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Hey guys still working on the edit. It's going to have to wait until the morning. Got a lot done on it but will have to finish the rest in the morning because I had a long day today.

Hope you guys understand. It will be hype when it's out it was an awesome episode.


- Suraj



No worries excited to see it tommorow


Been looking forward to this episode but understandable glad you guys enjoyed it!


Thanks for the update


Hey at least you’re keeping us updated. For me the worst part is the waiting for if it will come not when so just for keeping us updated makes me like you even more.


Nooo😥 I only forgive u if u make a live for the finale? 😆😆😆

Lego The Office

Totally understandable Suraj! Quality and editing takes time and this should not be an Avatar reaction factory! Go get some rest Twinkle toes! ;)


Congrats on reaching the next goal...NOW POST AVATAR!! Just joking. Thanks for all you guys do. Can't wait to see the reaction whenever it is ready. It is worth the wait.


wtf were paying 10 dollars a month


Disappointed, but I’m still looking forward to seeing it tomorrow

Jason mcconahey

Lol it’s cool man i just hope u guys enjoyed it as much as we did maybe u could post the whole reaction with the edited one with it that would make up for it 100% lol



Nick R

That's why I don't like the whole schedule thing. It says Avatar will be on wednesdays, and when it isn't uploaded according to schedule it is very upsetting, considering we are paying to see only one episode ealry. I understand you guys are very busy, and that is okay. I just think the schedule can create a false expectation, because you won't always be able to follow it perfectly. \


chill bro, it's not like we're not getting the episode... just a little late, give em a break :P


i understand what you're saying but they're trying to follow the schedule as close as they can... I think this way is leaps and bounds better than having to check back every hour for days. I think of the schedule as more of an 'if everything goes as planned, this is what to expect." I'm in the same boat with the false expectations, but I appreciate that I at least know it'll be up by the time I'm done work tomorrow.

Oscar Giron

"It will be uploaded TODAY thought rest assured"


I mean... I’m paying $10 a month for what should be 2 episodes a week as advertised. I was disappointed when you guys were only doing 1, but it was during GOT which was acceptable. But now going back to once a week? I hate to complain but it’s not what was advertised before. I’ll keep waiting until the finale. After that, I’m not sure I’ll be contributing.


But why edit on the same day it is going to be released? Shouldn't this be done a day or two before, to make sure the episode is released on schedule? I don't know, seems kind of unprofessional...

Kanan Jarrus

Thanks for the update!


I don't think that's a good excuse. Like you said, it takes time. So why start editing on the same day it is going to be released? You should start editing little by little days before. I can wait sure, I just think it's sort of unprofessional to not meet deadlines and plan ahead.

Tina L

You guys produce and make so many videos that having a small delay is no problem. I need to catch up on Vikings, anyhow, and that will certainly entertain me until tomorrow! Have a good night, Suraj. And thank you for the update. Now, go get some sleep!


Ugh such a good creator, he even updates us when he's not going to upload on time I love it! As long as I get a reaction im good haha


Normies were very clear over month ago now that they will only be posting one Avatar episode a week for the rest of the series, and focus on providing early access for other shows. That’s exactly what happened and they gave more than a fair amount of notice. Besides that, they have been posting a two week schedule for a while now that clearly says one episode a week. How is any of that false advertising?


That makes sense in theory, but you must understand that each episode takes hours and hours to edit. So after most stuff are recorded on Sunday, they begin editing Monday and there are shows and other contents in those two days before Avatar. The channel has other shows and content like twitch streams and stuff. They also have a life in general. I’d rather quality editing, diverse content, well being of a group that we’re fan of over dealing with a delay for one episode, of one show, for a few hours.


As long as you update us its all good Suraj! You work so hard, i hope you got a good nights sleep man. You da best

Manny D.

Also, Patreon is meant to support a creator, not pay for specific content. Especially since all this content will eventually be free on YouTube. We got plenty of early access content this week, which upholds their end of the $10 tier perks, with or without an episode of avatar

Manny D.

Thanks Suraj, we appreciate all that you do!!


Are we not getting the full 3x11 reaction for the $5 patrons?


Any ETA on the Avatar episode? Is it worth staying up for, for those in Europe?

Tabatha Cat

`I can understand this would be a difficult one to edit.


Patreon isn't just about supporting creators, it's about getting perks for supporting creators. People are not out of line to complain about not getting their money's worth. And even in your line of logic, why should people just blindly support the creators? If all patreon is for is supporting creators, and a creator does something a fan doesn't like, they are right to complain about still supporting them.