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Hello all you amazing people out there!  An update on our new anime for our $5 or more patrons.  We will be starting ONE PUNCH MAN!!! ONE PUUUUUUUNCH!!!  Currently we have went ahead and shot 3 episodes of One Punch Man but, we are waiting to upload them until we get rid of one of our strikes.  We seriously have a gun to our head guys. This Copyright strike is weighing in over our heads and we are working with our youtube guy to get rid of the strike.  Once it is gone we will upload One Punch Man on here for your viewing pleasures.  Be patient guys its coming!



Real question is are you watching the dub or sub?


Im gonna say dubbed, atleast if chris is with em




i hoped its subbed, couldnt get myself to watch any of blindwave's animes with the dub. I always find myself just laughing at how bad and how uninterested the english voice actors are. And dont get me started on how cheesy and uncharismatic the dialogue is for the dub. Watch one of their videos and see how the dubbed version basically ruins Fullmetal and one punch, i can't believe how crap they made that show on the dubbed version, its one of my favourite shows. God i hate how they never bring actors and writers/translators who actually care about the material for the dubbed version. rant over on how dumb dubbs are.


AYO FAM.... We watching the Subs - Nahid

LadyVenom Way

Where the fook is the link

Jonathan baez

Dub/sub thing is really just which ever you watch first youll like more.


I love the anime reactions Avatar / Attack on Titan and now One Punch Man.


You could post them to the 2nd channel unlisted and link from here...

Taylor Smithpeters

next anime yall should watch gurren lagann - it has giant robots, great characters and a soundtrack that'll make ya n*t


It would be amazing of you watch My Hero Academia.It's a really popular anime. It's fun and it makes you cry sometimes. I know you guys are so busy but i'm just suggesting :)


Yaaaay! I'm so exited :3


The hype is real.


Ah yes! OPM, have been hoping for that.

Akash Pandya

Is it not possible to maybe upload it on something like vimeo till the strike on youtube goes away? Is it because of the ad revenue? just wondering


Oh wow, I don't usually check other shows but OPM is a brilliant one and I can't wait to see you react to it.

Lego The Office

Nahid, I'm going to recommend Voltron Legendary Defender on Netflix if you ever need another show. It's really good & some of the people who worked on Avatar are also involved with it. I think the same animation studio as well! It's only 2 seasons long but it's fantastic!