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Cobra Kai 3x6

Reaction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMRvgVZ7_UI

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/cobra-kai-premium/ (pg. 3)

Harley Quinn 1x10

Reaction: https://youtu.be/nccWGUPVKPg

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/harley-quinn-premium/ (pg. 2)




Yeah kinda sad they didn’t pick up on the fake out.


#sundayrundown Damn yall give Kreese a break he has PTSD and his friend literally got shot in front of him😭 If you think about it, all Kreese wants to do is train his students but the LaRussos wont leave him alone 😂 First they go to his place and slap him, and then they try to get his dojo shut down, and those things only happened because Sam started the fight at the arcade, and then she literally hid and watched as Demitri got his arm broken. Demitri didn't even want to fight but Sam set him up for failure 😂 The LaRussos think they're high and mighty but they cant mind their own business smh. Team Kreese all the way.

David Dye

Is Suraj just not gonna react to the last two episodes?