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Hello, good people of the internet, and welcome back to the second post in a new series here on  Patreon, where I go back to my old blog posts from the AIWW site and see  if I still align with them or if I have anything to add or subtract from  them. Maybe at the end I'll put it altogether as a book collection, or  maybe I won't. Time will tell, I guess.

This one is another one that originally was written for the FRATER BLUE blog, so I don't know the exact date it was published. I posted it to AIWW on February 3rd 2015, but I'd be confident to say that it was originally written and published in late 2014.

It marks my very first proper evocation, and I have to say that I honestly believe is the exact moment when everything started to really click for me magickally. I would also, depending on my mood on the day, possibly argue that it was the pivotal moment that marked the current phase of my life.


The Crossroads

I recently read Frater U.D’s book Money Magic. I don’t know a lot about Frater U.D other than he is German, and his book on Sigil Magic is widely recommended as the book on the subject. I haven’t read his Sigil book, but having read Money Magic, I might have a read of his other stuff. I really liked it. Easy read, well researched, and gives decent arguments for his assertions without getting too bogged down on details. Have a look; you’ll read through the whole thing in a few hours.

In the book, Frater U.D. talks a lot about Mercury.

I am currently at somewhat of a crossroads regarding the whole “what am I doing with my life?” question. I have spent the last ten years or so trying my best to make a decent living out of art and comics, and although I definitely had periods when I was very successful at this, on balance and particularly the last few years haven’t been good at all. It has come to the point that I either do something different or radically change my way of working. Something has to change.

But honestly, I don’t know what I want to do. This is odd for me, I have always known what I wanted to do and always had a direction[1]. The relief from giving up the need for validation, although significant, has left a big gaping hole in my life.

What next?

Well, that’s where Mercury comes in. I decided that I would try to call up Mercury and ask him what his advice was on the subject. Mercury is the god of commerce, money, abundance, luck, and a host of other things. His day is Wednesday, his colour is orange (although his cape was Blue when he came to me, and I suspect most people would think of blue when they think of Mercury, maybe I’m wrong on that though) and he likes the smell of Benzoin, sage, or mint, depending on what source you listen to.

Evoking Mercury

Usually, people evoke Mercury to get some quick or easy money, but Mercury is a trickster god, so this money usually comes at a cost, with a lesson, or with a sting in the tail. This is not what I wanted. I have enough hang-ups from my Catholic upbringing about money and abundance being “a sin”, and the “Careful what you wish for…” curse is quite deeply embedded in my bones. I don’t need to be re-enforced in these beliefs - I want rid of them!

So instead of looking for easy euros, I evoked Mercury as an advisor.

The Ritual

· I cleaned my temple (office), closed the blinds,

· I lit the incense.

· I drew Mercurial symbols on a large sheet of paper in Orange marker,

· I lit an orange candle that I had placed the Main Symbol of Mercury, which I had anointed with Benzoin.

· I laid out all the Magician Cards I had from various Tarot.

· I placed some coins on the ground.

· I placed some mint on the ground.

Then I got into that headspace you need for ritual and sat down. I had written a Hymn To Mercury talking about his many great attributes, how well he was spoken of, and what he is known for. Hardly award-winning poetry, but I hoped he liked it. It ended with a call-out to the Universe for Mercury to come.

And he did.


Blue robe, a winged hat, athletic frame. He seemed like a man who was in his late twenties. He sat down crossed legged across from me. So, I just started to talk to him. I told him how I was feeling, what was going on, and what I needed advice and help on in very conversational language. He sat and listened; around halfway through my presentation, he seemed to wave his hands at me and sprinkle something on me. It seemed like some sort of blessing, but I am not sure.

When I was finished, he said: “All that there is, is one drop in the ocean. Be more clever.” He stood up, put his hands on my head, and said, “It will all get better soon”.

And he left.

I cleaned up the room and put everything away or back on the altar. I left the candle burning.

Now, the big question: Was this all in my head?

Yes and no, but mostly it doesn’t matter - not to me anyway. You should always act like your evocation was successful, even if you don’t see or hear any actual manifestation. It’s rude not to. You should always act like your magic has worked. If I thought there was “a secret” to it all, this would be it[2].

So, let’s see what new knowledge and guidance comes my way.


2024 Notes

[1] Reading this now, I find it weird that I said this. I feel these days like I have never known the answer to the elusive “What do you actually want?” question. But what I suspect I am referring to here is that when I was a teenager, I wanted to be a rock star and when I was in my late twenties, I wanted to be a world-famous comic artist and writer. These days I don’t think I actually want “to be” anything and am delighted I never became the things my younger self wanted to be. I massively doubt I would have survived the experience.

[2] Haha! Yes, this very common bit of widely touted magical advice is definitely a secret only I can let you in on. Man, 2014 Tommie needs to get out more if this is the height of his secret knowledge.



I’m really enjoying your current takes on your previous posts. While I have made a rudimentary effort at tracking my own magical practice, a lot is just memory of how something felt more than an accurate accounting of all the involved steps. When I read these types of posts of yours, I’m invigorated to practice my own craft more. I’m reminded of my own rituals and the ways I’ve evolved my craft. I appreciate you.


I'm glad you enjoy them. And delighted that you find them invigorating yo your own practice. That's great news.


This is really great indeed Tommie finding myself pretty much in this too ! So nice 🥹"he put his spell you you "!