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Thanks for your patience peoples! Avatar vids will be uploading tomorrow morning. The computer we use to export videos is being occupied right now to export a documentary I worked on in South Africa last year. Very important to me as it is premiering this Saturday so I want to make sure that looks right without a hitch! Avatar is completed and edited but is just awaiting render as soon as it is able to. Thanks again!

Promise you Book 3 episodes will be on here before next Wednesday.


Jake Rush

Thank you! Can't wait, if anyone is mad just ignore them, they can wait till tomorrow and it is very nice to be updated.


Good luck with the doc, we can wait bro


Awesome sauce


How can we see the South Africa documentary? I would definitely be interested in watching that. Good luck, my Lord.


Yessss.. was looking forward to an update about this. Now I can rest in peace v_v

Lego The Office

I understand Suraj! Your documentary is important! I hope you share it here too! I think most of my fellow Avatar fans are patient, if any are upset I would say should remember the lessons from the show and open your chakras, don't act like an Azula or Ozai. Be cool.

Kanan Jarrus

Understandable, good luck with your documentary!


Too bad... but is ok, we know you had a lot to do, thank for the update


oooo Book 3 promised within a week? awesome.


Okey dokey take your time Suraj!


I can't believe we are about to hit season 3 of Avatar.


I am happy to hear you're so excited about your project, and also that you haven't forgotten us.


Thanks for the update! I was just wondering about it.


Book 3 episodes here before Wednesday? Ooooh 😍


I just hope Suraj doesn't rush it, his editing is worth the wait.


Yea it it


Nay worries lads. Your videos are worth the wait. Good luck on the premiere of the documentary. I can already tell it's going to be awesome.


It's the afternoon here, where do you guys live?


I'm afraid were entering boy who cried wolf territory now. At this point you guys should stop telling us when you think the videos will be up and just drop them when you can, that way people will have a real sense of when/if to expect the videos, not through a schedule but actual experience. Also overall people will be less upset because whoever is left will have no expectations.

3rd Eye Phreak

Guys, I seriously don't mind when they come out. I'm patient. But giving your supporters a status update would be the right thing to do. You have no idea how many times we are hitting the refresh button...


they should still be giving us timeframes as to when the videos will come out, just be sure to drop ANOTHER update if you dont meet the first one to let us know you arent just forgetting about us.


Like, Gabe I don't really mind when they come out, but when you guys provide a schedule I tend to throw that out the window. I need to see you guys reacting to ATLA very soon!


Is tomorrow morning the 14th since this was posted after 12? Doesn't matter anyway rendering and editing is a pain

Jay M

I should've downloaded their raw Book 2 two-episode finale reaction they posted a while back and edited it myself lol jk jk. But episode 2x18 should be up any time now guys, be patient.


Amen. With nearly a 100% fail rate on keeping to the schedule updates are a absolute must to keep the communities faith.




They have nearly a 100% fail rate on keeping to their schedule for the last month. That compounded with an overall lack of updates and it's no wonder patrons are losing their patience.


Lol! if we get an update saying the previous post was referring to the 14th i'll lose my voice from laughing so hard.


I'm sure the vids will be up at some point today, but you guys really shouldn't tell your fans something and then not stick to it. As a supporter, I want to be able to fully trust your word. That's how you grow a loyal fan base. No hard feelings Suraj - just something to think about going forward.


Also kinda funny that the people who don't pay get a consistent schedule and we don't.

LadyVenom Way (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-06 16:46:19 てぃっくるみーって言葉えちスギィ( ˘ω˘ )
2017-07-13 21:00:59 Hope all goes well. Best of luck Suraj!

Hope all goes well. Best of luck Suraj!

Manny D.

Like how all those people yelled at Laur and Gio for commenting on people's stuff to defend the Normies but Matthew is commenting on every post complaing and I guess that's cool? It's like a avaturd circle jerk up in here damn. The video will be out eventually. Chill people.


Maybe all of you people complaining should try running a channel yourself and see if you can put out the amount of content these guys do. Have fun coordinating a group of people to get together and then editing everything so it's within fair use timers. Also have fun syncing up videos so the audio matches. Most of all have fun needing to rely on a powerful computer so you don't need to sit there for hours waiting for a video to render. All of you people complaining have one thing in common, you all think you're entitled to shit. This is not a service you are buying, it's support you're showing. If you want a product to buy that you actually get to complain about if it's not on time try cocaine, won't be much of a difference because you're acting just like a junkie that can't get their fix. Be ashamed of yourselves honestly, acting like spoiled brats.


If only Patreon added a dislike button for comments.


You're an idiot. Nobody has a problem with content being delayed. The problem is when they DONT TELL US content is being delayed, which leads to patreons not knowing what the fuck is going on. Literally all it would take would be a quick three sentence status update and everyone would be happy.


What you all don't realize is that their next documentary is going to be titled "Angry Avatar Fan Comments" and you're all going to be featured.


I really hope this doesn't turn into childish bickering again. It's not going to accomplish anything. Personally, I think it's completely fair to ask for a small update if a time frame they provided isn't met. I think a lot of people understand what the Normies do when getting videos out isn't simple. They just want to believe what they're being told. Nothing wrong with that. It's an act of courtesy that the Normies can improve on for their supporters. That being said, there's no need to ask the same question a million times or type in all caps "WHERE MUH UVATAR!!!" Keep it polite and civil. Stop refreshing and go get some air. Your life does not depend on Avatar reactions.


I agree with this comment the normies having RL responsibilities that come first is completely understandable. All 90% of the patrons want is an update when the schedule that they put out is delayed it's a small thing for them to do that has a big positive effect for the community.


i personally love it when avatar is delayed because then people freak out and i get to laugh at all their whiny comments. shit is hilarious

Jonathan baez

Release the flood gates


So does "Promise you Book 3 episodes will be on here before next wednesday" mean they'll be up today???

Jonathan baez

I doubt they will upload 3 videos in a day. Id say last two of book two this week then next week start of book 3