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Hey guys Nahid here!  We want to apologize to the utmost that we could not get Avatar uploaded to you guys yesterday.  We have had a busy day all day yesterday and all morning today with skits and of course the Game of Thrones Season 7  Trailer.  Suraj is currently editing away.  He doesn't want to rush this episode because it is an amazing episode! FUCKING ZUKO WHATS GOOD YALL!! He says he will have it up within the next 3 hours. 

Also guys some of you may know we are on a mini vacation.  We are going to the red rocks!  But this does not mean you will not get your second dose of Avatar.  We have 16 hour drive ahead of us.  We have our laptops!  (this also means our edit and render times are slower, we dont have Mickey's super computer) So this weeks second episode will come out sometime later tonight!  Please be patient and bare with us!  We promise you and amazing reaction of the next two episodes.  We all know how awesome it is.  Love you guys thanks for the Support




Finally people can stop complaining! Thanks guys.


Thanks for the update Nahid!


Foshizzle my nizzle


Thanks so much for the update, can't wait for the reaction and you guys enjoy your vacation god knows you deserve it!

Crap Writing Co.

Awesome, hope you guys have a great time!


This is exactly what i was talking about. I had no clue you were doing vacation time, or i wouldnt have said anything. Thanks for addressing it at least. This is all we wanted.


No, I would complain too. These next two episodes are nuts. Im pretty Impatient as sell - Nahid


You are completely correct. This will not be an issue in the future my friend. - Nahid


This just made my day ten times better!


Awesome! Thanks guys:)


can't wait :)


Thanks for the update and enjoy your vacation! I knew you guys would update us soon. Hopefully this will appease the Avacrackheads...for now...


Thanks for the update. Have fun on the mini vacation guys :)


Safe travels to the Red Rocks!!


Thanks for the heads up, that's all I wanted. :)

Rich Cassou

Thanks for the update! I hope you guys have a great vacation!


nahid knows that an apology doesn't hurt. we deserve an update when something doesn't come as expected. it's all good now, don't keep adding fuel to it


Don't you guys ever think you need to apologize for anything. People that sub to the early normie tier or above legit sign up to get these things earlier - which they DO. They still get to see it before it's actually on youtube, waaaay ahead of everyone else that's bound to waiting for the actual release date. If they like schedules so much, in my honest opinion they shouldn't sign up for just for that perk because the early stuff should not be on a schedule. There should be no pressure on you guys for anything not directly released to the public on youtube. This is meant to be fun for you guys, not a stress-inducing environment.


To add to that: People need to realize Patreon does not function like the youtube channel, tied to a shedule. The Patreon is for people that want to support you guys - and get perks for doing so. They are not purchasing a service, they are supporting someone they like to watch.


Sweet! Thanks for informing us :)


Enjoy your trip! Don't feel bad if anything is late because you deserve that vacation!


Thank you for working so hard even though you guys are on your vacation! I hope you all have an amazing time!

Asadullah Khan

It's all cool you guys. No need to apologize.


Thanks for the update.


No worries! Thank you for the update !!!


At first I only joined Patreon so I could watch your reactions early and it kinda made angry the video didn't get uploaded on time. But now I realise that I have no honour. I need to regain my honour!! But seriously I'm supporting you guys because I legit enjoy your reactions the most out of all other reactioners out there. In saying that take all the time you need.

LadyVenom Way

Yes!!! Well done my friend! You get it. You are truly a Normie now <3 #OneOfUs


Dope! Dope dope dope! :) All good, enjoy your vacation.,


Red Rocks? Nice, I live in Denver! Welcome :D


It's been 4 hours and they said it'd be out in 3. Why hasn't anyone started panicking?


probably cuz i'm smoking weed at the mo..


So, I guess we deserve 3 reactions for this wait....I'm just saying XD


I'm really trying to be patient, but it's been 5 hours 😢


They're probably just waiting for it all to render properly


*waves hand* yes this would be a good idea for all involved


If we have great reaction vídeos, I will be ok even with this wait. I just don't want to see you guys drunk like Rana in the last vídeo. HAHAHA. It's was funny and at the same time it was a turn-off because I love her reactions and it happens when they meet Toph. HAHAHA. I mean, It's rough, buddy.


People are crazy about these reactions


this gonna be the second day in a row we were promised it the same day but it didnt come LOL


i want it to happen just for the comic effect


This is getting annoying now tbh. People are paying for your content and you still don't take them seriously? And you know Avatar is one of your most popular if not the most popular reaction series so i don't get how you're gonna delay it over other things like this.


Bruh they already gave an update. They're on vacation and not using their home equipment, so render time will be off. That plus they want to enjoy their vacation a little. This sucks big time but they explained their situation. Just wait.

Jonathan baez

Normies dont worry about the few that are not understanding most of us do. We understand things happen that sometimes you cant control


Folks, relax would you? The whole reason to sign up for this Patreon is to support The Normies, not to hold your money over their heads and have them dance for it. Remember, you're getting this upset over a reaction of all things, go read a book or go outside or play a game and come back later to enjoy the content once it's out.


I really don't have an issue with the episodes coming a bit late, originally it was just one a week. No need to get riled up but the white knights are what's upsetting me more lol.


True that, I haven't said a word and I'm good with it, but the Normie's dont need anyone to speak for them. There's way more white knight comments then the complainers


Man some of ya'll are ornery as fuck. This ain't Netflix or HBO NOW. Patreon is not meant to be used as paying a subscription fee for a service. It's a way to support creators you enjoy so that they can keep producing the stuff you enjoy. The stuff they give us is all just extras and they give us a ton every week. Them having one lapse while they're actually on vacation (editing in the car along the way too, mind you) is no reason to lose your shit.


Couldn't have said it any better! Really hope they see all these positives comments and not focus on the few negative ones :)


Are you not seeing the walls of text you are posting just because people wrote down their opinions down which didn't happen to match your opinion? It does amuse me being called out by a keyboard warrior.


No, I paid for early access. I'm not gonna complain that it's late. Shit happens. You can't get mad at some of them for expecting what they pay for, to be on time. The white knights need to stop though lol.


" just because people wrote down their opinions down which didn't happen to match your opinion? " And what exactly are you doing? You don't see your incessant complaining about such a trivial thing, or acting like a jackass to anyone who isn't hating on the Normies right now? I didn't realize walls of text translated to being upset. Never got that memo. I'm paying money too you moron. We all are. We are impatient, but the more mature of us realize they clearly have things going on so we don't feel the need to whine like little children about it anymore. Did you not see all of the comments i made yesterday about how BS this all was? Then i realized how moronic it is to complain about something like this, and move on with my life. Why do you think i keep refreshing the page? I'm eagerly waiting for it just like everyone else here. I want to see it. But because i don't talk shit on them i'm a white knight? Yeah, really solid logic there.


Calm the fuck down. We don't need all your demands, and complaints people. Go to sleep, relax a little (drink fucking jasmine tea), and the video will be up when it is up. Suraj and co. work so hard for us, the least we can do is be patient for 1 fucking video.


Hey Normies🙋 just wanted to let you guys know that it's all good. You guys are great & I love your reactions & appreciate all your hard work like so many other people have expressed in comments above...


...I understand that things happen & loved watching your GOT S7 trailer reactions (p.s. I gotta say that as much as I like the house of black & white [you guys are great Chris, Marketa & Navi] I really loved your reactions Rana, Nahid, Suraj & Mikey, as I completely related to your excitement & eagerness to rewatch the trailer again, & again, & again 😊)...


Anyway, I'm used to waiting like I did on YouTube before recently becoming a patreon, & wasn't too fussed waiting for Avatar (though of course I love it) as I live in Australia & am several hours ahead of you guys so usually end up watching your videos a day or two after the US release date...


...I keep busy with work, playing games (Pokemon Go 😊) & watching other videos (I love all your game night videos, couples & GOT themed, & enjoyed watching old videos like your 'The Ad-Friendly Normies')...


...Oh, and of course I want to wish you guys a safe & fun trip to the Red Rocks. Enjoy yourselves & your well deserved holiday 🤗 That's all folks 🙋


You really need to not spam so many comments. That "story" you wrote was cringy af, and 5 comments back to back to back. No one wants unnecessary spam.