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Hey guys! Enjoy a treat from our time we spent in Denver on vacation! Think of it as a 'special' treat! We will be releasing a super condensed version for YouTube but you all deserve to enjoy the full movie--Enjoy!!


(No title)



can you reupload this


I hate this movie hahah


no way guys wtf



Kya Wither

Oh shit! This is gonna be good! I'll get back to you once I watch this video!


Please forgive the quality/lighting in the vid! Also the quality will increase as the video encodes!

Kya Wither

A Normies official film reaction! Holy god damn

Lauren S.

Hahaha this is so awesome! Thank you!

Crap Writing Co.

Awww, I was all excited when I got this post notification.......Damnit


Will wait for youtube version, i cant survive the full movie again lol


My prayers have been answered


ummmmm. . . .


And it was at this moment I was faced with a dilemma. Go to bed so I can wake up in time for work in the morning...or watch this now and risk murdering my alarm clock...again. The pressure! D:


Suraj! You're supposed to post the risky stuff to Normies TV, the second channel! lol


What is this? We want the real Avatar series!! We have to wait AGAIN another day.. OMG


I wonder if anyone watched the whole video. Just knowing that the whole movie is on screen makes me sick to my stomach. I'll skip through it as I go along lol


You guys are all high as fuck


I don't remember if I found this information on one of the posts on here so I can't give credit to the person who first linked it (sorry) but did you know M. NIght Shyamalan has confirmed that he's going to make an Avatar Book 2? lol <a href="https://moviepilot.com/posts/3542674" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://moviepilot.com/posts/3542674</a>


God I hate this movie. Forget the source material, bad acting and racist (yes I said racist) casting choices. The movie's biggest sin is that it talks and talks and talks but never shows a damn thing.


LOOOOL at 32:26 where the movie needs 6 guys to bend a small rock. that being said u gotta give the kids probs, they did pretty well with the line they were given.


Just fuck me up fam


We're still going to get new Avatar this week right?

Koala Banana

Wow thanks for the full reaction. Cant wait to watch this later

Matthew Smith

I haven't seen this since I saw it in theater's as a kid. I don't know if I'm ready for this.


It's been 7 years since I've seen this. I'm getting PTSD already


Hey Normies, please watch the honest trailer for this by screenjunkies or the "everything wrong with" by cinemasins lol


You guys are sooo high lol. The fight scenes are all terrible! No one even tries to hit Aang, they just stand there while he does a bunch of martial arts moves into the air


its the only way you can get through this shit movie

Noah Hoorn

The first time watching it you don't notice a lot of the issues, especially when you don't hear all of the dialogue, which is terrible. You guys need to watch/react to some of the reviews of this movie. Nostalgia critic's is awesome, but it has spoilers. Another one that is good that does not give spoilers is Just Write's, it's split up into 3 parts here is a link to the first one <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_jsEHzZlRQ" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_jsEHzZlRQ</a>


You guys are high as fuck but I love it, but it's the only way to watch this shit remake they did of an amazing show.

Noah Hoorn

Spoiler at 12:07 of part two, it only lasts a couple of seconds. Only a video spoiler, audio is still fine to listen to.

Noah Hoorn

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PzpLTKt9LU" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PzpLTKt9LU</a> Part Two


You guys kept saying how you would have been lost if you hadn't seen the show first, but you guys missed a lot of the information given because of how much you were talking over the movie. Which I understand is the point of the reaction, but it makes a little bit more sense when you are able to hear the movie. Still sucks overall though.


All I've got to say is, you guys were clearly high while watching this movie. There's next to nothing redeeming about it.


I think it's good that they aren't speeding through the whole series. They got through book one really quickly, I like the pace this season. I enjoyed this reaction, really funny.

Noah Hoorn

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_3119162711&amp;feature=iv&amp;src_vid=-PzpLTKt9LU&amp;v=LM9kifsGby4" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_3119162711&amp;feature=iv&amp;src_vid=-PzpLTKt9LU&amp;v=LM9kifsGby4</a>

Noah Hoorn

Part Three, skip to 1:02 for no spoilers

Matt Kelso

Just finished watching your reaction lol. The parts that pissed me off the most were the casting choices, revealing the Fire Lord like it was nothing, the fact it took like 7 earthbenders to bend one tiny rock, the mispronunciations of their names, and how they got the personalities so wrong (Aang and Sokka were way too serious. Katara had like zero personality to me in this film. Zuko's scar was pathetic). It was so rushed.

Jake Rush

The main problems 1) they somehow explained too much through dialog and narration, yet still left us confused. 2) terrible acting and portrayal of characters. Our three main characters, Aang was incredibly shy when he is suppose to be whimsical. Katara is reduced to no speaking lines and looking like a pansy whenever she has to do something. Sokka, the meat and sarcasm guy, had about as much personality as a cardboard box. 3) The bending felt disconnected from the martial arts. In the show, when a character raises their arms then something goes up. In the movie it looks like they are randomly dancing around as effects are added in post production. I see literally 0 redeeming qualities in this as an adaptation of ATLA, and as a movie in its own right. On a positive note. Princess Yue from the movie is a voice actor in Legend of Korra. But I'm not giving any spoilers, just be on the lookout.


Man... They are actually praising the movie.... smh.... They'd better be really high.... smh


This is not what I thought you meant when you said "Avatar Wednesday". Come on man its been like 2 weeks and only 1 episode...


I'm only 20 minutes in and ive never cringed so hard, I forgot how bad this movie was


I am 100% on Micky's side. His reaction is 10/10 what mine was back in 2010.

Jonathan baez

just something about avatar that brings out the impatient people


The beginning of that is pretty spoiler-y. That's all Book 3 stuff.

3rd Eye Phreak

Well I watched it for the first time with you guys. Some parts were dope, but they screwed it up big time! :( Makes me appreciate the show even more.


I'm weak...I stayed up to watch this and will face the consequences in the morning...BUT WORTH IT. lol I agree you guys should watch the "Everything Wrong With..." video from CinemaSins. It pretty much breaks down why it failed as a movie, let alone an adaptation. Personally, I think I would have been less upset with it if it had been pure shit, but like you guys were saying, I could see glimmers of its potential (at least visually) and to see all that potential go to waste somehow makes it hurt even worse. <a href="https://youtu.be/KSOzeeoVQOY" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/KSOzeeoVQOY</a>


Oh my gawd this movie sucks so bad! Navi and especially Micky were so spot on throughout the video! You have to compare this movie to its original cartoon because it's a live ADAPTATION. Nahid is obviously on Cactus Juice, he funny tho..😂 also just some quick critiques; Did yous notice how much fucking EXPOSITION there is??! And barely any interactions, emotions, character, personality and/or relationships.. Also those "Cool" long action takes they did.. There is barely any BENDING! Literally, there is fuck all bending in this movie, and when there is it doesn't correspond with the bender's movement as it did in the show. Also, Not shown is Avatar Roku, Bumi, Suki, Jet, Freedom fighters, Pirates, Bato, Cabbage man, Sokkas sense of Humour, Kataras motherly love, Aangs Happiness, And again NO ROKU! 😭 That last part with the Wave/Avatar state sucked balls compared to the cartoon..but it's my favourite part of the movie, and I enjoyed your reaction to it. It's beautiful asf This movie has no emotion, no drive, no motivation, no inspiration, it's just a compilation of Scenes from ATLA season 1 but Live.. and there is no flow or structure. But Thanks for the Video Normies! Luv yous 😚


Also please REACT to the HONEST TRAILER of the last Airbender, funniest shit you'll ever see!! <a href="https://youtu.be/H3VnQE3qXHE" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/H3VnQE3qXHE</a>


Or, when they're finished with Book 3, the Nostalgia Critic review


Seeing everything done so right but also so wrong... it's bittersweet man. Seeing Azula at the end kinda makes me want a sequel though. Lmao


I agree with Micky, it's polished shit, period.


Ya'll enjoying those Colorado edibles I see haha. Only someone stoned out of their mind would find any enjoyment in that abomination aside from the special effects. Awesome 10/10 reaction though.


Absolutely agree. The martial arts by themselves looked good but felt so disconnected to the actual bending. Takes 10 seconds of whirling around just for one move at the end of it lol.


Did anyone else notice that the firebenders (besides Iroh and possibly Zuko) can't bend like they do on the show? Why do they have to stand next to fire in order to bend when the show obviously states that their ability comes from the sun?


Fire Lord Ozai (Cliff Curtis) is not Hispanic he's Māori which is the indigenous ethnicity of New Zealand


I think we all can agree that the Ember Island Players did it better than M. Night Shamanman did.


Lets be the real the only way to make this bearable is being\ high

Rich Cassou

Oh god that looks real! He's not really going to do another one? With the same cast? They are fully grown! That can't be real.

Rich Cassou

I'm impressed you guys made it through that movie. was fun to watch you guys cringe and rage at it haha, all of us avatar fans feel your pain!

Keep It Zen

Mickey was on point all video.


Hope you guys can do this again, but with Dragonball Evolution *hears Nahid screaming "nooooo" from all the way in Chicago*


You guys should react Nostalgia Critic's review on this movie. Probably wait until you finish the whole show due to some minor spoiler scenes in the review.

Trung Ta

This is one of the Normies reactions that I'm not excited about at all.


One of the biggest insults to the viewer in this film is its portrayal of the earth bender prison. In the film, they are literally SURROUNDED by earth; they could have broken out a thousand times over. In the series, they are on a metal boat, which broke their spirit, and they required the team's creativity and Katara's heart to rise up and take back their lives. In the show, earth benders are depicted as resilient and strong, but their bending lacked the creativity represented in the show. What bothers me the most is that they had ALL the source material right there in the show; all they had to do was literally copy it, revitalize through live action, and they didn't. They missed every chance to make this amazing.

rickie woodson

my only problem with the film is the bad actors they got for aang, sokka and katara and they took out all the humor. get that in "reality" war isnt a fun time but that humor is part of sokka, iroh and aang's characters plus during war time you NEED some levity to raise your spirits and remind you of what you are fighting for. they were trying to make this waaay too "serious"


Rewatching this with you guys made me realize something: In the cartoon, the fire benders are able to create their own fire. But in this movie, other than Iroh and Zuko (and only when he melts the ice), everybody else had to use / bend existing fire.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-27 15:07:54 内緒エッチシチュとても良きです!! そして数時間後もエッチしてる差分最高です!! いつも素晴らしい作品ありがとうございます!
2017-06-22 13:15:36 Figures we don't get any new Avatar this week because of the movie. M night shyamalan's bowel movement poisons everything it touches.

Figures we don't get any new Avatar this week because of the movie. M night shyamalan's bowel movement poisons everything it touches.


Btw, the reason why the racial casting is really bad is because the bending styles is based on martial arts and it's just fucking weird that they aren't East Asians.


Anyway, Fire Nation = largely based on Japan (esp with WWII) / China Earth Nation = largely based on China (and maybe a bit of Korea) Water Tribe = Inuit Air Nomads = Tibetan


Yes omg! Only Iroh can create his own fire and Zuko is limited to melting ice. Is it some special thing with the royal family? And I am not mistaken, the movieOzai said that Sozin's comet allows them to create their own fire or something


Also, the whole point of Aang's avatar state is that he has not learnt how to be in control when he triggers it. But movieAang somehow is able to.

Koala Banana

Where the movie fucked up: - Zuko's scar is barely noticeable - No explanation of the Avatar State AT ALL (No summer solstice episode) - Aang enters Avatar State at the end just because feelings (No Ocean spirit) - Aang enters the Spirit World at random times - Aang never speaks to Roku - No Haibai (spirit of the forest), no Avatar's duty to nature - No Haru - No Kyoshi Warriors (No Suki!!!) - Ong, Sohka, Eero - Atrocious casting - No humor nor sarcasm from Sokka AT ALL - No Agni Kai between Zuko and Admiral Zhao - The fire nation is India instead of Japan, and the brown Southern Water Tribe is now white Eskimos - The terrible acting from practically everyone - Appa's face and the atrocious CGI for him and Momo - Iroh is thin - Iroh doesn't tell Zuko about his son and how Zuko is his like his own - FIREBENDERS CAN'T CREATE FIRE - The moon didn't vanish when the moon spirit died (also Ocean spirit did nothing) - Spirit World was just a hazy vision instead of a vast, interesting world with Ko and the other spirits Things the movie did well: - some of the effects - The costumes - some set pieces Any defense of this movie is absolutely ridiculous

Manny D.

Mickey was spot on. Polished poop. A 150$ mill polished piece of poop. Visually it's a neat looking movie. But that's the only thing it had going for it. They would have benefitted from making their own story instead of trying to fit together bits and pieces of the show. So happy they didn't make a sequel. Maybe one day Netflix or HBO or someone will make a mini series instead

rickie woodson

so its not just in the movies. people really act like that when they are high lol. i wouldnt know, im so not about that life i only know what i see in movies/tv and im shocked lol. you are on the giggles train for real lol

rickie woodson

yeah you know him. thats jasper from the twilight films (the guy playing sokka)


100% 🙌🏼 Also a lot of the bending wasn't timed right, they would swing around, flaying there arms without an element moving with them.. fkn stupidddd

rickie woodson

why would you be offended lol you should be proud. how many films come out in the states that have indians in them let alone this many! thats the only casting that is right/great! POC PRIDE!!!

rickie woodson

wow micky brother you got to get a therapist for all this self hate bro. its ok to be indian, in fact its an honor. like let it go lol sigh. internet hug cause you need it. peace and love and acceptance


Lol i forgot how horrible this film was. I remembered watching this in the theaters with my bro n sis and they loved it cuz they never watched the actual series... im like smh

rickie woodson

well she is a good person plus love at first site thats why katara gives a shit lol

rickie woodson

they pronounce it aang cause 1. thats how you pronounce it, the way nicklelodeon pronounces it is super white/american and so wrong 2. they are doing that faux british thing they do in serious films lol

rickie woodson

well this came out BEFORE walking dead so thats on you for not watching it lol i know him from training day and other films. and he is NOT hispanic he is maori from new zealand lol

rickie woodson

no such thing as too many indians lol and how can you hate aasif? he is sooo funny and cute sigh


when you finish watching the book 3 you should rect to Nostalgia Critic review of this movie was very good, dont watch it now because has some spoiler of book 3.

rickie woodson

vietnamese lol no. the water tribes are based on the inuit people aka eskimos so if they arent white then they shouldnt be either

rickie woodson

its war time kids lol they kill lol

rickie woodson

yall dont know her but the actress who plays azula is summer bishil. she is in the show the magicians i keep trying to get you to watch. ugh LOVE HER

rickie woodson

well the marvel people are poor examples cause the movies are SO different from the comics and they pretend that they arent. they hate on fox for changing things in the x-men but they dont say anything about ALL the changes that has happened in the films

rickie woodson

you are too used to films being 99%-100% so for the first time you see a hollywood film with more than one brown person you lose your shit lol i dont get it. osage county, any period piece without slaves like the notebook or titanic nothing but white people but NO COMPLAINTS there. you have a mix of races here (far more whites than indians) and 'ITS TOO MANY INDIANS" LOL sigh. buddha give me strentgh. one love fam one love


but i dont want to have to watch the full movie it sucks ill wait for the super condensed version

rickie woodson

they are trying to pronounce the asian names as if they are asian names not all white washed: as they are spelled aang isnt like gang, two different words from two different languages. in most asian languages it would be so-ka not sock-ka, and i is pronounced as e so i-ro not eye-ro, thats all. they should have just stuck with the tv show but ce la vie. dc cant even keep everyone saying ra's they have them saying raesh as well lol

Lalisa Truong

Shyamalan actually changed the source of fire bending, which is why firebenders in the movie can only bend preexisting fire and not create their own.

Lalisa Truong

For me, even if that is how you technically pronounce the names, they still should've went with how the show pronounced it. Mike and Bryan were the ones to create and name these characters and if this was how their names were pronounced, stick with the source material! It'd be like if someone came up to me and said how I was pronouncing my name was wrong. Instead of LA-LEE-SA (which is how you say it), its LA-LEH-SA. ATLA is basically Mike and Bryan's child, so let them name and pronounce shit as they please.

Lalisa Truong

I remember this was such a huge controversy back then. How the main characters were whitewashed, how the villains were "diverse", and how it wasn't really diverse as the show. In the show, you have the 4 nations and its people being based on different ethnicities. Water Tribe = Inuits, Earth Kingdom = Chinese, Fire Nation = Japanese, Air Nomads = Tibetans.

Lalisa Truong

Other than what I said on your other comment, I also think that pronouncing the names "correctly" now further disconnected the audience, especially the fans, to the characters.

BiFrost Francois

I had to take a couple breaks. Also why are the fire benders not creating fire. Wtf


Mickeys Rant at the end LOOL. He's like i give my humanity to certain stories !!

Lalisa Truong

Because Shyamalan changed the source of firebending. According to him, it didn't make sense for firebenders to be able to make their own fire without a preexisting source (like the other elements) and he also thought them being able to make their own fire at will was hugely unfair against the other elements. So in the movie, he changed things for firebenders and basically made them all a bunch of weaklings.

Lalisa Truong

Two good things came out of this movie for me: 1) Seychelle Gabriel and 2) Even more appreciation for the show


whats with all this one love Indians weren't the problem shite because in this case they obviously were one of the major flaws


Finally! I did warn you, the movie is horrible. :) The only good thing is maybe the music and some very rare good moments at the end. But the beginning and middle of movie is so painful to watch. Specially the earth prison scene is so bad.

Lego The Office

Honestly I can excuse a lot with the movie because they are adapting a story that is about 10 hours long into a 2 hour movie. Some things had to fall to the wayside. I agree with Mickey that they came so far and got so much right, but the things they got wrong ruined any chances for this movie. I think the biggest issues were with the casting and the script/editing. From what I remember of the drama that went down... - Zuko was originally going to be played by Jesse McCarthy, a Caucasian singer. At that point in the entire cast was white except the kid who played Aang, who is half Asian I think. The fan uproar about how an entire world based on Asian and Inuit culture is basically being whitewashed. They couldn't recast the water tribe (see below), so only the Fire Nation could be recast. - Nicola Peltz (the girl that played Katara) was given the role because she wanted to get into acting and her father is a billionaire who became a producer and pretty much brought the role for her to play. Her role wasn't negotiable to recast so the water tribe basically had to be Caucasian. - The dude that plays Sokka didn't get the whitewashing complaints and basically wrote it off as he could get a tan. - Asif Mandvi was not a good choice for Zhao. - Shaun Taub, who I actually didn't mind as Iroh, put it in M Night's head that they should pronounce the names differently than the source material. I get why, but I think that weirds Avatar fans out. They wanted to be more authentic with the names but not the casting. Then there is the script &amp; editing, they Avatar universe is rich and diverse, but to consolidate it into a 2 hour movie they had a lot of poorly crafted dialogue that was for exposition only. Then you have weird scenes like Katara narrating going to the Southern Air Temple with Aang (whom she mentions by name), but then showing a scene after where she asks Aang what his name is. She just mentioned his name! Also, they travelled all that way and didn't learn his name before then? From a business perspective if they were trying to build a movie franchise as beloved as the TV show, you can't do that by gutting what made that show so loved. Good storytelling, characters with heart, emotional investment in the characters and their relationships. The movie came off more like them trying to mark off a checklist of scenes from Book 1.

Noah Hoorn

I liked your comment as a whole, but your premise at the beginning that they have to condense ten hours into 2 hours is not an excuse for this movie because it's runtime was just over an hour and a half. They could have done more but they didn't. Also budget comes into consideration. They had 150,000,000 which is more than GoT season 6. So that excuse is kinda meh IMO

Lego The Office

I'm not trying to make an excuse for how horrible the movie is. All I'm saying is I can understand why they didn't include everything in Book 1 because it would be impossible to fit 10 hours worth of story into a movie that was two hours long. I knew when they made this movie that a lot of little things wouldn't be included. Same thing happens in all adaptations. Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, etc. So I can understand why they cut things like Haru, Jet, The Fortuneteller if it didn't serve their story. Could they included more like you said, sure, but would it have helped here when everything was poorly done anyway? Adding more to a turd doesn't make it any less of a turd.


Oh god this film is utter crap! So basically a show based largely on East Asian culture is thrown in the trash when this film was conceived.. East Asian actors should have been part of the principal cast but were basically demoted to background extras in this film..


I haven't scrolled thru the comments for your reaction to the live action movie and won't pile on with negative feedback about the fact that you are actually watching it. Suffice it to say that imho; the script was patch-work and the acting was predictable/unconvincing. It was a poor movie. The subject is near and dear to many people's hearts and the movie has since been unofficially disassociated by many from it's inspired source material. Kudo's for having the strength of character to watch the whole thing.


There was actually a lot of executive meddling with this movie. (This also goes with the casting) Shamalyn is actually not really to blame for the way it turned out. <a href="https://moviepilot.com/posts/3270452" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://moviepilot.com/posts/3270452</a>


Shamalamadingdong had everything to do with changing the names to the asinine versions that they were in the movie, along with the ridiculous dance team bending, along with firebenders not being able to produce their own fire. He is nowhere near innocent in this, but yes corporate definitely had their hand up someones ass.

cheetos L

You guys should watch Cinema Sins' video on the movie if you haven't already

Jorgen Schroen

there was so much shit you didnt notice though


I still remember the conversations I had bashing this movie with my friends in high school lol.


Is suraj high ?

Jonathan baez

Them saying they ate some esibles at the beginning of the video might lead one to assume that they all are


just my opinion, but mickey kinda ruined this reaction for me. way too much complaining on the same stuff. loved that they did this though, be awesome if this were turned into a once a couple months thing. just my opinion. visuals were off the charts, but character stories were thin. nothing will ever be as bad as DBZ though.


The INDIANS thing got old real quick, but he wasnt that bad. They had every right to make fun of this shitshow.


I am w u 100% Mickey. Total shit show lmao


I feel like nickelodeon never understood why people loved the show. Sure the animation was fantastic and the "effects" were great. But people loved the the show because of the story and characters. The movie just did a poor job of explaining the story in a clear way, and it totally failed to portray interesting characters. No amount of visual effects can ever cover up for an unclear story, with bad dialogue between boring characters.

Asadullah Khan

I would love it if you guys did FULL MOVIE reactions like these more. I can't beleive I actually sat and watched that whole movie again. The power of your reactions. Mickey's reaction is what mine would generally be like for this movie. But I enjoyed seeing you guys take a fair approach. Plus, stoned Suraj FTW!! I was stoned too while watching the reaction. :D

Jake Rush

It shouldn't be love at first sight though, that's horrible storytelling

Jake Rush

For me it isn't that they are all Indian. They just are terrible at representing these characters

Lalisa Truong

Honestly, this movie was basically exposition after exposition after exposition. Felt like they thought the audience was too dumb to follow along or to understand anything, which is what I love about ATLA - the show actually trusts our intelligence and doesn't try to dumb shit down for us.

Lalisa Truong

Doesn't excuse the bad acting and notice how all the "diverse" characters are the villains LOL

Lalisa Truong

But why all the Indians when they're not even representative of the people in the show? Honestly this movie was a wasted potential for an actual diverse cast. How about instead of whites and Indians only, we actually get some Eastern Asians that are representative of the show and that aren't just demoted to background extras? Again, wasted potential.


This reaction was so funny, especially the firelord reveal part 😂😂 I forgot that they shot him in the next scenes as if we hadn't already seen his face... What a disaster

Lauren S.

In an actors round table they asked dev Patel what his biggest acting regret was and he talked about how he was talked into a big budget film that did super poorly... he was definitely talking about this piece of poop. He also said it taught him how to say no.


The funny thing is a lot of avatars mythology obviously trace back to a lot of Hindu mythology...it's still an Asian country with a lot of ties to east Asia. Hell the word Avatar should have already given it away how much Hindu mythology has influenced ATLA which I think people forget sometimes. It makes 100% more sense to cast Indian actors than it does to cast the white ones lol.


This honestly isn't enjoyable. You guys are too high (no hate for enjoying yourselves) but your reaction suffered from it. This movie doesn't flow at all. Jumping from one major scene to another with no character development. Would of loved to have seen an actual reaction to it. You should absolutely judge this movie for not being true to the source material. If you had never seen this show, this movie would be super hard to follow.


There is zero good in this movie. Dragon Ball Evolution at least cared enough to pronounce the names correctly.


This movie is disrespectful


This is the reason movies are crap for the most part. People think just because the visuals are "cool" that the movie is great.

Robert Quill

dear god the cringe is strong with this one


Video unavailable! :(


Video unavailable can you upload it as a MP4 or some other type of link besides YouTube


I was looking forward to watching this, but it's unavailable :(


Any way you guys could re-upload this?