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0:00 - We Got Hacked
8:49 - Invincible
12:41 - Cobra Kai
22:51 - Boondocks (No Comments)
23:54 - The Office
28:00 - Succession
32:47 - Bleach
37:07 - Buffy/Angel
44:44 - Young Justice
47:05 - Rebels
50:40 - Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia
53:42 - General Comments


sdr 03172024



The Angel comment is spot on. Even when on Buffy, she never made him smile the way Cordelia does. Remember in Halloween, Angel and Cordy at the Bronze. Angel's got the biggest smile on his face brought on by Cordy. The one and only time he cracks a big smile on BtVS lol


You guys took it back quick, well done, I haven't checked on old videos if everything is still their but it looks to me all your stuff is intact kudos.


Nick A Sam's comment about Ichigo getting paid was so interesting. It's messed up that Ichigo doesn't know lol. And I remember when RTTV got hacked. Crazy smh


uh no viltrumites can grow beards, its just a fashion and tradition to only grow a mustache, idk where that came from, toolock pull jackie? also you literally see Nolan grow a beard in the show during his time on the planet he annihilates, what?


The Invincible comment is actually incorrect. Viltrumites can grow beards, remember in S1E2 when Omniman gets transported to the Flaxan planet? After he destroys the planet he comes back with a full beard. They just prefer only mustache for Viltrumite tradition.

Manny D.

Haha the religion of ACOTAR 🤣 SJM gotta get that show made so the rest of the Normies can react to it

my new name

I can’t imagine getting hacked. Kudos to you Normies for pulling through this tough time!


You're one of two channels I follow on YouTube who got hacked and stolen by crypto shitheads.

rickie woodson

Yall need to talk to roshi. He got his back after 2 hours. He has a "friend" at youtube. Get your nepotism on


Suraj congrats on the casting! That sounds awesome, hope you have fun!

Anthony Villena

Looking forward to seeing Misery on the cult classic poll

rickie woodson

misery is just a classic and should be on a horror poll or just a straight chosen watch. for it to be a cult classic it has to fail critically and financially but find acclaim among us the consumers, usually after its theatrical run via home video release.

Chaos T

"I'm sorry your dad doesn't like you. Maybe you could become a better son". Chase Utley's response to Mac is hilarious. I love he used stickers on his response letter.


Lol I don’t remember y’all condemning Daniel too much, I remember more y’all making excuses for him.

Johnny Blue

Just FYI, you have zero YT mods in the roster. The hack reset everyone's permissions. If you feel like there are more troll comments than usual, that's because your safety net is gone for the moment.


Thanks for the heads up. We’re going to use this upcoming week to get everything sorted again.


The best thing about this whole Mac/Chase Utley thing is that Chase and Rob ended up becoming really good friends in real life.

S.A. Jones

Am I the only one who uses the Indian Siri voice ??


That's scary. Glad you guys survived the hack attack. And congrats on the role, Suraj!


Haha nice to be noticed 😅 btw my Patreon name would basically be pronounced like specs on a computer I just liked spelling it this way


So I’m the Normies selected #1 YJ fan 😂😏

Ab$tract A$p

hacking is so easy to do but no channel has made me upset enough to do it and I know how they got yall


I *think* it was near the end/general comments because they were kind of talking about how they don't have time for Shogun for at least some months.

Chris D. Jones

Wait no I want to know how. Don’t deny me the tea!!!!


Well that’s not exactly true that Angel only smiles with Cordy. On the flip side it’s easy to be more carefree when you’re not under the pressure of a relationship plagued with serious issues. When Angel became human in 1x08 and nothing was holding them back, Angel was very happy and laughing especially when Buffy was feeding him and she licked the ice cream off his chest.


Thanks for reminding me of the cringiest scene my brain works very hard to remove from my memory lol


Very weird comment if you cringe at a scene of lovers licking each other. I guess you’ve never had it done..right. Lol.


😂 two people whom I don't find sexy at all, nor good at acting sexy, wrapped up in a relationship that's very off-putting to me, licking each other, is cringey from every direction 😉 I'm sorry you got butt hurt about it and tried to turn it personal 🤷🏼‍♀️


Who’s butt hurt? 😂Dude calm down. It’s a show that ended 20 years ago and you went cuckoo for cocoa puffs at the mention of one scene. Obviously you’re upset about something. 🤨


Are you ok lol? What are you on about 😂 Maybe some trouble reading tone and emojis perhaps 🤔 I'm sorry that's difficult for you. And I'll repeat, I'm sorry you were butt hurt with my comment 😘


Yeah you’re touched. Here’s a lick from Buffy to Angel to make you cringe. 👅 😂😂😂


Calm down sweetie 😂😂 Everything's ok, it's just a tv show 😉


wooooooo rundown!

David Campbell

Finally got around to watching this to find out about the hack. Normies, it's really unfair to blame "crypto bros" for the hack. I use this analogy all the time, but it's like blaming the prince of Nigeria for all those "Nigerian Prince" scams. Scammers use legit crypto channels, but put bogus links in the videos to scam people into giving up their financial info. Crypto channels are a good tool because most people have heard of it as a way to make money, but don't know enough about it to spot a scam site if directed to one.