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Hey guys and gals! I'm not going to do this often but I felt bad for not delivering this on time yesterday. So here is the FULL UNCUT reaction to Southern Raiders for Early Access Patrons only.

This episode is proving tough to edit down to 10 minutes so I wanted to put this up. You will have to wait for our discussion though until the edited version is complete. Thanks and enjoy!


Avatar 3x16 Full Reaction



My man!


So excited katara is just 👌



Tina L

Oh, Suraj, you're such a sweetheart!




Hey guys, been followin ur avatar reactions since day one on youtube. Got fed up with waiting after watching Part 1 of Black Sun today so I became a patron. Damn, was I happy when I saw how far ahead you guys are. Just finished binge-watching the last 5 episodes when you posted this. U guys r awesome, can't wait for the finale.

AlexXis Amadeus

I love this episode, even though it's somewhat contrary to my views on forgiveness and vengeance, and is too much of a kids show to really explore them the way I want to.


This is the episode that highlights the connection between Aang & Katara is so much deeper and powerful than Zuko & Katara's could ever be.


When I saw the notification I was like "WELLLL HELLLLLLOOOOO!!!"


Nice! Really can't wait for Ember Island Players!!!

Jada Merritt

We're so close to the end guys holy shit *cries a river*


It's all good, dude. Don't feel bad about getting behind sometimes. (Sh)it happens. Take your time. I appreciate what you do and I want this to be a fun experience for you.

Brian Poston

These last episodes are going to be some tough ass edits man. So much cool stuff to come


Thx for this! I prefer the full reactions anyway. :P

Chad Bierman

This was perfection

Chad Bierman

I watched for a solid 5 minutes just thinking you were saving for time later in the episode not gonna lie

Lalisa Truong

Fun fact: This episode is a fan favorite! And honestly, I can see why! The person we always knew as the motherly figure, the person all about peace, the sweet, kind, caring person just had AN ENTIRE EPISODE about getting "revenge". The writers of this show are just brilliant! How long do you think Katara was holding this pain within her? How many nights did she fall asleep thinking it was her fault that this monster killed her mom and that she could've done something about it? Katara loved her mom so much that she was willing to bloodbend her supposed killer! God, when that happened, I was in complete shock. Here's this technique that Katara despises with her entire being, yet she was willing to use it to avenge her mom. What was so powerful about that moment to me was how her actually using it said so much more than any dialogue ever could and that's just incredible writing on the writers' part. Aside from stopping the fuckin' rain, this was definitely one of my favorite scenes of the entire episode. Hell, this episode is my top favorite of the entire series! Any Katara episode is honestly just amazing IMHO! Of course, I'm biased though because I love Katara lol. I also really loved how the writers didn't do a clichéd "Katara will eventually forgive her mother's killer by the end". We always get this idea of forgiving your enemies thrown at you a lot (and considering this IS a kids show, it really could've gone that way), but I just don't think it's realistic at times. I mean, you can still completely despise someone that horribly wronged you, never forgive them, and still move on to live a perfectly normal life. So for a kids show to have one of the main heroines NOT forgive was so refreshing. The best part was how the show didn't tell you if Katara was right or wrong in not forgiving him. It was just how Katara felt and it was completely realistic and understandable and they left it at that. Very maturely handled overall. And yes, the dude was indeed pathetic. He honestly disgusted me, offering his mom in exchange for killing her mom. What kind of person would do that? I know people say he was just following orders when he killed her mom and I can sort of understand that, but as soon as he said that, I just went "Nope! You're a shitty person."


The biggest hint he killed her was that the Katara's mother was wearing the necklace Katara wears now.

Andrea C.

Suraj please go get some needed sleep!


That was beautiful. Totally worth the wait even tho its missing your incredible editing skillz. Also can we get clarification on the finale? All episodes at once on youtube, but one episode of the 4 parter over 4 weeks?

Rich Cassou

If you think this one is hard to edit just wait until the finale

Devilline V. Raven

Don't feel bad at all! You guys are all amazing and really entertaining to watch! Now, go away and get some rest! :) Oh, and thank you of course! :D


Can't wait to rewatch this with your awesome editing skills :)


Hmmm...Kia's voice sounds familiar...;)

mariko 真利子

Can't wait to hear the discussion, there was just too much to unpack this episode. Thank you for what you put up! Even full time tv shows usually only put out 22 minutes a week and y'all are doing the most. I love going on this journey with you, especially as the show gets deeper.


They did everything but smack us across the face with it, which Nickelodeon presumably vetoed. They had Katara break down when talking about how her mom was "gone" when they got back, and Yon Rha talking about how he "wasn't taking prisoners". What do you think the Fire Nation did with people when they weren't taking them prisoner?


Don't want to rush any of you, but when do we get the edited episode?

Manny D.

I was going to say maybe this was the solution to stop all the whining, but I guess not 😂😂 sorry Suraj


thank you for your hard work!!!

Burooj Ahanger

Is that the right episode number?


So, guys...Did you listen what Katara said to Sokka? "Then you didn't love her the way I did!" Guys...THIS IS NOT A KID SHOW! But seriosly, I thought you have had a sober reaction in this scene. It was soooo deeep.


Don't know if it's just me but the actual avatar show doesn't come back after 0:55 for the rest of the reaction.


Hard to edit, this? You guys know nothing! Just try to edit the finale...


It's unedited, they never do that with full reactions.


I may be more exicted for 3x17 than anything else. Been thiking about it since the start of S2.

Phonic Reassignment

Raids aren't following orders, well raids are ........ He was a commander it wasn't an act of war in was a raid therefore he was in charge of that , everyone else was taking orders in his fleet, Act of War is higher up but raids are just instructed by the commander, i guess what im trying to say if it was a raid he choose to do it based on his own discretion he wasnt following orders as the commander


I don't find it hard to believe that siblings can lash out at each other like that when they're angry or grieving. Seems realistic for teenage siblings

Rich Cassou

How long until we get to see the discussion at the end?


Why is there so little Avatar footage in this react?


When is the ETA for the edited version? Is it going to be today?

Jason mcconahey

Lol give the guy a break dude could u imagine trying to put all of this into 10 minutes like every second of it was great


U know its a good episode when Suraj is speechless once its done

Noah Burke

All the props to Suraj for getting this out, it had to be a challenge


Any guesses when you think the edited version will be posted?


they've said killed on nick before. Katara said the fire nation KILLED my mother in the first season. She just said she "was gone" in this episode, implying death. Obviously katara and her family wouldn't assume her mother was dead if she was literally missing.


yeah here in EU its officially friday lmao :-)


Did Suraj die?

Lalisa Truong

To this day, I still find it so weird how at some parts, "killed" and "died" could be said but at other parts, it can't. The show already said it a couple of times before, geez.

Keep It Zen

Firebending from the feet isn't a new concept. Zuko has done it as early as his first fight with Zhao. In "Zuko Alone" we see Azula bend red fire from her feet when she was like 8, so she didn't just learn. I believe she's only utilizing it now, because Zuko has gotten much stronger after "The Firebending Masters"

Keep It Zen

Iron Man rockets IS something she probably just perfected, as Suraj has said.


Please, post the edited version. It's the entire reason why I'm a member,


You are meant to load your version of the episode and watch side by side.

Kya Wither

Rana said she like longed haired boys? I got pretty long hair 😉

Keep It Zen

Also, Katara has explicitly said "They killed my mother" in Season 1. She also tells Sokka "Ever since Mom Died, I've been doing all the work around camp, while you've been off playing soldier!" In episode 1.


Yeah, because wanting her to behave according to Air dead nomads moral standards instead of her own is such a great connection. Keep telling that to yourself.


Obviously it's not a new concept, I think what they meant is the move, in particular, hadn't been seen before. Like she literally launched a mini-nuke with her feet.


Seriously dude? hello?!?!


im so confused I thought it would be done by today...guess they're reverting back to no updates


I prefer the unedited version anyways (even though Surajs editing skills is the best there is). And I personally believe I wont be able to watch the edited version of the finale because every second of it is so good. I'd be perfectly happy as is, if it weren't for the fact that the discussion is cut out :(


I pretty much watch both the edited and unedited they release

Jason mcconahey

Lol at least the normies know we love watching their stuff haha


An edited full version would be the best, imo. So still the full reaction, but with the avatar footage in it and the discussion and stuff. Maybe they should do that for the finale, since it's all so good..


But they can't because of copyright. That's what the fair use timer is for. So if you want to see the full reaction it has to be without the avatar footage. I just sync the episode with the video


Couldn't they just cut a few small parts then? Not sure how the whole copyright thing works though.


You guys I want to see what you are reacting to! There are several long times when we can't see the episode you are reacting to, it's very frustrating :(


You are meant to play this and a video of the episode together