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Hello All thank you all for LOOOOOOOOONG wait.  But here we go with the Finale of Agents of Shield.  We had to get things perfect for this Finale so I I hope you really enjoy it!  BTW guys I will be joining the Couch next season!  I left off at the end of Season 1.  So season 2 here we come! - Nahid


AOS 1x22 Final


Mike Drop

Yes ! Welcome to SHIELD agent Nahid


I been waiting for this all day 😊

Barky McFluffybutt

Forget the pixelating. I want to know about those socks.

Rufus May

Now you need HYDRA shirts to wear underneath those.

Justin Neason

YESSS, NAHID IS JOINING!!! 2x1 is actually one of my favorite episodes, it really shows the improvements even from this finale!


Ward was never loyal to Hydra. He was loyal to Garrett.


I love how they just assume this is like any other show with their predictions.


I am so happy right now! Can't wait to see your reactions to season 2 (and beyond hopefully). It's very different and the characters go on a great journey.


Is Suraj ok, guys?


Waited all day for this!!! So excited for season 2!


The best parts of these reactions are the questions and predictions you guys have after you watch the episode. All will be revealed soon!

Jasmine Jackson

Loved the review. Thx normies!

Calculatus Eliminatus

First, Hope all is well with / for Suraj. I was happy to hear the comment about so many things being brought back from earlier in the season. Glad to see that you are starting to see the subtle yet incredible change that took place once the writers/showrunners were finally fully free to tell their story. And yet. upon reflection so many of those earlier episodes were necessary to introduce people and gadgets and story lines that pay off for the rest of the show. As Chris noted, Mike Peterson had a complete story, wanted to be a hero, even said, this is an "origin story" in the first episode and we got to see him develop. Eye Spy was able to show us how they can control people. You may not have noticed it at the time but in that episode, when Ward was completing the mission in the weird room, the alien writing that Garrett and Coulson have drawn was on the chalkboard. Even then, in episode 4, they knew where they were going. Same holds true for most of the episodes. Enjoy the ride, Season 2 is fantastic and the show will finally begin to fully embrace it's comic book nature. That's all I'd ask, don't forget that this is all Marvel Comics based, it's not supposed to be a "real world" spy agency show, this is SHIELD..


I love how they keep asking about gravitonium!!!


So I'll just point out again that if y'all start doing 2 SHIELD episodes a week, you can completely catch up in time for Season 6. Just saying... No pressure...


I second this cuz if they only do 1 a week they wont be done till 2020

Edwin Wickey

That was great! Thanks guys!

Linsey Morris

ahhh such a GREAT reaction. VERY INTERESTING THEORIES YOU'VE GOT THERE!!! i will say no more. as for the sam jackson stuff what's funny is i literally did not realize until the last year or so how disjointed his scenes were and how obvious it was that he was NOT there in the scene with jemma and the one with garrett lmao. but you're right, it works bc it's sam jackson. god i am SOOOOO excited for you guys to see the progression of these characters and relationships i really think you're gonna enjoy even more as you keep going and I'M gonna enjoy seeing you experience it! also ONE LAST THING marketa's "WHERE IS FITZ?? NO FITZ??" at the end is a FOREVER MOOD!!! i love my son fitz.


Season 2 reactions are gonna be dope! So many awesome new characters!

n p

Don't know if you guys noticed, but the gun Fury gave Coulson, is the same gun Coulson used in Avengers 1 in his death scene, he shoots Loki in his dying moments, also he mentions it's based on "Destroyer" technology, the asguardian robot from Thor 1.


Daaaaaaaamn Nahid. Yes, man! Love your reactions.


I would just like to point out that we saw the weird stuff Coulson and Garret are scratching already in the episode 7 (The Hub, Ward took a picture of it in Ukraine facility). It shows that writers are not afraid of playing the long game (sometimes VERY long game).

Savaun Lollis

Iain De Caestecker is the best actor on this show


Hey guys, loved the reaction, I rewatched the episode before your reaction and it kinda blew my mind how much stuff happens in this finale. I can’t wait to see the uncut version of this reaction. Fitz & Simmons' scene at the bottom of the ocean was so touching. I freaking loved Coulson and Fury’s banter, I could watch a whole episode of just Coulson and Fury making snide commentary about what’s happening in the show. May and Ward’s fight was so dope and May literally nailing him down was so satisfying to watch. Regarding Garett's "resurrection", you can see for just a few frames that he crawled out of his coffin, killed the agent moving him and then climbed to the machine. Garrett gave the Gravitonium back to Quinn, you can see him putting it in the back of a truck before taking off with Raina. Speaking of her, Ruth Negga is such a great actress, I loved her line "maybe you can be monster together". But yeah, the girl in the flower dresses is special. I love how you guys already started with the theories about the Koenigs The thing I love most about AoS is the way they manage to reinvent themselves each season, season 2 is nothing like season 1, but also nothing like the other seasons. Season 2 is way darker, still funny but less cheesy, can’t wait for you guys to start it.


Heh... "What's with the gravitonium?"

Teddy S

When Chris said if only Agents had a theme song.. I'm sitting here like "IT'S THE GREATEST ONE!". Also excited for Nahid to join up.

Jules Eris

Great reaction guys! Can't wait for you to start season 2. The show really goes next level!


Marketa asking the real questions at the end: where is our boy Fitz?????

Heru Muharrar

We need a brave normie to take off their shield shirt and reveal a hydra one underneath sometime during season 2.


First time I watched this episode.. Sky: "how is Fitz? Tell me he's okay." Jemma: "he's alive." Me : tears 😥😥😫!!


I know the more I watch reactions to this season finale the better it gets, I mean it pays of stuff in season 1 and sets up stuff for season 2. Brilliant season finale, I mean 3 end cliffhangers.