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Hello all! We are sincerely sorry about today's Shield finale and Lost episode. Suraj is responsible for these shows as of now and he has never missed an upload. However he's been dealing with personal emergency all day. He should still upload Lost for you today regardless..Nahid is currently putting together a post for AoS for you so either you can already see it or it will be up in literally minutes. Yours, Marketadmin



No worries! Hope everything is okay.

Jenna Creighton

I hope things work out for Suraj.

Jordan James

Hope everything’s ok with Suraj👌🏽


and this is why people should chill out a little before getting outraged when things are late

Lateralusian (Clem)

No worries, tell Suraj to not mind it. IRL comes first.


That's completely fine. Things happen and we understand. I hope everything goes well for Suraj! Thank you guys for all your hard work:)


That is completely understandable, no worries, of course this kinda stuff takes priority. For the future I'd suggest maybe have someone else post sth like this before the posts are 'due', this would probably calm the hysteric people and also take some pressure off the person who has the emergency. If it still gets posted then yay, but if it doesn't then that would also be fine.

Justin H'oman

Hakuna Matata. Shit happens. Hope all is well Suraj


Much love Suraj. Hope everything is ok.

Commander Dodge

Hope everything gets better for you Suraj.


Hope everything is ok, Suraj!

Jasmine Jackson

Oh man, I hope Suraj is going to be ok.


Love you dude.