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Hey guys,

So after reviewing some feedback we received yesterday, we decided to post some kind of update each day to notify you what is being edited and what is planned to be uploaded that day. We will keep the update specific to one day. Hopefully this will help with communication and please feel free to let us know if there is a different format that might work better. As always we are open to suggestions and improvements.

Nahid will be uploading One Punch Man and Chris will be uploading Atlanta on Patreon today. Micky is editing season 2 finale of Vikings and will be uploaded on Patreon for early access and will be released on Youtube next Tuesday (8/1). I have yet to hear from Suraj on Avatar but I will post an update as soon as I hear from him. He is out looking at apartments to move in next month because their lease is ending soon.



This would be awesome!!




This will be very helpful! Thank you for taking the time and effort to do this!


Thanks guys!


Keep up the good workk!!!!!!


it has been a rough few weeks but im glad to see an effort on both ends to make a change, and one happened so im here to stay.

Raul Martinez

Very helpful my dudes!


Thanks for the update guys. Very appreciated!

Joe Mags

When will episode 1 of the apartment searching reaction be edited and released?

rickie woodson

thanks for keeping us informed


You guys are great! Keep up the good work.

LadyVenom Way

Thanks for everything youre doing guys <3

Lego The Office

Good luck with the Apt hunt Suraj, I always dislike when I have to look for a place here in NYC! Super stressful and expensive AF...

3rd Eye Phreak

It has been a rough few weeks, and I was debating on ending my patreon subscription. Now I'm definitely here to stay, thank you so much for taking this step in improving communication with your supporters.

Kanan Jarrus

Sounds like a good plan


Thank you so much for staying. We will definitely work more on improving the communication.


It's great to see you guys taking in the feedback and trying to make improvements. I know you really care and I hope others can see it too. Personally, I don't need an update every single day (not speaking for everyone else), just a quick follow up when things don't go as planned is plenty. In my opinion, this goes above and beyond in terms of communication. Bravo, guys!


as sad as it is you guys should cut back to one episode of avatar a week, it seems too hard, and avatar is meant to be thoroughly enjoyed in every aspect even editing


This is literally all we as Patreons could ask for. Thank you so much.

Kelsey Roberts

Beautiful and Glorious Normies! Thank you so much for the updates. This is exactly perfect. No need to rush or stress! Just love hearing from y'all!


A quick little update goes a long way! Thank you for listening to the feedback


Did you guys consider revisiting your release schedule? Based on the comments, it seems like most folks are okay with the daily updates (which feels micro-managey to me) but I found at work that daily updates are only useful if the person is intentionally slow or lazy. I don't get that impression from you guys. It's felt more like you guys are biting off more than you can chew with how many shows you're reacting to and how many videos need to be edited while maintaining your normal life and I don't see how daily updates help. Maybe instead of planning two episodes of Avatar every wednesday, you can plan one episode of avatar every 4-6 days (or whatever you think is realistic). Reliability usually goes a longer way than missing dates, even if it comes with updates. IF you're abandoning the weekly schedule and moving to a new format of getting to each show when you can, then I guess you can disregard this comment but waiting until the day of to find out what's being uploaded seems weird. All that being said, as long as I get some Normies, I'll be happy :)


Good now we can all shut up.


When will the full uncut version of Game of Thrones episode 2 be released?