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Below is the schedule that lists which video will be released on what day and who edited it. There might be miscellaneous videos some week but overall this will be the consistent weekly schedule until one of the shows end:

MONDAY: Samurai Jack and Attack on Titan (Suraj)

TUESDAY: Dragon Ball Super (Nahid)

WEDNESDAY: Avatar (Suraj) (released early access on Patreon as well as publish two episodes on YouTube)

THURSDAY: Flash (Nahid), Buffy The Vampire Slayer (React Wheel) (Suraj) 

FRIDAY: Rick & Morty (Chris)

SATURDAY: Vikings (Micky)

*It is subject to change. Reaction is based on the group's availability 


LadyVenom Way

You made some mistakes but dont worry I sorted it for you guys Monay: Lost Tuesday: Lost Wednesday: Doctor Who Thursday: Black Mirror Friday:Rick and Morty Saturday: Vikings Sunday React Wheel/Unboxings LOL But so Excited for Buffy, Greates show of ALL time. I am as mad about it as Suraj is about Lost! Please dont hate on it and break my heart lmao


Where's Ballers?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?


Avatar is not on that list. That list no longer exists.


It should be - Monday: Rick and Morty, Tuesday: Rick and Morty, Wednesday: Rick and Morty, Thursday: Rick and Morty, Friday: Rick and Morty. Then on Saturday, Rick and Morty skits.


Where da skits at yo?!


can we have multiple Avatar episodes?


To Suraj who'll be editing the Buffy reaction. Apparently Fox (who owns the rights to Buffy) are nitpicky when it comes to fair use, so a way around it (other than the typical 10 mins) is flipping the video. So yeah something to keep in mind.


Thank you for the heads up. I will definitely let Suraj know :) - Navi

Robyn DW

I'm still hoping Battlestar Galactica will make the react wheel. Maybe it's too nerdy for the crew... Did anyone else love the BSG reboot?


I need my Avacrack


I totally havent been refreshing my browser all day


Whoever's doing this can suck my dingleberry!! eejiyaatt!!