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Happy Monday yall!  Hope all of you had a great weekend!  Lets start this week of right with some Cowboy Bebop.  We met Ed our final member to the Bebop crew.  Which is pretty excited cuz I can only guess the show goes full throttle from no on! - Nahid


Session 9




Ruben Lopez

I can't wait for Jupiter Jazz honestly lol


Ed is my FAVORITE- Rana ❤️


Loved your reactions this episode. Ed is great!



Frankie H

Blowing up the moon is a lot harder than movies and tv make it out to be. Although yeah, it's a very common sci-fi trope .

Barky McFluffybutt

Whoa. That felt weird to watch this after the weekend.

Daniel Gonzalez

I love Ed she's awesome and adds a nice new component to the show

Kelly Parks

I love this episode! And very true, Chris, blowing up the moon is a sci-fi trope and it's never portrayed correctly. An explosion big enough to shatter the moon would probably release enough heat energy to fry whatever side of the Earth faced the event. Also, the vast majority of the debris would be moving faster than escape velocity and would end up in orbit around the Sun, not the Earth. Finally, chunks of the moon much, much bigger than the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs would rain down on the Earth and absolutely wipe out civilization and most life. And it is true that the Moon (through tidal action) has been gradually slowing the Earth's rotation, but the loss of the moon would not cause the Earth's spin to increase.