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Last upload of the night Normies.  Team Bebop is on our favorite Jupiter moon and we dive a bit into Jet's past.  I loved this episode.  I think Jet got the resolve he wanted.  What did you guys think of this one? - Nahid


Session10 1


Colin Poole

Ooo someone must have worked some overtime to get this back up before Midnight.

James Avery

Keep it up y'all​! You Normies are doing a great job. Thanks for the entertainment.


Wooooo we back in business boys


The next episode is an homage to Alien!! 😁

Kelly Parks

Completely agree, Nahid. Our space program should be much further along. Plus it's an excellent investment: NASA has returned $7 into the economy for every $1 invested in it. This happens because new technology is the single biggest source of economic growth and NASA is an invention factory.

Kelly Parks

It is similar to Firefly, Nahid. (Or more correctly, Firefly is similar to Cowboy Bebop, since it came first). In both stories Earth became difficult or impossible to live on so humanity expanded into space and terraformed (made Earth like) as many places as they could. On Mars in Cowboy Bebop that means putting shields over very large craters and maintaining an Earthlike environment. But on Venus and several large moons, the entire body was terraformed.


I really hope they end up loving the show by the end. I can tell they're not quite on board yet. Hopefully Jupiter Jazz is the catalyst.


Hey Nahid, if you dig space exploration, Discovery did a show a couple years back called "Why we left Earth" that talks about NASA from the beginning to the modern era. Talks a lot about how certain political climates and the challenger disaster in the 80's sorta slowed down a lot of spacefaring progress. It's a little hard to find but a great watch if you do!


I couldn’t agree more man. We need to be in space we need to get off this rock. It really sucks what’s happened to NASA in the last few years. But I’ve heard they are still doing amazing things. I just wish more money got poured into it. - Nahid

Rafael Benedicto

The soundtrack on the chase scene was definitely similar to "Kiss from a Rose" by Seal.