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Hey ya'll thanks for the patience! We will have another episode out to you soon! The quality may be in standard def. for now but it will encode in 1080p in a few minutes! Thanks for the support again everyone!


Avatar: The Last Airbender - 2x7 Zuko Alone - Group Reaction

Thanks for joining us for Avatar Wednesdays! Tonight we are watching Avatar The Last Airbender: Episode 2x7 - Zuko Alone! Let us know what your thoughts are on this episode. so far book 2 is getting more and more intense as we dive deeper into the season! This episode was a great standout Zuko episode that shed some light on his backstory with flashbacks to Fire Lord Azulan and Lord Ozai's family politics. Support us on Patreon for access to early reactions, exclusive vault videos and live stream sessions with The Normies! https://patreon.com/thenormies ~~~You can Send us Stuff~~~ The Normies P.O. Box 785 Fishers, IN 46038 Social Stuff snapchat - thenormies instagram.com/the_normies twitter.com/the_normies facebook.com/thenormiesgroup reddit.com/r/thenormies



Thanks you :) Love you guys !


Just make sure you enjoy your holiday guys!! Thanks for the vid.




Don't stress it! We know no king but the king of the Normies whose name is Suraj!


Its lit


Just in time before we tore each other apart


Oh wow would you look at that. It came up eventually and its not the end of the world. All you demanding children feel better now?


The condescending comments are really helping, thanks for the good work you're doing


Hey don't tell blind wave but u guys are better 👏👏 cozy 4 5ever


You guys have to realize that the Fire Nation is the reason these people suffer. That family just found out earlier in the episode that their oldest son had been captured and possibly killed. They aren't going to trust Zuko, especially after he admitted to being the Fire Lord's son.


Guys it's been 30 minutes! I can't believe no one has complained yet.


This is one of my favorite episodes too! Thanks Normies:)


Azula is evil and smart but isn't strong enough to kill a fire lord. Just imagine, what if what Azula said was true? That Fire lord Azulan wanted Ozai to sacrifice his son for disgracing and disrespecting iroh's loss of his son. Obviously Azluan was killed but why and by who? Think about it. Azulan threatens son, Ursa, zuko's mom leaves, Azulan killed, Ozai takes his place. Who wins in this situation. Ozai? because he now has the throne, Ursa? Zuko is saved. Just something to think about.

Lalisa Truong

Iroh's siege on Ba Sing Se was actually 600 days :P The whole town turning against Zuko as soon as they found out who he really was showed hate and prejudice at its finest. This war has gone on so long and people have lost so much, its no surprise they would hold such prejudice against anyone Fire Nation. ATLA keeping it real! "Zuko Alone" said it all. In the end, the Fire Nation doesn't want him and even the Earth Kingdom doesn't want him. In the end, he was truly alone. I loved this episode for fleshing Zuko out and making me understand why he is the way he is. All I'll say is that considering how Ozai favors Azula, how Azula looks up to her father, and how Ursa was shown to favor Zuko more, I can understand why Azula turned out the way she did. Not to mention how she grew up in times of war and groomed to be this kind of person. Also notice how Azula's fire wasn't blue when she was a kid! Order of the Firelords thus far: Sozin>Azulon>Ozai I also really love watching your passion for this show grow more and more with each episode!! <3

Burooj Ahanger

What probably happened is Ozai killed the fire lord and the mother took blame and ran away or was banished, Atleast that's what it seemed like. Don't make sense for his mom to leave otherwise.


There are a series of avatar comic books that is set after the finale of the series you guys should check out after you're done! One of em is called The Search and it'll explain a lot about Zuko's mom. Love your reactions guys! The best episodes of the season are yet to come! Be prepared for an emotional roller coaster!

Noah Hoorn

That wording was very hard to follow, and I have seen every Avatar episode over 15 times. I think it was heavily implied in the episode what went down. I was never confused by this when I first watched, I thought it was obvious what happened, and yet Blind Wave and others were confused by it.


Not to ruin Nahids animal theory, but the show is not set in a distant future due to the fact that legend of korra seems to take place in the 1920s (technology wise)


No spoilers everyone. Remember.


If you seen the whole series you'll know what happens making it easier to understand this scene a second time. It doesn't hint at all that she was banished. Her saying good-bye could have just been her saying her final words before her death for treason. Viewers don't find out what happens to her until the day of black sun episode. If it was so heavily implied in this episode they would have figured that out by now and not asume that azula and ozai killed the firelord. So don't spoil anything for them.


stop spoiling things man


I felt a great jubilation in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in joy, and were suddenly silenced from complaining about Avatar updates.


Yeah these people don't owe anyone from the Fire Nation, especially the Fire Lord's son anything. Zuko's father is the reason the two nations are at war and the Fire Nation has been committing atrocities for over a hundred years. If I were them I'd be pretty terrified that the Fire Lord's son was in the village.


Love how they bend there element using there chosen weapons throughout the show, especially in this Episode; Earth Bender - Hammers Fire Bender - Swords Air bender - Staff and Kyoshi's Fans Great video!


People really need to fackin not spoil shit. Stop telling them theyll find out eventually. Same thing happened on Blind Waves channel.


Yeah the villagers were kinda dicks but you can't blame them. The Hundred Year War that the Fire Nation waged has made their lives miserable, with many of their family members either being killed in war or being captured by firebenders (like the kid's brother). So it makes sense that they would despite firebenders, and being the Firelord's son doesn't make things better.


And you all should stop saying things that happen in other avatar material. If they haven't seen it they don't need to know cause it would constitute as a SPOILER. The fact that they don't know what happens next makes their reactions so much more interesting. Like seriously, let them piece together what happens to Zuko's mom, let them experience the show like we did way back gahdammit. The only thing you should be talking about in comments are theories, things they miss, or stuff they don't know but was actually explained earlier (like how the badgermoles taught Oma and Shu earthbending, idk if you know that but you didn't realize it in the Cave of Two lovers reaction).


This might come off as a rant haha I'm just slightly annoyed about the comments that explicitly mention things that occur in other mediums, like the comics.

rickie woodson

great reaction guys. except for the flashbacks not an episode i particularly like or ever go back to watch but i get your love for zuko


I forgot how much I love this episode


Hey guys🙋loved your reaction as always 😊 this is a great episode & I'm glad you guys enjoyed it


P.S. I love puns! I'd love to see some of those pun-messages Mickey sends you guys 🤗


So glad to see none of you spontaneously combusted waiting for this reaction last night. Looks like it got pretty heated.......Ok, I'll stop. But I will keep that Avatar reaction addiction help hotline number at the ready just in case this happens again in the future. I'm here for you. ANYWAYS, I love this episode. It keeps things real. Like others have said, you have to put yourself in the Earth villagers' shoes. From their perspective, Zuko's people are responsible for the last hundred years of pain and suffering and he hid his identity. Of course, they're not going to trust him, despite what he did. For me, Zuko's character progression is the most interesting to follow throughout the series.

Keep It Zen

That doesn't prove his theory wrong :p ... Radiation destroys the world, Surviving humans and animals create the world of Avatar. Then, just like we did, their technology evolves. ALSO ...... (SPOILERSSSSS) ...... The fact that there's a regular bear from our world, would mean that bears ancestors survived without any known mutations, and makes his theory more plausible.


Yeah spoiling things is just stupid af like don't you want them to have good reactions or what

Koala Banana

Wow these comments... seriously Normies you really shouldn't be reading them at this point. It's as if we have Chris with a bunch of accounts trying to discuss the series! XD


Its funny how people complain about Chris and they are doing the same thing.


Are you uploading the last airbender movie reaction in may or june? I wanna support you as long as i can, but i wanna know what the ETA is for this. Its possible its down fast, so i asking, because i have less time next days and dont wanna miss it. Thank you for your work.

Rory Borcherding

Are we getting two episodes this week or only one? Not complaining just curious. I don't want to keep reloading the page for no reason.


Probably just 1, im sure theyre out right now. They said it would come last night and it didnt so theyre busy.


Yeah i definitely dont want to miss that abomination.


This next episode is SUPER spicy, crossing my fingers it'll be out tonight !

Keep It Zen

They record (and I think edit) ahead of time, so they might have had those other ones ready, and I don't think they do 2 a week for any other show so something probably came up. Avatar is one of their most popular shows and they seem to be enjoying it greatly, so it wouldn't be very beneficial from a personal, or business standpoint to not care about the fans.


NORMIE LIFE (edited edition) Inspired by The Normies, ATLA & comments on Patreon 1. INT. HOUSE OF BLACK & WHITE. DAY. Normies Nahid, Rana, Micky & Suraj are sitting on the red couch, about to begin their ATLA reaction video. The camera is recording and they're ready to begin. (Together, looking at the camera) NAHID: Hello! RANA: Hey guys! MICKY: What's up! SURAJ: Hello everybody! We're the Normies and we're back to watch Avatar the Last Airbender, book 2, episode 8, and it's called The Chase. NAHID & RANA: Ooooo! Micky excitedly claps his hands together very quickly.


SURAJ: So today it's just us four, The Fantastic Four (smiles). RANA: The cozy four (sits more comfortably on the couch). NAHID: (excited) Oh, the Fearsome Foursome! Everyone looks at Nahid, surprised & confused. RANA: You're crazy (shakes her head, smiling, then picks up her drink from the table). NAHID: What? We're fearsome (looks expectantly at Micky & Suraj for support). Micky & Suraj avoid eye contact with Nahid. SURAJ: Anyway, let's get into it (picks up the remote). MICKY: Wait. Do you hear something? Everyone stops moving, listening, then they all look towards the balcony. Chanting can be heard coming from outside but the sound is muffled. NAHID: What's that? Rana shrugs, looking at the camera & taking a sip from her drink. SURAJ: It almost sounds like...


2. EXT. LAWN OUTSIDE HOUSE OF BLACK & WHITE. DAY. Below the Normies' balcony, a large crowd of supporters, patreons & YouTube viewers, have gathered dressed in costumes & holding various signs. CROWD: Normies! Normies! Normies! VARIOUS CROWD MEMBERS: We love you Normies!/Kings in the North!/Coral! In the crowd there are two Normies fans & patreons, Anonymous & Random, who meet for the first time. ANONYMOUS: (to Random) Hey, I'm Anon. Anon holds out his hand which Random shakes. RANDOM: Oh, hey man. I'm Rand.


ANON: So how long have you been watching the Normies? RAND: Man, I discovered them a couple of months ago & love their shit. Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, Vikings, Dragonball Super, Attack on Titan, Samurai Jack, damn it's all good bro. God I'm hooked on their Avatar reactions at the moment, can't get enough, you know. ANON: Yeah man, me too... I'm still waiting for the next episode though. RAND: Yeah, me too. It's so hard to wait. ANON: It's killing me. I love The Chase & just want to see them watch it you know. RAND: I know exactly how you feel man. Suddenly, caught up in the moment and desperate for the next Avatar episode, Anon is filled with a mad desire to do something crazy.


3. EXT. LAWN OUTSIDE HOUSE OF BLACK & WHITE. DAY. ANON: You know what we have to do? RAND: What? ANON: We have to start a riot. RAND: Okay... but how do we do that? ANON: I'll show you. Anon sets his sights on a big bald guy built like the Boulder & dressed in an Aang outfit complete with arrow tattoos & all. Anon marches over to the man and shoves him roughly in the back. The Aang cosplayer stumbles forward & then turns around looking at Anon. AANG COSPLAYER: Hey, what did you do that for? That hurt my feelings. ANON: Aren't you mad at me? AANG COSPLAYER: Well, normally I would be but I've been learning to control my anger. ANON: (sighs heavily) AANG COSPLAYER: That, and the fact that I'm not in the mood to fight. I'm here to show my support and mad love for the Normies and of course all things Avatar. ANON: Okay, but... aren't you annoyed that the next avatar episode isn't out yet?


AANG COSPLAYER: On patreon? Look pal, I love The Normies and Avatar as much as the next guy but I'm not gonna keep pestering the Normies & filling up other video's comments with impatient crap. Yes, you're entitled to your opinions but come in man, use your time to do something more productive brother. Suddenly the crowd around them starts going nuts, screaming & shouting excitedly. Anon & the Aang cosplayer realise that the Normies have come out onto the lawn to greet the fans. They can see Suraj, Micky, Rana & Nahid beginning to make their way through the crowd. Anon's mouth opens wide in disbelief, he looks around at the crowd in shock, then back over to the Normies in the crowd greeting fans. Anon then raises his arms above his head, waving them madly, as he begins screaming with excitement. Foam bubbles in his mouth as he passes out with excitement & lands face down on the grass. The Aang cosplayer looks pitifully down at Anon's body & then makes eye contact with Rand. Rand shrugs. RAND: Some of these Avatar crack heads need to calm the fuck down. Am I right? AANG COSPLAYER: All too true brother, all too true. THE END (P.S. Thank you HT 😊✌)


I'm guessing this was an attempt at a jab towards fans that were impatient? Well..at least you tried to be creative.


You know you're not replying to anyone right? I agree that kid is ridiculous but you just posted a rando comment.


Just a cool thing about the show is that Momo is actually meant to be the reincarnation of Aang's guardian/master Monk Gyatsuo (not sure I spelled that right).


Actually the creators originally had that as an idea but decided to can it.

fun fox



Ok....take hold of your tits. And calm it the hell down


I do wish they would have sent a quick update when they realized it wasnt going to come out that night, as I'm waiting for one of my favorite episodes and I really want to see the reaction. But I don't begrudge them the vacation, hopefully they'll come back refreshed and have a good time.

Phonic Reassignment

Azusa was warning him because what she said is true, the deal was sacrifice Zoku so that Ozai would know how it felt.