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Hi, hey, hola!

We are very excited to add a new show on the schedule this week! Attack on Titans aired just last night and of course we watched!! Reaction is available NOW on our youtube channel! Our patrons will also be getting the Uncut version shortly. 

Besides all of these shows, we know we owe you Lost 2x03. We are working on the edits now! Suraj wants to look over it when it's done and approve it, so it will likely be released with Lost 2x04 tomorrow. 

Everything else will be delivered to you on the day of release. We cannot guarantee a time at this point because, as mentioned earlier, we are short-staffed + training a new editor. 

Thank you all for your continuing support despite last weeks lengthy delays!

Much love,





wouldn’t it be 3x07 for Korra?


Can’t wait for Agents of Shield 2x01! Good luck guys


Awesome. Much love. Can’t wait for Lost

Lateralusian (Clem)

Take all the time needed, we'll be here. Who's the new editor btw?


agents of shield HYPE! such a different show, imo

ashar waseem

You should react to the new vikings trailer :)

Ruben Lopez

Rana on twitch all week? Yes please.

Daníel Smári

Thanks for the update! Man I love Hunter x Hunter but at this rate it's gonna take you 3 years to finish it. If a person were to become a pledge member only for that show it would cost them 180$ just to stay one episode ahead. Just a thought, I still love the Normies. I welcome a discussion on this


Um guys, you already have released TLOK 3x06, shouldn’t it be 3x07 instead of 3x06??????

Champion Bescos

You guys have abs amazing show line-up once again. Impressed by, proud of, and excited for you guys.


Your friend who read the attack on titan manga actually spoiled few points. It also spoils viewers who have bot read the manga. I’m sure he didn’t mean to. But please tell him to be careful. He always does that with other stuff he knows too :(


Are guys still gonna watch the attack on titans OVA No Regrets?


AoS S2!!! So excited for y’all


The thing is (which I’m pretty sure you’ve noticed) HxH is not the only show they react to. 1/3rd of them are full editors (thus editing others shows), and the rest of the Normies have different roles and jobs in and outside of reacting. This makes finishing one series like HxH (as quickly as possible) a difficult task. I have no doubt they will finish it, but yes it will take time. Things might pick up as other series are finished, but only time will time.


Hey Marketa, is there going to be a FMAB for premium this week?


Thanks for all you do! Stay healthy and happy!! =)


FMAB is premium tier with a discount if you will (as the Normies also said). You only need the $5 tier but you will still be 5 episodes ahead, which is pretty awesome. Made me become a Patreon :P