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Here we go fam!  We blast off the second episode of The Expanse. This shit goes 0 to 100 in a matter of minutes.  GUYS IF YOU ARE NOT WATCHING THIS SHOW YOU ARE MISSING SOMETHING GREAT!!! All of my fellow Belters, Earthers, and Martians I hope you enjoy this!


The Expanse - 2x2 Doors and Corners - Group Reaction

Happy Tuesday Yall! Here we go Episode 2 of Season 2. Its been a crazy whirl wind but this episode right here just left us with more questions. ALSO WHAT IS UPS WITH MILLER?!?! Either way hope you enjoy watching with us. Here we go watch out for the "Doors and Corners Fam!" - Nahid Early, Exclusive and Uncut Full Reactions on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/thenormies Visit and like our facebook page where we publish our weekly schedules! https://www.facebook.com/TheNormiesGr... You can send stuff to us at PO 785 Fishers, IN 46038 Check out our social stuff too: facebook - facebook.com/thenormiesgroup twitter - @the_normies Instagram - @the_normies twitch.tv/thenormiestv snapchat - thenormies reddit.com/r/thenormies


Rebel Pilot

isnt it on US netflix? here in germany it is available on netflix :)

Rebel Pilot

also small nitpick its solar system not universe ^^ latter is the entirety of every galaxy


It is on Amazon Prime Streaming in the US, and on Netflix everywhere else.


And yeah, it's the solar system, not the universe. Normies, check out Crash Course Astronomy on YouTube, it'll increase your enjoyment of The Expanse by a lot.

Chris V

Yesss!!! The sole reason i became a patron is finally back. Idk how in the fuck i missed the episode reaction you uploaded last week since I've been refreshing early access like twice a day but I get to watch 2 episode today so...no complaints!


I will check it out bro. The whole universe thing was said out of excitement. When your excited you sometimes use the wrong words to describe everything. Thanks for the clarifications again bro and the support! - Nahid


Thanks for the Support!! No worries we will keep patreon 4 episodes ahead of youtube. You guys will get all the early stuff because of all the support you have given us. Thanks again! - Nahid


Lol sorry about that said it out of excitement. The episode was too lit too use correct wordage when explaining things my friend - Nahid


No worries. Sorry for being pedantic. I think you definitely will enjoy the show even more by checking out info on Ceres, the Belt, Jupiter and its moons etc. Ganymede, Jupiter's largest moon, is a big setting this season for instance.


Love that you're watching the show, it's my favorite currently on tv

Tony Camas

Hey Guys, Great reaction as usual. Enjoyed your discussion after about the ethics of all this, though I have to say, I can't imagine any amount of scientific achievement being worth a genocide. That's the trade-off here, really. Dresden was willing to commit genocide, kill 100,000 Belters (plus a group of Martian scientists on Phoebe), in order to test his scientific theories and learn about the Protomolecule. I don't think there are many scientists who would condone that kind of thinking. I know you guys have actually watched ahead of what we're seeing here, so you know why it was so easy for Dresden and his team to make that call, but I don't think most "normal" people would. And legally, of course, the authorities would throw the book at anyone who did anything even close to this. It's true that the Protomolecule could have been sent our way as a "first shot," although there are plenty of other possibilities as well. But regardless, "I'm killing 100,000 people to save the rest of us" is really a pretty weak argument, don't you think? Especially if you are one of those 100,000, or someone you love is. We just don't *do* that kind of thing in civilized society, y'know? Glad you guys are enjoying, and talking about the issues, though. Keep up the great work!


I love to play Devil's advocate in discussions like this. It always makes the discussion SOOO much better. If it was me im on the side of Genocide is bad. Completely bad I could not agree with you any more. But putting myself in the shoes of those scientist you have to start thinking a bit from their perspective. Again in this story humanity has reached to the farthest reaches in our solar system. We have flow into the stars built bases on moons and asteroids. All this and no sign of life or anything beyond our known universe. Then something comes along that we discover that is extra terrestrial. After all these years in space we finally get some morsel of proof we may not be the only ones out here. I can see scientists and high ranking individuals wanting to test something like this. I would disagree with the whole idea that scientist would condone this kind of thinking. I def think they would i mean Hiroshima is great example of scientists and powerful people testing out weaponry. I also feel scientists alive during the time of our stories would be much worse because of how much weight finding extra terrestrial life at this time would be. It would be beyond what they know so I def do expect it. But do not agree with it. - Nahid

Tony Camas

I'm with you on the Devil's advocate thing; I do the same thing. I kinda like to argue stuff. Maybe we should've been lawyers. I do think, though, that if you surveyed most scientists, they would say that the ends almost never justify the means in a situation like this. 100,000 is kind of a shit-ton of people, and the Genghis Khan comparison is pretty dumb; I mean, he isn't exactly celebrated as a great contributor to humankind. The other thing is that there's no proof that the protomolecule is a weapon; that's just his guess. And it kind of fits with one of the overall themes of this show -- when confronted with something unknown and powerful, the first thing that people assume is that it's a weapon. But of course, nobody knows that. And you can't go around committing mass murder because you think maybe something might be a weapon and you want to figure that out. Hiroshima is an interesting comparison, but I still think it's pretty different. The usual argument in favor of that decision is that, while it killed a bunch of people in horrible ways, it shortened the war and so it saved many more people from being killed. The obvious difference is that WW2 really was a war, and really was killing many, many people. It wasn't just some guy's educated guess. And even with all that, most people now, scientists especially, are determined to never see something like that happen, ever again. I guess it's possible that by the 23rd century, we will have forgotten the lessons of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. But I still think it would be pretty unlikely that any reputable scientist would try to argue the case that Dresden did. Or, at least, I hope they wouldn't. Good discussion. And glad you're enjoying the ride!