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Hi guys its Micky.  Very very very very very very sorry for the lack of Vikings yesterday as promised.  I ended up working a 16 hour work day and didn't get the time to edit like I was hoping I would.  But I'm not working today so that should give me plenty of time to edit and get it done.  Hoping to get it out to you by end of day.  Again really sorry, we will be recording more eps soon and we'll be back on that Early Access train very shortly.  Love you all, thanks for your patience.


Shae (maorismurf)

It's algood, Micky! Can't wait for the reaction :)


Hope it's worth it


no worries, this just makes my anticipation for the next episode even higher!


why dont you let surge or Aj edit it...?


Vikings is Mickey's project. I think Suraj was going nuts when he was editing all the shows.


of course it's still not uploaded.

Heru Muharrar

Personally I think it's fine. Take your time. That being said I know there are those who feel differently.

Jayden Shepherd

He explains why its still not out and you two whine like little babies? Did you not read the post? Literally says he didn't have a chance and you somehow think that means they are neglecting that show? Come on.

Shae (maorismurf)

Micky said "Hoping to get it out to you by the end of the day"... He didn't say it'll definitely be up today (yesterday). Patience, dude. Try to be a little more understanding and less demanding. It makes you seem like a douche. Imo


"Hey guys been bogged down with some work lately. I'm in the middle of editing 4x11. It will release very late tonight or most likely tomorrow. Sorry for the delay, working as quickly as possible to get it to you." the 2nd post after the fact, definitely didn't say 'hope'


...................... still waiting.....