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Hello everyone happy Wednesday! Hope you enjoy this reaction to Korra's 3rd episode! Thanks for the support!


The Legend of Korra - 1x3 The Revelation - Group Reaction

The Revelation is coming! Join The Normies as we watch The Legend of Korra! Book 1 Chapter 3 - The Revelation! Tell us what you think of this episode and our reactions. Enjoy! Weekly Show Schedule: https://www.facebook.com/TheNormiesGroup/ Support us on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/thenormies You can send stuff to us at PO 785 Fishers, IN 46038 Check out our social stuff too: facebook - facebook.com/thenormiesgroup twitter - @the_normies Instagram - @the_normies twitch.tv/thenormiestv snapchat - thenormies reddit.com/r/thenormies



Nice! Been waiting all day for this


Can we get the full reaction videos for Korra episodes like we did for some of Avatar?

Andre Ransom

There is a Legend of Korra video game set between Book 2 and 3 that’s definitely better gameplay wise than the past games. It’s still too short I would say but still a lot of fun.

Kevaughn Hunter

I wouldn’t fault the humans for improving their defenses against benders. What else can they do when the others can shoot fire from their hands and potentially freeze blood? The escalation is sort of inevitable. And if you’re apart of a revolutionary movement against benders and the government that’s mistreated you, I don’t see why you’d share your improved tech with those officials.


Love the villains in Korra, even they were like "Damn Amon is kinda right"

Oscar Villalobos

By the way Republic City is just the captial city of the United Republic of Nations. It is a 5th nation the Aang and Zuko created due to the fact that the fire nation colonials established lives wth earth kingdom citizens. The Earth King had to agree with it. So The terroritory of the United Republic extends far beyond Republic City. This will be important.


wow i kinda forgot how frickin good the animation was(is in these episodes. this fight choreo in mako/korra vs amons henchmen..holy cow

Rich Cassou

Awesome! Glad you’re liking the series, a lot of great stuff ahead

Burooj Ahanger

Boxing can be considered a martial art too


No, The Earth Queen in S3 is more like Trump. Amon is way too smart, cunning and skilled

Burooj Ahanger

Avatar version of Batman Arkham knight

Burooj Ahanger

first series also had a few instances of non benders complaining about the unfairness of bending


Legend of Korra has 52 episodes, so if you do one a week, then you will be watching Legend of Korra for exactly a year

Seamus Higgins

I don’t know if they noticed but the craziest thing about Amon when he took that guys bending away is that the scene played out as if he just executed him.


I think there's a rape metaphor too. It's just a huge violation even for a mob boss.


There actually is a Legend of Korra video game. It's not a big budget and you can finish it in about 4 hours. Its pretty cheap and imo is worth it. Its pretty fun and has some good bending effects. The story does take place after Season 2, so I'd wait to play it until you finish that season.


You guyss~ I love that you love Korra! There are so many things that I appreciate about LoK. Animation? Check. Music? Check. Character development/Storyline? Check. As someone who grew up watching AtlA and Lok and is around the age you guys are, it has been a pleasure going through this journey again with you guys. Enjoy Korra and keep up the good work!

Ben Wenger

There's not as much early character development in Korra because there's not as much time. Each season is only 13 episodes -- ATLA pretty much used the majority of Season 1 (~20 episodes) for character and world building. Korra has to move much faster. And keep in mind guys -- this is only episode 3. At ep 3 in ATLA, they had just visited the Northern Air Temple, and Zuko had his duel with Zhao. Almost nothing about ATLA's main conflict had been established at this point. The comet wasn't even introduced until like episode 9 or 10.


The difference is that people are born with bending. Anybody could use one of those electrical devices. Amon and his crew are all about equality. Those devices put them on equal ground with benders.


Suraj, keep looking for those connections to ATLA s3 my dude! No spoilers so i'll comment specifically in regards to these connections at the end of the season. Some are put right in front of you, but some you have to put together for yourself, which is awesome.

Justin Stokholm

I love this reaction!!! Thank you!


Not sure what you guys were getting at with the "artificial bending" thing. Saying his electric rods are artificial bending is like saying sokka is an artificial firebender because he lit a match, or that zuko is an artificial airbender because he blew through a straw. The guy was just using electricity. It was a tool anyone could use

Ben Wenger

You guys are swooning over Roku and Aang in the intro, but no love for Kyoshi? ;)


Mako and Brolin are the weakest/lamest characters in the show when you compare that to Zuko and Sokka who the two of the most interesting characters in ATLA, it makes it hard to get into LOK

Oscar Giron

So the creators of Korra made the main characters teenagers and more mature because they were catering to the last airbender fans. ATLA was made for younger kids so when they brought back the series, instead of making the characters little kids again, they made them teenagers cuz the fan base got older. In doing so, the fans can relate more to the shows themes thus keeping the same fans on board.


I want those coasters pls


If you guys want an easter egg, Tenzin is spiritually named after Monk Gyatso. The current Dalai Lama's name is Tenzin Gyatso


It's very interesting watching legend of korra again. Just thinking about it. The creators really didn't want extend the aang story and also only originally made korra to be a 13 episode mini show. They wanted korra to be something new and not just latch on to avatar. If you think about korra she is the exact opposite of aang. She is great at physical side of bending- aang the spiritual. She was very proud to be the avatar ( as you can see when she was a little girl)- aang ran away and never wanted to be the avatar. They did just rely on flash backs of older aang to carry the show. They made a show in the same universe but on its own merits and that was amazing to me. Because they didn't take the lazy route and actually made something special.


Love your reactions and can't wait till you get up to season 3 and 4 which hold up to the original avatar.

Lalisa Truong

Jokes were made at times too. Toph at one point even said because Sokka didn't have bending, she didn't include him when they first went up against Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee

Lalisa Truong

I don't really see how that would make it artificial bending. If so, anything could be considered artificial bending. Those electric rods used are just tools. Tools anyone could use effectively if trained enough. I also don't really see what's so hypocritical about using those tools. Think about it, nonbenders need some way to level the playing field, especially when they're up against people who could shoot fire or whatever out of their fingertips. Having tools like the electric rods gives them something to work with in order to equally fight against benders. When it comes down to it, benders WILL ALWAYS have an advantage over nonbenders just based on their ability to bend alone, so it's only fair that nonbenders use stuff like this.

Jorgen Schroen

well Aang was a fully realized Avatar soon after ATLA while Korra hasn't airbended yet in the late teens. So Aang was way quicker


True, but traditionally Avatars aren't formally identified until their 16th birthday. Aang was told early due to the oncoming threat of war. Airbending was also Aang's primary element, thus the first one he learned, whereas it is Korra's final element.


Also most avatars travel the world and learn each element from masters in each culture from age of 16 til mid 20s. Aang was forced to learn 3 elements quicker then anyone in history. Korra was protected by the white lotus and was very sheltered. A very stark contrast to aang. If it wasn't for the war aang wouldnt have rushed through his training and leaned all 4 elements so quickly.

Ben Wenger

Korra was identified as the avatar waaaaaaaaay younger than Aang. If we assume her training started immediately, then she had much more time and learned muuuuuuch slower than Aang did. However, it's possible they didn't train her at all and just let her have her childhood until she got into her teens.

Ben Wenger

This is actually why S4 is my favorite. That villain has the best motivation of all of them, IMO. And if it weren't for a handful of things the show throws in to make her look extra bad, you'd actually have a hard time telling she's the bad guy.

Ben Wenger

Korra has amazing choreography all throughout it. I'm actually really surprised the Normies are only lukewarm to it. They didn't even show Korra's firebending training scene in the first ep -- so I'm guessing they had little reaction to it -- but it was great!


She mastered 3 elements whole aang just learned 4 he took longer to master them.


In this season of korra, it isnt white and black/good vs evil. Its a gray area since its a real problem. The bad part is that hes saying all benders need to be punished for having the power. They didn't choose to be born with the power. They just were born that way. Taking power from the bad guys is okay, but punishing normal people is where Amon is wrong.

Adam is Magic

Plus he isn’t entirely wrong fighting and wars have happened because of bending.

Adam is Magic

You can definitely till it’s for fans who have grown up since Avatar.


Actually there is a Korra video game. Not the best game in the world, but not the worst either, kind of fun for a while. Sure it doesn't cost much anymore, you can even play probending.


Loved watching nahid trying to not seem disappointed and "not into it" before the episode and being full into it and complaining about how fast it went by the time it ended lol he'll end up loving this series more than he can imagine


Where is episode 4?