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Hello Everyone,

Here is the Book Club selections for 2018 until June. This list will be updated after March. 

January - Artemis by Andy Weir

February - Beloved by Toni Morrison

March - Ready Player One by Ernest Cline

April Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Promise

May Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Search

June Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Rift 

We also want to start reading Expanse series for the book club but do you think it would be possible to go through one book per month for that? I keep going back and forth on that - Navi




Tina L

Excellent choices.

Sou saetern

Ready player one. Its so good. SO GOOD!

Sou saetern

I plan on reading it again before the movie comes out


The Expanse series is a relatively easy read; the language isn't too hard (the biggest trouble I have with the ASoIF series is how thick the wording can be), and the plot flows really well. It's also a neat read, since there are some fairly big differences between the show and the books, but follow each other in broad strokes (helps that the writers help do the show), while simultaneously helping improve each other.


That's really good to know. I think I will try to read the first book and see how long it really takes. I don't want to do five books in five months that would be too much of a task


Can't go wrong with just the first book with any series. You can just as easily stop after the first as you can pick up the second.