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Hello everyone,

Yesterday we released 2 hour Avatar movie that we reacted to in Denver. Hope you enjoyed it. Because of the the movie, we won't be posting any new Avatar episode this week unless Suraj decide to cut something else off his schedule.

We are trying to steer back to skits and other creative ventures like we used to, so we decided that we will start posting one episode of Avatar on YOUTUBE along with weekly skit but we will keep two episodes on Patreon. Since you are our patrons, we wanted to give you heads up first. We will have to wait until beginning of July for Nahid and Rana to revisit to film a skit but hoping to make that a weekly thing. Please let us know if you have any feedback for us.

NOTE: We think this post just created more confusion. We meant one episode on Youtube but we will still continue releasing two episode on Patreon. However there won't be any episodes this week because we released the 2 hour movie at its place.


Lauren S.

Yaaaaaas! Thank you finally doing what you feel you need to do instead of catering to a select group. I have your back guys! So glad this is happening


Because if the movie? You slapped a full unedited version out there. Just because you didn't prepare avatar vids don't make excuses. Some people myself included are supporting you with 10 a month and you're not gonna deliver?

Lauren S.

Lol yes just hold your 10 dollars over their heads! That'll work


Honestly, if you cut Avatar back to one episode a week in favor of skits, I will most likely drop off as a Patron. I'll continue to watch and support your channel, but not with my money. You've already dropped the ball last week with only one episode, and this week you put out your reaction to one of the world's shittiest movies. Not really worth $10 a month. Just my opinion though.


Yeah, I think I'm gonna stop being a patron when this month is up. Sorry.

Cinthia Fernandez

I really enjoyed the movie! It's a bummer that you're cutting it back to one ep. a week but I'm interested to see what kind of skits you come up with :) Keep up the great work!


I support your decisions but in my opinion, I prefer two episodes a week. Love your reactions and the nostalgia rewatching this amazing show


Hell Yeah!!, cant wait for the skits. they are the best part!


And when you thought the Avatar movie couldn't put you down anymore.....

Lauren S.

This is probably one of most rounded responses I've ever read. Just saying hey I'm sad but support your decisions. Good on ya bud

rickie woodson

well we got two avatars this week (the live stream and the film) so its all good. hopefully will see the other eps starting next week

Alex Johnson

Edit: Now that Suraj clarified that Patron will still get 2 episodes a week, my original comment is irrelevant.

Lauren S.

Not arguing with you but I think that's sad. They've always said that they've wanted to do original content so this shouldn't be a shock.


I was really enjoying the two episodes a week and was the only reason i became a patreon so for next month i will drop to 5 so i still get the mr robot reactions and then go back to 10 after so there are more avatars to watch. Very excited for skits though, you guys have some of the most creative ones. Edit: they will still be posting two on here, ☺☺☺


None of the Patron rewards say "2 Avatar episodes/week guaranteed". You get select content early, and they've been delivering that. You are paying to support them and if you want to discontinue supporting them, that's your choice. This is not a paid subscription service like Netflix or something. However, what you shouldn't be doing is holding your $10 over their heads making demands and harassing them about the content they produce. Man, Avatar the show is mature, but some of the audience is sure as hell proving they aren't. As for The Normies, HELL YEAH, I love your guys' skits! I'm still waiting on that last fan-made one and future ones. Since the Patreon has grown since then, maybe just implement a few select suggestions in the future instead of ALL of them like you did with the first because that would just be too much. Looking forward to the skits!


well, that's a bummer...


Fucking thank you for voicing what I've been thinking this whole time.


Yeesh, terrible mistake. Don't give patrons something they wanted then take it away. Dont want to bring up comparisons but there are another group of people that reacts to shows and does the whole schtick (some probably know who I'm referring to) that have there schedule and what they do structured much better so that they don't upset anyone.

3rd Eye Phreak

Well, you promised us 2 episodes a week of Avatar, and I really look forward to them every week. That's why I became a patron. We didn't really ask for the shitty movie reaction or the finale livestream. I love you guys, but I don't think I can continue to support your channel if you don't deliver the content you promised. I know a lot of your patrons share the same sentiment. We can give you a couple weeks to get back on track.

Koala Banana

Well honestly, I've never been into the skits. I don't watch them. So it's not exactly what I want, but by all means do what you want Normies. I'll still be patron as long as we're still getting early access Avatar episodes. Plenty of reactors don't upload as often as I'd like, so that's nothing new. Good luck executing your plans and I hope it turns out well for you. I would appreciate a $5 dollar option if we're only getting one episode per week, but I'm not about to unsub over it.

Lauren S.

They never promised. They said they would try. The perk is for select early content which is what you're getting.


I agree with this, 10$ for two episodes early was a pretty good arrangement, but, if they wanna do other things that's fine, as long a they bump avatar down to 5$ tier.


I'm excited for more skits, they always make me laugh! I appreciate everything you guys do, just do what best fits your schedule!


No disrespect whatsoever for wanting to do more skits that is your right. Consumers have rights as well though, they speak with they're dollar. With only one reaction a week i'll most likely be dropping my 10$ a month. I will still be supporting your channel as a fan and subscriber but that's it for now.


We never said anything about changing Patreon releases from two episodes to one. We meant release on Youtube. But there won't be any episodes this week since we released the Avatar movie

Jonathan baez

Wait so it says one video a week to youtube. Does that mean no early acces one on here?

Manny D.

They're not cutting it back to once a week on Patreon tho. Did everyone read the same thing I did?

Manny D.

Seriously. I am reading this and it says once a week on YouTube, still twice a week on Patreon. Why is everyone saying they're cutting back on Patreon? Did we all lose the ability to read or something??? Or am I missing somewhere that says once a week on Patreon???

Manny D.

"so we decided that we will start posting one episode of Avatar on YOUTUBE along with weekly skit but we will keep two episodes on Patreon."

Manny D.

Read it again. There will still be two a week on Patreon. Just not this week because we got two different Avatar related things instead, including the movie, which a ton of people asked them for


so i noticed that it says one a week for youtube and stays the same for us, but why? don't u guys just upload the edited versions of your posts to youtube?

Manny D.

Except the post says it's still two a week on Patreon. And tons of people asked for the movie reaction. So they put that out instead.


Hi everyone! Suraj here. Just want to write a general response to all comments: I went through that entire Last Airbender movie editing the sound levels so no one's ears would blow out. I was also going through and editing that entire movie for a YouTube release with only 10 mins of footage (still editing that) so you can imagine how hard it is to edit down an entire feature length film into 10 minutes. Whether people enjoyed the content or not, it was worth doing in my opinion and we wanted to do it as a treat since we typically don't do movies. My bad if that felt insulting to you, rather than a gift. I sank time into the edit so no it was not just an unedited vid I threw up this week instead of Avatar episodes. It took definitely over 6 hours. We figured 2+ hours of content would make up for the lapse in Avatar episodes this week. We figured our super binge on Monday (which took our entire day, people took days off from their actual 9-5 jobs) would make up for it and we did a Book 2 Finale Stream + Hangout for an extra bonus. Now we have clearly stated above (please re-read thoroughly) that we are only switching to 1 a week (on YouTube). And are STILL giving 2 a week here on Patreon. That 2 a week again is a tentative schedule but in my head I typically want to keep Patreon 6 episodes ahead of the YouTube schedule. That is what it has been at for a while. Now in my opinion that is why the perk is at $10 currently. These episodes on Patreon are usually well over a month ahead of the YT schedule. If Early Access is moved down to $5, expect to see only 1 episode in advance of the ones released on YouTube. Now I would like to be completely transparent and I will repeat this in an upcoming video as well: It hurts me when people make comments claiming we are irresponsible, don't care/generally not giving a f about our patrons. In February, we had less than $1500. In 4 months that number has gone up to 8K. I (Suraj) had already prepared myself in the position of going full time for the channel (I slaved away at it day and night and still do) so I was easily able to slide into that full time position. However, even though we have the money for it, the rest of the editors on the channel are NOT full time and still have work commitments that they have to carefully remove themselves from before diving into the channel full time. We are adjusting to the growing pains of thehuge spike we have very fortunately received from you all. I will continue to be transparent and address the comments comparing us to BlindWave. I love BlindWave and what they do, but if you are fans of them, then you are aware they have 4 full time editors and awesome computers as well in their new studio! We would love to get there--we will!. We are in the process of getting there... You can expect a concrete schedule that won't say 'tentative' on it when we're ready. I apologize for the flimsiness in the schedule thus far but that is why we are reevaluating what we are posting to YouTube so we can make time for other things and not go crazy spreading ourselves too thin. You will still get your Avatar twice weekly on Patreon (tentatively) and I will do my best to constantly keep us 6 eps ahead here on Patreon. Please don't think you are under appreciated for your generosity in supporting us here. We are not squandering our responsibilities or taking criticism lightly/ignoring it. We will/are getting better and are listening to you. Thanks so much for all the feedback and we will be back with an update later this week.


We want to start including skits behind the reactions released on YouTube


I think it's good that you guys are open and honest with the patreons, I appreciate you guys doing original content other than just reactions. It shows the wide range and capability of the channel. If people are going to complain about not getting what they want out of your channel THEN BYE FELICIA WE DONT NEED THE HATE.


Dont apologize Suraj, you have done nothing wrong <3 Totally understand that tings take time and the others cant just quit their job <3 stay awsome awsome and stay a normie <3

Lauren S.

Lol they're keeping 2 eps a week for Patreon. Read it again


Did anyone forget that they posted their reactions to the Season 2 finale and the movie in this week alone? That's more than enough. If your life depends on reaction videos alone, you need some serious life re-evaluation.


Im sorry but this will be my last month supporting you guys with money. This have been going for weeks now and i feel it´s going to continue.


Too be honest the last airbender movie is garbage and a pathetic excuse for a film. I would rather you have uploaded 4 avatar last airbender episodes to make up for last week then 2 hours of this last airbender movie crap. :/

Keep It Zen

They are keeping 2 a week on Patreon. Did anyone read the damn thing.


But people were asking for the movie and they delivered.


So you released a 2 hour reaction of one of the crappiest movies instead of a masterpiece of a show?! Even though you promised us to show us the extra reaction that you didn't released last week


Are we really going to act like the post was not edited? Did they initially mean they were only going to post one episode a week on YouTube? Who knows... But please don't attack people and accuse of them of "being unable to read" when the post was clearly edited after the negative response.


Go ahead and screenshot or timestamp the video where they specifically promise you the reaction that didn't release last week. I'll wait here. (:

Manny D.

That edit underneath came after people misread. The post always said one on YouTube, still two on Patreon.


It originally didn't say 2 on patreon, read the email earlier today, it has now been changed. They probably forgot to include that tidbit...hopefully.


First of all Im disappointed, because I wanted more episodes this week, not just a shity movie and a livestream of your faces. Don't get me wrong I love you guys and what you are doing, but I can't help being disappointed. That being said I understand your situation, it's hard to edit and keep up with everything, you are getting much better and with time you will be on BlindWaves level. Something that's really annoying me are all these white knights who always attack people that criticize, of course some "criticism" takes things to far, but not always. Sometimes pointing out negative things can help a person/channel grow. And reducing the amount of episodes (that are already edited) from 2 to 1 on YouTube is in my opinion a bad move. After uploading twice a week for so long the people have come to expect that they will be getting 2 episodes. It won't have a positive affect on your channel suddenly decreasing one of your most popular shows. If we on Patreon are still getting 2 episodes a week so should the other fans, just because we pay money does not mean that we are more worth than the other fans. We are already getting early access, I just think it's unfair to the people who look forward to your reactions and can't really pay 10$ a month for more. Anyways Lots of love from Sweden,


I've definitely seen a couple of people attacking posts that aren't even relatively negative. The comments are a way of expressing your concerns to the normies, so dont worry about what those people say and just let your point be heard to the normies. The people that are directly attacking other posts have no affect on what the Normies decide to do so it doesnt matter whether they feel entitled to defend them or attack them. As for me, I have been watching them since GOT and will continue to support them even if at times I get disappointed since they are amazing at what they do.


Glad you guys are bringing back skits. I'm all for more original content from you guys, I mean it is the reason why I support you guys here on Patreon. That's right, not your reactions but your skits. So keep up the good work!


I made that comment before they added the note

Rich Cassou

Thanks for clearing that up, we got a cool livestream and the movie so I'd say that's more than enough! Thanks for the update guys!


^_^ It could be one episode every two weeks and I would still be happy with your reactions.


I kinda expected not to have any episode reactions this week. Would I rather have had two new episode reactions especially with Tales of Ba Sing Sei coming up (can't wait for that reaction btw) rather than the simmering pile of shit that was the Last Airbender Movie? Definitely, but that's just me. Having said that, I understand that people did request it and you're trying to please everyone and it took time so you couldn't post the episodes this week. I'm not gonna be all shitty and drop out of being a Patreon (Man still needs his avatar fix fam) but I feel that the people who have said that they are disappointed in the past few weeks and feel like they are not getting their moneys worth in the comments are entitled to their opinion and have the right to feel the way they feel. I'm sure a large number of patrons become $10 dollar patrons solely for avatar reactions and I can understand the frustration especially in the past few weeks. The white knights should really stop bashing people for having an opinion. Having differing opinions is whats makes a channel grow and I'm sure the normies appreciate all the feedback, positive and negative. So let people have they're opinions, not everyone is gonna feel the way you feel and there is not gonna always be positive sunshine and daisy comments. They wouldn't grow as a channel if that were the case! Last thing I wanna say is that I totally get that this must be quite a transition in your channel with the huge amount of patrons that have come in and you are all getting used to it. I was disappointed this week but I really believe that you guys will achieve your goals and get to a position to where you can keep a solid schedule for all the things you want to do and I hope the coming weeks we get 2 episode reactions a week! P.S: GET HYPED FOR GAME OF THRONES GUYS

Noah Hoorn

some of the goals that they have met have said that people will start working more full time. I am not up in arms about this, nothing is changing to me as long as I stay a patron (which I will) the only thing is no Avatar this week and inconsistency with Avatar in the last few weeks. I am kinda annoyed that we got the movie reaction instead of avatar this week mainly because it was unedited, so you just have to render and upload it, which takes time, but not a lot of effort honestly. Also people like Lauren who white knight all the time coming up with excuses for the normies is a bit annoying, they can speak for themselves. There's always something, "well they're on vacation", "well they're just getting back from vacation", "well they only do this in their spare time." At some point you have to understand some people's frustrations with lack of avatar reactions, I get that nothing is guaranteed, but that is honestly the issue, people don't like the uncertainty of if there will be 2 episodes this week or 0 or will they be on Wednesday afternoon or Thursday night. However, you don't need to be an ass about it (lookin at you Alec). Some of Alec's concerns were legitimate but he came off as an entitled and ungrateful whiny bitch, which hurts his argument. I honestly think the best way to go about this is to guarantee one a week on a certain day in a consistent time frame, and if it will be late let people know about how late, but still get it out that day. And then if they have the time try to get a second one out either that same day or the following day. Thanks so much for all the awesome content normies, I'm excited for the skits and whatever Avatar reactions whenever we get them.

Noah Hoorn

Just saw the normies comment about editing the movie and whatnot, so disregard the annoyance with no Avatar this week, also the finale livestream was pretty fire. But the rest of my comment still stands true IMO.

Lauren S.

Lol you need to not use me name. Lol I've made excuses for them once while they were on vacation trying to get away from the bullshit. So making excuses for them "all the time" is bullshit and you know it


It is disappointing that these avatar reactions have been so inconsistent lately on patreon. But honestly what is most vomit-inducing is these white knights(one in particular) attacking every single person who posts even the slightest criticism towards the normies. Bleh.

Anthony Dimas

Fred and George Weasley:"That's ruuubbish!!" Lol!! Jk


The comments on this patreon weren't such a shitshow until they started watching Avatar. People would ask questions about releases, generally be civil, and keep the posts on topic to the subject at hand. Maybe I'm one of the "white knights" but it is extremely frustrating seeing this ONE fanbase dominating the entire page and spreading their animosity to every single post, livestream, release, etc. that may or may not have anything to do with the show reaction they want. I love the Avatar reactions too, but I also love a lot of the other stuff they do. The incessant nagging about the show and constant threats to leave just reeks of entitlement especially when you look at how few complaints there are about other series like Vikings and the React Wheel. If you don't think you're getting your money's worth and want to leave, just go. If you want to be civil with your complaints, fine, but the constant stream of vitriol on everything that isn't them putting up your show is unnecessary.

Noah Hoorn

This patreon was also not nearly as popular before Avatar, so I would say the influx of people because of Avatar is the reason they are doing so well, so people who came for that reason being disappointed about the inconsistency of what they liked most about this channel is to be expected. And maybe it means we need a better system to accommodate people, that is also doable and sustainable for the Normies.

Noah Hoorn

Now I'm really leaving. Or am I.....?


Lmao y'all need an editor? I'm available for a portion of that sweet 8k asdfg


I think I got the same entertainment value out of these comments anyways.


Avatar is probably my fav show of all time but some of these fans man smh. I expected better out of the fan base for some reason :/ People acting like they're going to die from not getting reactions for one week and it's already being clarified two episodes will be released on patreon as before. Maybe you guys need to hire some editors I'm pretty sure BlindWave does that.

Jonathan baez

Cant wait for the avatar reactions are over so this nonsense can end


Some of the fan base. Please don't assume we're all like that


Strange...my comment from last night disappeared. Reposting: After reading Suraj's response above, I just wanted to say I really appreciate the transparency and the time you took to explain your intentions. It's unfortunate when people become so divisive in the comments like this, mostly through lack of understanding. So being open and honest about these things is the best policy, I believe, and I trust your judgement when it comes to knowing what's best for YOUR channel. That being said, I think it's pretty clear at this point that you can't please everybody all the time. All I can say is that I'm happy with what you guys do, otherwise I wouldn't be here. And I hope everyone else can come together and stop attacking people with differing opinions. It's true, The Normies can speak for themselves and they have. It's also true that the world doesn't revolve around any specific person or fanbase. Regardless of why you signed up for Patreon, they can't cater to your every whim just because you wave your $10 around. If you're unhappy, by all means leave. No one is keeping you here but you. But if you're going to stay, the least you could do is be respectful and understanding when things don't go exactly the way you want them to. Constructive criticism is perfectly fine. It helps people grow and improve. But saying things like "I wanted THIS and you guys gave me THAT! That's not what I payed for! Screw you guys!" is in NO WAY beneficial for anyone. As Suraj clearly explained above, this transition is not easy and there are plenty of things that go on behind the scenes that you might not be aware of that may cause delays in their TENTATIVE (Please look up the definition if you don't know what it means. A lot of people ignore this for some reason.) schedule. There is no harm in politely asking for an update if things don't go according to schedule and no one should attack or belittle others for asking. However, there is no need to ask the same question a million times in unrelated posts. There is a Community section where The Normies respond to general questions and concerns. Use it. If inconsistencies in the schedule bother you, try and remember how quickly support grew in such a short period of time. I fully believe The Normies are doing their best to adjust to this and have no doubt things will be even more consistent in the future. To The Normies, thanks for all you do. Your efforts do not go unappreciated (at least not by everyone).

Asadullah Khan

*just checked the comments* DAMN, what's up with the comment hostility here? Chill out, people. You're here supporting these guys because you love their content, right?, So a little change in schedule makes you go into rage mode? What even... Anyway, keep up the good work Normies.


I recently started using patreon and i am shocked with the comments im reading here. To me this is just a means of supporting the creators doesnt mean u have to expect ton loads of content at specific times. The thing is the normies gives us a shit load of content anyhow so wat does it matter if they are late for an upload or decide to upload something else. I do dis just purely cuz i love the reactions and skits that they upload. When people make simple things like this an issue obviously it stresses out the creators. To the normies continue what u guys do love your work and dont let little things like dis bother u guys.


these comments are hilarious. I enjoy them as much as the normies' reactions


It was the avatar and attack on titan reactions that brought me here but the other content (skits and other creative videos the Normies make) that kept me here haha. Love what you guys do, keep doin you. If you enjoy what your doing it doesn't become a hassle and don't let others try to turn what you do for fun into an obligation to meet their needs. All the best to you guys


You people should all be embarrassed for yourselves. Just beyond sad at this point.


Literally just became a Patreon myself to watch the Avatar reactions because I am in love with your passion. Thanks for the update regarding the episode this week, and good luck with your skits and such!