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Morning everyone!

Today we will be uploading Rick & Morty and Avatar on Youtube. Nahid's hard drive crashed for some reason, so Suraj had to export the episode and it will be up today. Suraj is currently working on Avatar for early access on Patreon which is tentative to be uploaded by tonight. Micky is working on Vikings and need few hours of editing. That doesn't include the time it will take to export. That's it for now and will update with anything that else might come up. Also, I heard that there won't be any new Rick & Morty this Sunday. is that true?

Have a great Wednesday!!



Love you guys and thanks for always updating us appreciate it ❤️❤️


Yes it's true! No Rick and Morty this weekend. Will continue again next week though! Also thanks for the update and contributed hard work from all of you guys :)


are we gettin 1 today or 2?

Andrea C.

Yup sadly no Rick and Morty and obviously no GoT so this Sunday's gonna suck.

Lego The Office

Yup, sadly no GoT or Rick and Morty this Sunday. But on the plus side it gives you guys a break on the stuff you have to edit. Hopefully you can use it as a chance to relax for a change. I know you all have had a lot on your plate, I don't want you to burn out!


One. If there are two episodes then we would list. For now it will be one episode "tentative to be uploaded by tonight"


There isnt any dragon ball super either this week. Damn labor day they took our shows!


GoT is great but I'm so happy it's done so Suraj can actually watch Vikingns with the crew

Lalisa Truong

Excited for this next episode of ATLA! One of top favorites of the season :D

Lauren S.

You should upload unboxing Monday to fill Rick and morty's and gots place 😉

AlexXis Amadeus

Nightmares and Daydreams is one of your favorites? I thought everyone e hated it because it's just pointless triply filler...


Nightmares and Daydreams is incredible - I always laugh watching it. It is so wonderfully bizarre and fun.


what about defenders?

Lalisa Truong

The Puppetmaster is next, Nightmares and Daydreams is the episode after


I'm so hyped for avatar right now, my second favorite episode


Avatar "tentative" to be uploaded. Come on guys quit it with the excuses there always has to be something wrong init?

Mark Nutz

Lmao they may as well just change it to Thursday since that's what they've been doing for the last month anyway


I've been refreshing every hour! I need this episode


I'm just here waiting for the "sorry our (insert problem here) so we can't upload tonight, thxs for the support bla bla bla" comment :D

3rd Eye Phreak

Just watch, he's gonna release it at 8pm because it's episode 8 😬


Lol tell me about it, I thought when i paid for this shit I would get 2 episodes a week at the expected time.

Jon Coronel

I think the complaints for the consistently delayed uploads are warranted but to a point. If you're one of those that starts throwing out insults because of it then you're an idiot. However, complaints and feedback are warranted and understandable. Patreon is used to support creators and their work and a consistent schedule is what makes it thrive. I don't believe that a donation is equivalent to buying a product . You are not owed the videos for donating but you need to have incentives for donations. A more consistent schedule gives an incentive for people to donate and a lack of one understandably pushes people to stop donating. The Normies are well within their right to do whatever they want and sometimes life happens and you can't do what you want to do. But the supporters also have their right to stop donating because of it. Basically, you shouldn't start to be overly aggressive and insult the Normies because of the late uploads, but it also makes sense if you want to stop supporting them financially. I'm sure there are those that would continue to donate even if they stopped uploading all together but that shouldn't be expected out of everyone. Patreon communities are built off of a give and take approach. A viewer donates with expectations set by the creator. Once the creator starts to steer away from the expectations set by the creator, the viewer's view of the value diminishes. It's all about consistency. It's totally understandable for thing to happen and for illness to cause delays, but then its also understandable for people to stop donating.


I feel like the simple solution is a little pre-production on these videos. Editing, rendering, and uploading all in one day just seems like a bad idea. Maybe take a week off so there is a little leeway week to week.


Are you going to post the episode today?


Every time. Thanks for the updates but in the end they mean nothing.


These comments are hilarious


lol yeah. But we all know Avatar is not coming in today.


Fool me once, shame on you, fool me 8 times, shame on me, fool me 10 times.. shit i think I'm in an abusive relationship...


Hello friends and dear avatar fans! I just got hold of Suraj. Bad news - no episode tonight. Good news - two episodes will be uploaded this week, one definitely tomorrow in the morning hours (is in the cooking now) and one more also either on the same day or anytime by Sunday. I want to reiterate one more time that we were publishing two episodes a week for a while with the intention to create an early access gap between YouTube uploads and patreon early access uploads. With this week having two episodes out we will reach out goal of being 6 episodes ahead on patreon and will be publishing 1 early access episode a week. For further reference please refer to an update from 08/29. Thank you very much for your understanding and support, we appreciate everything you do for us. Disclaimer: these are not excuses, life happens and all we try to do is keep you updated. If you do not believe that we are doing our best, we do feel sorry but our tier might not be for you. At this point t we are exhausting all of our resources. We are a work in progress. We learn as we go. Again, we appreciate everyone's understanding as well as well meant criticism. We want to get other shows on early access besides Avatar now. Avatar will have reached 6 episodes early access gap this week.


We can wait! Thanks for all the hard work you guys do, hope you're able to get some rest


Probably not, but complaining about it isn't going to get it here faster


Just want to point out that isnt really true. When youtube switched to one a week we were assured multiple times thst patreon would be getting two a week till the end. If you guys want to switch it up to one though, thats fine. Hope you guys find enjoyment in doing this again, though this has become bad for my mental psyche, wont be able to stick around. Good luck!

Lauren S.



Like i said.. bla bla bla.. :D


Yep.... this is my last as well as a few others last month here 😒


@Kris No sarcasm intended, I wish more people thought like you.

Rich Cassou

Honest suggestion here, I don't know what scheduling conflicts make these uploads late everyweek but it seems to be a consistent thing, would it be easier to maybe just move avatar days to Thursday?


Just want to point out that this is also not entirely true. Before the update that you mentioned, YouTube and Early Access on Patreon were getting 2 episodes a week. When The Normies announced that they will start releasing 1 episode a week on YouTube, there was a lot of misunderstanding and backlash, and Suraj had to edit the post and explain that Patreon would still get two episodes because he is aiming to keep us 6 episodes ahead of YouTube. Well by this weekend, we should officially be 6 episodes ahead of YouTube. Since YouTube is only getting one episode a week, Early Access can go at the same rate to keep us a quarter of a season ahead of YouTube. Now you have every right to cancel your pledge if this perk doesn't work for you as they said. I am not blaming you for anything here. I am just saying that you are misunderstanding the facts. Even if you are not, the creators have every right to review previous goals and re-evaluate what they're doing because it is a learning process for them and they are using Patreon as a tool to develop. If they see that the direction of their channel is better served by balancing their focus on Early Access for other shows as opposed to one, they have every right to do that. At least they are being upfront and letting us know in advance. The same way you have every right to stop supporting if the perk doesn't interest you anymore. No matter what channel you choose to support though, I highly doubt you would find one with the perk of releasing double the content on their Patreon compared to the YouTube channel. That's just crazy, especially for a fan favourite show. All the other channels I know of offer one early access episode, and are never SIX WHOLE EPISODES ahead on Patreon for shows with such a big following. You're free to continue watching their content on YouTube only, but eventually you would be 6 episodes behind on Book 3/Legend of Korra. If you're okay with that, then I guess something like Patreon isn't for you. Patreon is not meant to dangle money in front of the creators' face and demand double the product. Patreon is meant to support a creator and help them improve, while getting different perks along the way. It's a symbiotic relationship, and not a purchaser/seller kind of one.


Hey Normies, I don't watch the Avatar reactions because I never really got into watching Avatar but you guys are my favorite channel/Patreon to watch and I won't stop supporting you guys. Life happens and if some people don't understand how hard it is to continually get great content up and constantly complain when they don't get it when they're used to, then why do we need them in our community? Keep doing you Normies and take some time to get well, get relaxed, and get sleep because we all know how hard you guys work to keep us entertained but no need to kill yourself over it. All the love 😘😘


Well i'm not angry, just sad :( ive had a really bad couple of days and their avatar videos really cheer me up. I updated my patreon constantly before going to bed knowing atleast it will be there when i wake up. Wake up to more bad news so i hurry to patreon for a quick fix, and it's not there! :(


Hi Jeanette! I'm so sorry to hear that life is ruff on you now. Suraj did post the episode late at night (I guess he didn't go to bed), could you try to refresh again? Also if our reactions help you cope with life right now,you know there is always vault with older reactions, behind the scenes and other exclusive content. Sending you strength and positive vibes!

Manny D.

Cool. But if you don't stay for the next pay cycle then you'll be getting this month for free, which is theft in my eyes but you do you