar/Korra to have fun and it brings people together. They started this episode with just bickering and attitude from all. It was just silly and kind of annoying. Im glad theyre gonna hopefully edit that out. It was just disappointing


Man, you guys should have just left it. People on here overreacted a bit, as if friends don't fight and everything is a field full of rainbows and sparkles. People fight guys. Also, the whole reaction kinda has a weird vibe to it after the fight and now people who don't see the start (like Youtube only viewers) are gonna be left with no context and the whole intro skipped for them.


I thought your editing was fine ): as you said, it provided context for the bit of an awkward vibe in the rest of the video


Hey, Normies? We love you. <3 Get some rest guys. <3


Jesus people were upset about that little squabble? My friends and I have gotten in to shit way worse than that and were fine in a couple of minutes. Friends argue, its not a big deal, they literally got over it once they were into the episode


Dang I was getting my snacks ready for the reaction. Ugh


All you had to do is fast forward and it really wasn’t that bad


i thought it was a great video. Friends bicker sometimes


Did anyone clip that shit? I'd like to see some tension.


Wait tomorrow? Ughhhh lol. I’m not usually like this but man

Erik Jones

Just finished watching it when it was taken down. But ya I have a little back and forth with my best friend like that from time to time. It happens.


Wowa. It was awkward but didnt need to be taken down. It was good. I was already gonna throw up #TeamSuraj signs.


Wait I missed it. What the fuck happened? Did some of them get in a fight? Who got in a fight? I'm so confused right now!


All I have to say is that I liked the part at the end they were discussing the episode as good friends as if nothing happened when at the very beginning, they were arguing with exception of micky lol. This episode really changed their attitudes at the end of the day☺️


Wait what happened?


I feel the old one should at least be put back up anyways (maybe leave it patron exclusive), and the new version will be there for folks who want that version + the regular YT audience.


Nothing to worry about, it was just that some people were bothered by the drama the normies were having at the first couple minutes of the video. Then they took it down.

John Doe

Cursed Wednesday strikes again. I envy those here for the other series.


what happened???


Its cool it will be forgotten


Friends bicker and get mad at each other every day, and guess what, the truly best friends always make up. People shouldn't be getting so butthurt over friends just probably needing a break from each other...no! big! deal!


People cant handle real life and want their 24/7 happy fakeness back lol

Katarina Kurko

It doesn't matter if it was a small argument or big,it was awkward and mood changed. They can first sort it out before doing the reaction video. I didn't enjoy it even tho it was my fav episode. I am also not hating them,friends fight all the time its just that reaction was awkward. I don't know if I am the only one who felt that way 😅


I know everyone has got issues, personal or not, and friends argue, it's fine. But y'all seriously need to fix the imbalance within the fozy core. Mood has noticeably changed really since the end of book 2. I can tell Mickey was let down by it, understandably. Rana was the only excited person at the start of book 3, and some level of excitement and joy for the show is gone. Lack of predictions and all. Maybe book 3 isnt for you. I hope the book 3 finale will being excitement back. And book 4 is Amazing, just saying.


Why is it always korra reactions... sigh


I thought it was a great reaction video, and very organic. You guys were being silly but after all this years, we are still here because we like you guys. This is a just a storm and It’s not a big deal. Rana drunk on the last air bender episode was more akward than this, yet funny too. It is who you are, and it’s what make your videos feel organic by showing who you are. Again most of us been seeing your reactions for months or years and we know how you been in other videos. One video where you guys fight only makes it more interesting because it is different side of you haha. Anyways, no need to re-edit. You guys have one more book to make this epic. And maybe you guys should have a marathon on both avatars before you start the last LoK book


IDK Suraj was pretty excited when they introduced Zaheer. Him and Rana were the only ones i felt were hyped for season 3. Yeah, Micky and Nahid took a little bit but i definitely think they are enjoying it more than season 2.

Neil Patel

Id say reupload the first one, id prefer a first time seeing the episode reaction rather than an analysis


well that's dumb. I thought the bickering was funny. Including Micky sitting in the middle completely unbothered lmao


Can't imagine the bickering was really that bad. Or was it?

Joseph Sanchez

The Legend of Korra curse continues.


It really wasn't, but we live in the "triggered" era and some people can't handle the slightest little thing

Ryan of New York

Oh come on, just put it back up. If there are people bothered by it, they don't have to watch this version. Friends sometimes fight, that's reality. I'd rather watch reality.


Soft ass people smh now people on youtube gonna be like wtf

J Flores

who was it between?


I live in Asia and usually I stay up till midnight for korra releases. Now the only time I decided to relax and watch it while having my morning coffee the next day and THIS HAPPENS. YO WTF

Davimison Garmo

For those calling ppl soft and sensitive, I don’t they ppl ask for it to be taken down. It was just evident that there was hostility amongst the members in the group and were not blind to not mention it. Personally and Business wise, It’s kind of a good decision, you wouldn’t want yourselves and your friendships displayed like that on the internet.


:;runs back:: I said it before, and I'll say it again. The only way to resolve this is to DO. THE. THING. :: runs away again::

Cinthia Fernandez

I always feel like the Normies are damned if they do or damned if they don't. I'd be super disappointed if I had missed it, but maybe they didn't want that edit to be THE video for this episode. So I understand both sides. What if.... next week they just do a DOUBLE FINALE RELEASE WEDNESDAY! I feel like that might quell the complaints :)


Yeah, I didn't see anyone say they wanted it taken down, I only saw a few people mentioning that the tense bickering was uncomfortable to see.


There is no way whatever happened in the edit is more disappointing than not having a reaction AT ALL at the scheduled time. I'm done with your Patreon after next week.

Cameron Wilson

Is there a way to watch the original before it was taken down? I mean the only reason I pay for early access is Korra and all of these shenanigans is making me REALLY reconsider.


The tension obviously made it uncomfortable, but unless you guys can erase your memories of watching the episode, there's really no point in reuploading the video.


There will be a double drop next week for the finale. 3x11 will be posted tomorrow morning early.


Which TLAB episode was that? I don't think I remember this.


was it that bad? people fight, it seems normal in hundreds of reactions to have at least one where people are tired or short-tempered.

Amanda B

It was released at the scheduled time people complained they took it down to re-edit


Can someone in the comments actually tell us what was said lmao. Like it can't have been that bad, right?


So you think the correct answer is to make everyone who didn't get a chance to already watch it wait for you guys to re-upload it instead of just letting us just skip the intro.

Albert venegas

It honestly wasn’t that big of a deal.. felt like I was watching a novela tbh


And let the fake argument contest begin! I hope mine gets international and pop culture points: Suraj was adamant about farting in Micky's general direction but there was a coconut to bird ratio scenario that Micky wanted to deliberate and Nahid was like, "Niii, bitch". Rana killed a guy. So all in all it was no big deal.


Lol people are POOSIE. That shit was comedy. Suraj is me, and i loved every second of it.


Why so many people complaining about shit? Stop. That's some childish shit.


lol at people calling others soft and sensitive. Most people deal with hardships, harassment, etc. every day and they come to The Normies to escape it all. They view Normies videos because they like the positive, fun atmosphere. If that atmosphere isn't there or it's replaced by bickering, it's going to of course make people uncomfortable. Personally, I don't care, but this is the nature of the beast.


I'm not going to be happy with the re-edit knowing that there is another version of this reaction out there that I didn't get to see :P. Is the uncut of this episode going to come out later?


Yo, real talk, yall could have just doubled your YouTube revenue by uploading a "messy" and "non-messy" version to appease both sides. I personally THRIVE on drama. It's entertaining.

Eddie Gamboa

Excuse me, I’m getting content 2 weeks and 6 days early instead of 3 weeks early. How do I contact the Better Business Bureau? Is there like a special extension for online user generated content? 😂😂😂

Lavota Carter

the video is just re-edited to not include the squabble I've been reading the comments about, righr? they aren't going to re-watch the episode, right?


This is ridiculous. Tbh I only pay for the Korea reactions but all these random shenanigans could eventually get unprofessional.


It was genuinely uncomfortable for me to watch, though I'd never ask them to take it down.


Cmon really? Some of us actually have a schedule in our lives and aren’t just sitting around with nothing to do. I wont be able to watch until sometime this weekend because Thurs and Fri are packed with work and I specifically made Wednesday a ‘mellow’ chill day.


Dammit who complained... I didn’t even get to see it 😭. RUINERS!! Don’t edit out being real Normies.


Lmfao I feel bad for the people who didn't get to see it. Was pretty funny because of how tense and awkward the argument was.


maaan, i really want to see it xD


Man this is crazy this is one of my favorite episode of this season and I wanted to see there genuine reaction now it’s not gonna be the same


cmon, no one saved it? Leak that shit.


What was the argument even about??


And between who?

Noah Burke

You guys are Normies bc your normal, ya know. Just a group of friends watching shows. Bickering is a part of that, just the same way shared laughter is.


Cool, nice just came out of work and was looking forward to watch this only to be taken down, that for making my shitty dat even shitier

Matthew H

Honestly now im just upset i dont get to see the original video. Wish you would post it.


Really debating on taking my business elsewhere. What’s the point of paying hard earned $10 that ain’t cheap when u got other bills


Well actually there were comments made in the middle of the episode /: but after that it was relatively fine


Honestly the brief bickering wasn’t that big of a deal in my opinion. Friends argue. The only dumb part were people in the comments trying to side with one normie or another based on a 30 second clip of an argument for which they had no larger context. I’m sure the comments could have gotten pretty toxic. Maybe that’s what they’re trying to avoid by taking it down.


You have now piqued the curiosity of everyone who didn't get a chance to see it. Would be nice if you would make the original version available in some way. At the very least so the rest of us could see what the hype is about. Behind the scenes kind of stuff is part of why we pay to be patrons after all :)


I saw it earlier..It wasn't really that big of a deal. Just a few snarky remarks between each other at start of the vid. Literally like 30 seconds and thet moved on lol


Yeah I’m gonna unsubscribe for the month of September. It makes zero sense that they will take out a video because a select few complained about the video, the select few doesn’t speak for all of us. What you should have done was leave the video up and then leave a disclaimer saying there was an argument or whatever and if people didn’t want to see a reaction like that, then they could wait for an edited reaction tomorrow instead of the people who don’t care and payed to see an uncut reaction, still having the option to watch it. Very unprofessional that not everyone got to watch the video before it got taken down and now we have to wait a full day. Once again you lost my business for the month of September, there has already been a few problems these past couple of months with delays and ect... this was just the icing in the cake for me.


Why do the korra fans seem to be the worse of them all jeez. Everyone seems to think they know what's best and think they are justified in everything they say. Like goddamn stop acting so entitled. I pay $10 every month as well and I'm 16 year old who works for not a lot but you don't see me whining. Most of these people are grown ass adults who know damn well they are not getting involved with a service like Netflix. And if you were dumb enough to pay $10 for only one show on patreon then idek what to tell you. Yes they have an obligation but at the end of the day they are PEOPLE, a group of friends, a YouTube channel. They aren't Hulu or Netflix. If you can't understand the reality that people make mistakes and are not perfect then you cant understand much. And stop thinking you are special or majorly affecting them when you say "I think I'll just take my money else where bla bla bla" NO ONE is stopping you. And it sure as hell is not a huge deal to them. Plenty of people are patreons for other shows as well as kora and you keeping your $10 is not gonna affect shit when they are making thousands.


You should make the original available on Patreon only and post the re-edited version on YouTube


preach 100%. Same, I'm 18 and go to college and have a part time job and have been a patreon for over a year. These people acting like every video comes with a handjob. Criticism is ok but if it keeps happening and you keep being disappointed without doing something it then just becomes whining. These videos aren't everything. Like my life's hard but it ain't that sad that I be whining for reaction videos. Specifically one video. Sure I get disappointed when a video is not up but life's full of disappointment. Get over it.


Take care of yourselves first. I will wait.


You of all people should just accept it either you like or not. If the Normies decided to take it down it's because maybe they wanted to. End of story. If you are no longer interested in being here just take your money and be on your way. You don't have to put your comment of you unsubscribing or whatever. You are no one to tell them what to do. It's their content. Geez I come here to see their reactions of my favorite show and all i see people asking to take remove it.


Actually, a comment stating why someone is leaving is a good source of info for The Normies so that they can either respond to the dissatisfied customer or to learn from their mistakes. You guys just don't like seeing negative comments


Nobody complained really. I watched it literally right before it was taken down and sort of scrolled through the comments section right before as well. Most comments were essentially "well that was awkward" or "hope everything is okay" or a snarky joke about it being uncomfortable. Literally nobody said take it down. My guess is that the normies saw all the reactions and were sort of embarrassed so they took it down.


They are literally an LLC running a subscription service.




you don't have to say that you know. Just unsubscribe and be on your way tomorrow. The Normies might not care if your unsubscribe or not


You guys are fucking pussies, but I love ya'll. lol


Also, no one's perfect. I kinda like the bickering in the beginning. That's what best friends do all the time! :)


I didnt watch the vid but from the comments I derived this: Korra sucks. I agree wholeheartedly! This is evident by their extreme lack of interest in comparison to ATLA.


I’m mad


oh man. i just came home from work and wanted to watch the reaction . I guess it won't be too bad getting to watch bojack, community, and korra all tomorrow


Lol this is turning into such a glorious shit show. Why are things IMPLODING so hard 😂😂😂 GG normies, it's been a decent run


What happened?

Sou saetern

Damn! Now this got me hella curious. I needs to know.


They are gonna have a double finale release we had a poll about it a couple of weeks back

Greg Spivak

Huh? I watched the whole thing and I didn’t notice anything.

Ben Wenger

There was some kind of offscreen beef between Suraj and Nahid that carried into the shoot and they were kind of at each other's throats in the intro discussion. Not violent or anything, but like clear passive-aggressive animosity. Like the kind where it'd be uncomfortable if you were in the room with them, but I thought it was just kind of funny in the video. But diff'rent strokes I guess. Passive aggressive might not be the best description. But you could tell that Nahid was REALLY annoyed with Suraj about something.


The argument wasn't even a big deal. It was literally just bickering between friends. lol I guess you really can't satisfy every patron so you were going to get complaints either way (leaving the reaction as is or editing that awkward stuff out). Anyway, can't wait for next week's (possible) double upload :)


Ugh I've been so excited about this reaction all day -_-;


Damn I watched the whole vid and barely noticed a thing. Friends argue all the time. What’s the bfd.


Dafuq is happening?


Why does this always happen with Korra? It's as if they just want to prolong this so they don't lose subs. It really starting to get annoying. Normies should really be professional about this especially if this is full time gig for some of you.

Eliot Blane

lol you guys get shit on when you release it and get shit on when you take it down: y'all just can't win lol!

Layn Hyer

What I have to say after reading the comments is this, if there was an argument which made the audience feel uncomfortable to the point where they watched the entire reaction and felt it made them uncomfortable, it seems unfair to those of that want a reaction to LOK to be authentic(the whole point of watching someone else's reaction video is to see how they react to compared to how you felt in that same moment). Trust me, when I first watch any show, my daily life and people around me affect that very reaction I have to that episode. If I had a fight that day even moments before the episode(and this has happened on several occasions with friends[haha I could go into an entire story about fighting over how bow and arrows in military combat caused my friend to leave my house screaming and where the next he held his sister down repeatedly and slapped his sister in the face in an argument they had later after He and I had an argument about a Chinese historical fiction film{ChiBi or Red Cliff for those in the US}]). If we have no context to the apparently obvious tension between people in the reaction, we have no way of knowing if they if and why the fight that happened minutes before the reaction shades how someone reacts to a scene where most fans go ohhh and awww at or go OMG and scream like with Old Man Zukes and the dragon. I hate to say that all those complaining honestly ruined for me what is important about reactions. I hope you do an unedited release for those of whom will watch the unedited full reaction to include that so those of us that want authentic get to see what we pay to see, otherwise I would just watch on YouTube and just say that was fun to watch rather than what a pay for is authentic Cozy Four awesomeness of seeing everyone be themselves with a series that evokes strong emotions at time and can even cause feuds and bickering among friends. It is the everyday human experience that we all go through in watching what we love. Most who are paying for a $10 subscription, want to see that real authentic group even if it is dicey otherwise its just fun and I can youtube things for days that are just passingby fancies rather than actual engagement for a polished work of pure unadulterated LOK that quite frankly I did when I first watched the series on my own. If someone is going to be stoneface or quiet or broody or just plain irresponsive, knowing why with context of a pretape argument is honestly what those whom have paid for the experience want, because we want to know why we are watching an epic scene go completely unreacted to.


It was uncomfortable for me to watch you guys not really getting along with each other and knowing that you are still mad the whole episode ruined it a bit for me. But I think you did not have to take the video down for a re-edit, I am just worried and hope that this does not happen again, because it sucks seeing good friends being angry at one another.


No idea why everyone here is 'uncomfortable'. It's life people don't always agree with eachother. That's what helps build their relationship..........

Jay M

I agree. I didn't get to see the first reaction but friends fight all the time, it doesn't mean they don't care for each other. I understand from a business standpoint that it wouldn't be a good look for them, but it's honest, and that's all we can really ask for. I just wished they didn't have to take it down.


It’s best to just avoid this comments section anymore, honestly, whether you’re a Normie or a fan. It’s usually just people constantly whining about upload times or idiotic trolls saying “Korra sucks! Derp!” anyways...although there are a few honest viewers/commentators still around. Hope you guys enjoy (enjoyed, since your ahead in real time) this episode and the finale! :)


If you guys took it down to prevent awkwardness within your own friend circle, that’s understandable and healthy. But if it’s a relatively minor conflict that you guys are over, imo it’s okay if you reupload it as is. A big part of your channel’s appeal is the authenticity of your reactions and your group dynamic. So it’s not a big deal if there is a rare, brief argument in a video unless it seriously disrupts the reaction. I also think the people in the comments saying you need to ‘fix’ the group need to chill, I personally like watching your *honest* reactions, whether that’s positive, negative, or underwhelmed. I hope you guys don’t feel pressured to seem more engaged than you actually are or force yourself to say positive things if you’re not feeling it just because of some annoying comments


Tbh I was digging the drama. Felt bad for Micky though


Maybe they can start making a playlist with awkward reactions


Yea they should do a poll to see who we think was right


It was brutal. I don't think Micky will ever walk again.


Hi can someone please explain what happened?


Can you do a poll so we can vote who was right during the fight and who we think would win in a physical fight between Rana/Suraj, Nahid/Suraj and Micky/Rana,Nahid,Suraj?


How unfortunate of me not seeing the first reaction 💔 however based from what I've read from the comments, it was about bickering between friends? Come on now, the world is already in fire and now we're gonna complain about some friends arguing with each other? it's practically normal! Heck, even politicians squabble with each other. Lighten up peeps. Hope that we, who haven't seen the video, could see the first reaction hahaha


It’s ok guys, friends fight but that will always makes them stronger, just like the Aang gang.


Why is it always korraaaaa. But really, how bad could a "bicker" be to completely take down a upload? Surely most of your patreons have seen adults..disagree to say the least lol. In my opinion, unless it was a full blown knock em out arguememt (and i doubt yall would have uploaded that in the first place) why bring MORE attention to it by dramatically removing an upload. Sometimes its ok to show the human side of yourselves... also LEAVE KORRA ALONE!

Eliot Blane

I agree with doing the review. I saw the video. I think it's ok for the Patreon crowd as we are a closer community but I think for general youtube audiences the beginning was awkward and hostile enough that it leads to a bad viewing experience, which is sorta counter the whole point of these videos. People here are just thirsty for the reaction which I totally get, but if someone were to like watch a whole bunch of these in a row in the future it would be worse as a piece of media. Ultimately it's entertainment, and if it makes you feel bad it's not good entertainment (for what this is anyway). So I'm glad you all are doing a review.


friends argue all the time but its still awkward nonetheless so i support your decision to re-edit 👍 but im still sort of bummed out i didnt see the drama 😢 lol


y'all just need to roll one up and pass it around


Ah, but I liked the drama, it just goes on to show how authentic these reactions are, it's no good to pretend it didn't happen, I liked how you kept it in, infact I came here to rewatch it. You should pest two versions imo, one with drama and one without


i just hope there is no more drama over this. leaving the entire thing in video was one person's idea or everyone's?


Basically they had a tense atmosphere at the start, where they normally do the "what happened in the last episode" discussion. They couldn't focus on that ; Mickey reminded how Earth Queen died but then Suraj threw a jab at Rana, who sighed and ignored him so suddenly the room got into an awkward silence. Suraj said Okay then, lets skip the discussion and start, but Rana said she actually wanted to discuss the spisode first. Suraj didn't want to tell what he rememberred because he said he edited the video. The tense silence, Mickey's "Earth Queen died" and Suraj's I don't want to discuss cuz I just edited it, if you won't I'm starting repeated a few times. Then Nahid got fed up with SUraj's repeated excuse and told how Suraj's reminders of editing the episode himself is to look good on the camera and how he knows that from the times he edit. Suraj disagreed, they had a set of arguements. To put it simple Rana and Nahid got annoyed by Suraj's attitude, argued about that and couldn't get the discussion beyond "Earth Queen died". Suraj said he would keep it for genuinity and indeed he did. The tense Environment kinda continued in the begginig of the reaction with Nahid showing his annoyence of Suraj's laud reactions but they got over it after the Blimp take-off scene.


I saw the first reaction and it was nothing more than friends arguing. I don’t know whoever told you to take it down but it showed transparency and realness, which id the number one thing you should try to give in this reaction...”business”. Taking it down with some people seeing it and some not seeing it also probably made it worse tbh :/


Who cares about abit of drama? I wanna watch an authentic reaction. Fuck all the pussy patrons for ruining a reaction upload coz yall soft mofos chucking a fit coz you've never seen friends have a little fight... P.S. if you guys took it down coz yall felt uncomfortable watching yourselves fight, then alright whatever. I never saw the OG reaction so idk what actually happened, but please don't cut out content from the reaction just reupload

Mike Drop

Rubbing in a stain ♫ Normies rubbing in a stain ♫


just curious when is early morning where they are. cause i'm from australia it's 10:35pm right now

Cristina Totino

I'm from Melbourne! Where are you from? I think it's like 10am or something in America now


I thought normies where real reactors hearing all of this seems like there being really fake! Why take down an honest reaction???

Eliot Blane

They started fighting at the start lol - kinda awkward made people uncomfortable. Shouldn't have left it in.


I just thought they would of left it up for their og pateron subs.. and its already 1.30am on friday (in New Zealand) and still no korra.. when its some of the best eps of the series. Come on Normies get your shit together!!


Damn people time for a wake up call. These guys are real people with real reactions and emotions, and people gets in a fight sometimes... I think it says a lot about there personalities that we have not seen more of this.

Michael Saylor

I thought u guys were real reactors. U guys probably seen all these episodes before reacting to it too


I sort of got that feeling from the last reaction too...🤔

Alisha Brayboy

Mirai Nikki (Future Diary) would be great! Also Blue Exorcist!


What happened in the other reaction?