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 Guys a Patron has once again uploaded our new Attack on Titan  video to YouTube.  This time it is a different account. Not sure if it is the same person as last week. This is not fair to all of you patrons that have spent your hard earned dollars to support us.  If anyone of you can please tell us who the owner of this channel is please let us know so we can block them from Patreon and prevent any further situations like this from happening.  We very much apologize that this has happened.  We believe transparency is the best way to speak with you about issues that are affecting out channel.

This individuals channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDW7A31LopRACftWDz9yPsw

We have already issued a take down of the video through YouTube but the response time is very slow.  We are currently figuring out a new avenue of uploading this video so this does not  happen again next week.   

Also to you the patron that has violated rules.  You do not own our video you have no right to post it.  Do us kindly and remove the video.  What you are doing is wrong you don't get to decide what goes on YouTube when you do not have ownership of our video.


Keyboard Junkie

This individual is a fucking moron for stealing other people's content. I hope you guys find this person and ban them.

fun fox

It is probably the same account. Try seeing if youtube can give you information about the email address of the first account and maybe a name and check if the name or email matches with one of your patron supporters.


It appears they've taken it down already. But why upload it in the first place? My brain can't comprehend the stupid...


Fucking seriously. Hey guys if this keeps happening, just don't upload them anymore. I know it sucks to ruin it for everyone, but this is most likely going to keep happening. Who ever it Is doesn't respect you or your rules. It's likely the same person. And as easy as it is to just make a new account every time, I don't think it'll stop. Even if you find a new way to upload it, they might still steal it. Just my 2 cents.


No please keep uploading them , I have subscribed to patreon just for aot and Avatar reactions Please change your uploading method instead


This boggles my mind. It's not like you guys actively made the decision to just remove your AoT content and move it Patreon, you were kind of forced to. Maybe in their own way they think they're helping you, but it's going to hurt you guys alot more in the long run. Sorry that this is happening to you. :/


We appreciate everyone's help again and we will continue to post reactions on Patreon for now... We will continue to let you know when these things happen! We will see how next week turns out!

Daniel Howard

Fuck attack on titan. How about attack on (that) Patreon lol

LadyVenom Way

Oh my Gosh?! AGAIN?! Can people just stop? This is getting so stupid. Grow up!


That actually fucking sucks


makes me wonder why I even spend the dollars for it. Stupid people are stupid


I don't get it... why go against the wishes of the people they are supporting with their money? It makes no sense to me.


Hi Normies. I just found a channel that has been stealing and reuploading plenty of your videos. The link I'm sharing is just one example. Just wanted to bring it to your attention. <a href="https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=a673OXA0nFo" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=a673OXA0nFo</a>

Lauren S.

This is absolutely ridiculous. This person's thought process is absolutely insane and completely selfish. Even this person is like 12 or they never developed into an adult with a moral code... just saying


What is with these people do they not understand it's stealing.

Robyn DW

This is easier for me to suggest, because I don't watch AOT or other animated shows (though you have got me hooked on Samurai Jack and Rick &amp; Morty), but maybe hold off on uploading AOT to Patreon until we can figure out who is the user? Also, any suggestions on how we can help track down the user or prevent further use and abuse? I'd be happy to help.

Robyn DW

I just reported the channel. I hope that helps...

Jonathan baez

Smh i hate these people stop doing this

Lauren S.

I really dislike that this person could be ruining it for everyone


the best i could come up with is that the normies should email the next video. They then should send a different link for every number of people( every 50 or 20 or 100) with a different hidden water mark for each linked video. Then work your way from there, if they upload the next video again, now you have a reduced population with each water marked video to work with. dunno if this will work as it seems like a lot of work but its the best i could come up with .


I like this idea. It may be a bit convoluted., but we can try messaging it just to certain individuals. Thanks for having our backs and brainstorming ideas everyone.

rickie woodson

wow real??? this is worse than torrentors. uploading reactions????


Yeah I'm all for the tracking of this person through the method brought up above^ A moving watermark that changes based on the different small groups of people you emailed. Although it may cause confusion or conflict to have to figure out which in the group was the dick, but still. If you really wanted to push it far, you could make a post about this time around, those who want the reaction need to 'reserve it ' or something of the sorts. So that you don't email it to anyone that didn't comment they wanted it or something. Let's say you get 100 comments of people saying they would like the reaction sent to them. For each person that commented, come up with another simple editing fix. A Microsoft style transition, like the zig zag, or just simple things that won't murder you to edit. (Although if this works, you wouldnt need to do it again and 100% narrows down the culprit, rather than a group of people with innocent ones) Each person gets something different in the video, keep a good record of what it was. From effects, watermark (although watermark removal tools exist), transition, a sticker, anything. But the trick is to avoid it being edited out. Well. You could play around with sound being your watermark. Or as frustrating as it might be for some of us place it RIGHT in the most crucial area. At the most crucial peak moment of the show, that they DEFINITELY wouldn't edit out. On the screen of the show itself. Maybe little variations there. There's a million things you can do with it, from slight color alteration of the show, or have a different color banner at the top for each person and see if they're too careless to remove it. Have a different frame for the little box that plays the show for every person. It might be a little effort, but if it works, you wouldn't need to do it again. Now of course we can't rule out the possibility of someone sending their friend the link to the video, and them taking it upon themselves to upload it. But you can still counter bullshit because then you'd know who's sharing content to non paying patrons.


I'm not down to have people ruin this, and it's better to nip it in the ass once and for all


I fuckin caved and paid up just to see AoT reactions. As cheap as i am, it's worth it.