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Hey ya'll! Another Lost reaction for you! This is S02E05 And Found! Originally all these episodes I found to be filler have been much more gratifying to watch at an older age. I'm glad it had been 4-5 years since I did a true rewatch like this.

I will still be watching on my own and giving my thoughts here on the Patreon posts. Ask away any questions you have or spark any convo with me in the comments I will do my best to respond!

- Suraj


Lost 2x5 And Found Sun Jin Reactoin s02e05 2 5 season 2 episode 5 205 chapter 5 stream view


Heru Muharrar

For the most part I don't believe in the idea of "filler" in Lost. You always get backstory for a character in an episode. There are very few actual filler episodes imo. If I'm learning about a character that's good enough for me.


It's unfair to complain about filler on a network show anyway. Doing 20+ episode seasons where every single one pushes the narrative forward is impossible. "Filler" should only apply to cable shows or mini series.

Dwain Walmsley

What do you mean by you'll "still be watching on your own"? (Not able to watch the video yet, so apologies if it's mentioned in there)


It's not mentioned, can the full situation be explained please? Is Season 2 already filmed? Is Suraj going to be absent from Season 3? Who's going to replace him?

Cristina Totino

I can't wait for you guys to watch Mr Eko's episode, one of my favourites!!