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Enjoy another full reaction of LoK! This is 1x2!


Korra 1x2 Full Reaction



People often wonder why Mako or Bolin didn't tell Korra the rules before sending her out there. While this is valid, I also think it was necessary for her to screw up like she did as a way of teaching the viewer about the rules of pro bending.

Koala Banana

Or they could have taught the viewer by having the rules explained to Korra. No, it was bad writing for a bit of comedy, I'm sorry to say.


Why would anyone think she didn't know the rules?


Or maybe they just assumed she knew? I mean, why wouldn't they, pro-bending is pretty famous

Andre Ransom

Even then, people would complain about things being explained rather than shown. This was better. And like someone said, Pro bending is famous, why were they supposed to assume she knew literally nothing about it?


plus, she claimed she was a big fan so why would they have to explain to her the rules