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By popular demand the Necronomicon Group Working will feature ZIKU and money is the target. The Ritual is happening  any time before the Full Moon this Friday 29th September, but as close to it as possible.


PDF VERSION OF THIS TEXT: https://mega.nz/file/e0E2FLLA#dloSy-VD4zK-K0qtRRCYgIaqOy0AB94U3MbEl0zPLmQ

The ritual is to be done before the full moon on September 29th 2023, but as close to it as possible. Do not do it after the full moon has occurred. Moon Calender: https://www.timeanddate.com/moon/phases/


Draw the sigil of ZIKU in your own hand on a square piece of white card, parchment or paper.

1. Cleansing: Cleanse with a ritual bath, smudging, or any preferred purification or banishing method.

2. Ritual Space: Set up a quiet, serene space where you won't be disturbed.

3. Altar: Place a chalice of water, Pine incense, a lit white candle, and the sigil of ZIKU on a table or dedicated space.

4. Written Intent: Write down their desired amount (in multiples of 15) on the back of the piece of parchment or paper with the ZIKU sigil. This amount should be for a fixed number but a number you consider more money than you are likely to receive in normal circumstances. The figure should feel like you are just asking for a bit too much. This will be different for everyone, and you should trust your gut.

Ritual Steps:

1. Astral Connection: Begin by visualizing each participant in separate locations, forming an astral circle connecting everyone energetically. Imagine a silver thread linking each participant to the centre of this circle.

2. Circle Casting: Mentally visualize a protective barrier forming around each participant, powered by the energy from the astral circle.

3. Invocation of the Watchtowers: According to the Necronomicon, the Watchtowers are associated with the Four Gates. To invoke them:

- Face the relevant direction and recite:

Invocation of the North Gate

Thee I invoke, Silver Hunter from the Sacred City of UR!
Thee I call forth to guard this North Place of the Most Holy Mandal against the vicious warriors of Flame from the Principalities of DRA!
Be thou most vigilant against the UTUKKI of TIAMAT
The Oppressors of ISHNIGARRAB
The Throne of AZAG-THOTH!
Draw Thy bow before the fiends of ABSU
Loose Thy arrow at the hordes of Dark Angels that beset the beloved of ARRA on all sides and in all places.
Be watchful, Lord of the North Ways.
Remember us, King of our Homeland, Victor of Every War and Conqueror over Every Adversary.
See our Lights and hear our Heralds, and do not forsake us.
Spirit of the North, Remember!

Invocation of the Eastern Gate

Thee I invoke, Mistress of the Rising Star.
Queen of Magick, of the Mountains of MASHU!
Thee I call forth this day to guard this Most Holy mandal against the Seven Ensnarers, the Seven Liers-In-Wait, the evil Maskim, the Evil Lords!
Thee I Summon, Queen of the Eastern Ways, that thou mayest protect me from the Eye of Death, and the evil rays of the ENDUKUGGA and NINDUKUGGA!
Be watchful, Queen of the Eastern Ways, and Remember!
Spirit of the East, Remember!

Invocation of the Southern Gate

Thee I invoke, Angel, Guardian against the URULU Dread City of Death, Gate of No Return!
Do Thou stand at my side!
In the Names of the most Mighty Hosts of MARDUK and ENKI, Lords of the Elder Race, the ARRA, do Thou stand firm behind me!
Against PAZUZU and HUMWAVA, Fiends of the Southwest Winds, do Thou stand form!
Against the Lords of the Abominations, do Thou stand form!
Be Thou the Eyes behind me,
The Sword behind me,
The Spear behind me,
The Armour behind me.
Be watchful, Spirit of the Southern Ways, and Remember!
Spirit of the South, Remember!

The Invocation of the Western Gate

Thee I invoke, Spirit of the Land of MER MARTU!
Thee I invoke, Angel of the Sunset!
From the Unknown God, protect me!
From the Unknown Demon, protect me!
From the Unknown Enemy, protect me!
From the Unknown Sorcery, protect me!
From the Waters of KUTULU, protect me!
From the Wrath of ERESHKIGAL, protect me!
From the Swords of KINGU, protect me!
From the Baneful Look, the Baneful Word, the Baneful Name, the Baneful Number, the Baneful Shape, protect me!
Bewatchful, Spirit of the Western Ways, and Remember!
Spirit of the West Gate, Remember!

The Invocation of the Four Gates


4. The Great Conjuration of All the Powers


Spirits, Lords of the Earth, Remember!
Spirits, Ladies of the Earth, Remember!
Spirits, Lords of the Air Remember!
Spirits, Ladies of the Air, Remember!
Spirits, Lords of the Fire, Remember!
Spirits, Ladies of the Fire, Remember!
Spirits, Lords of the Water, Remember!
Spirits, Ladies of the Water, Remember!
Spirits, Lords of the Stars, Remember!
Spirits, Ladies of the Stars, Remember!
Spirits, Lords of all hostilities, Remember!
Spirits, Ladies of all hostilities, Remember!
Spirits, Lords of all peacefulness, Remember!
Spirits, Ladies all peacefulness, Remember!
Spirits, Lords of the Veil of Shadows, Remember!
Spirits, Ladies of the Veil of Shadows, Remember!
Spirits, Lords of the Light of Life, Remember!
Spirits, Ladies of the Light of Life, Remember!
Spirits, Lords of the Infernal Regions, Remember!
Spirits, Ladies of the Infernal Regions, Remember!
Spirits, Lords of the Lords of MARDUK, Remember!
Spirits, Ladies of the Lords of MARDUK, Remember!
Spirits, Lords of SIN, Who maketh his ship cross the River, Remember!
Spirits, Ladies of SIN, Who maketh his ship cross the skies, Remember!
Spirits, Lords of SHAMMASH, King of the Elder Ones, Remember!
Spirits, Ladies of SHAMMASH GULA, Queen of the Elder Ones, Remember!
Spirits, Lords of TSHKU, Lord of the ANNUNAKI, Remember!
Spirits, Ladies of the Goddess Nammu, Mother of ENKI, Remember!
Spirits, Lords of NINNASU, Our Father of the Numerous Waters, Remember!
Spirits, Ladies of NINNUAH, Daughter of ENKI, Remember!
Spirits, Lords of NINNGHIZHIDDA, Who upheaves the face of the Earth, Remember!
Spirits, Ladies of NINNISI ANA, Queen of Heaven Remember!
Spirits, Lords and Ladies of the Fire, GIBIL, Ruler Supreme on the Face of the Earth, Remember!
Spirits of the Seven Doors of the World, Remember!
Spirits of the Seven Locks of the World, Remember!
Spirit KHUSBI KURK, Wife of NAMMTAR, Remember!
Spirit KHITIM KURUKU, Daughter of the Ocean, Remember!



5. Invocation of ZIKU:
While looking intently at the seal you have made, so that it is the only thing you can see, take three deep breaths, slowly, one at a time. Concentrate on the goal at the same time, seeing it as a picture if possible such as a picture of yourself sitting in a pile of cash, or looking at your bank balance or similar. Then, slowly raise your eyes, without lifting your head, to the heavens and say,

slowly and clearly:

ZI KIA KANPA (Zee-Kee-Ya-Kan-Pa)

ZI ANNA KANPA (Zee-An-Na-Kan-Pa)

ZI DINGIR KIA KANPA (Zee-Deen-Geer-Kee-Ya-Kan-Pa)

ZI DINGIR ANNA KANPA (Zee-Deen-Geer-An-Na-Kan-Pa)

Hear me, O Thou Ziku, Pure Life and Breath, remember Me. Come to Me by the Powers of the Word GIGGIMAGANPA,  and answer my urgent prayer! I ask you to deliver to me the amount of ______ from a pleasing source. This source must not involve extra work or any burden to me. It must be freely given and not cause me or my loved ones any harm. In return, I promise a publicly expressed acknowledgement and thanks.



6. Then slowly lower your eyes back to the seal in front of you and stare

intently at the drawing, while forming a clear mental image of the end you are trying to achieve. Do not pay any attention to any strange or eerie feelings you may experience at this point. They are common with this type of ritual and are no cause for alarm. It is important that you do not break concentration for any purpose whatsoever, so ignore the odd sounds and sensations that might accompany the performance of any of these rituals. They are simply the weak attempts of unevolved psychic entities trying to disrupt your ritual. They are not worthy of your attention

7. When you have passed a few moments this way, and you feel your concentration beginning to wane, then close the ritual with the following prayer:

ZI DINGIR KIA KANPA (Zee-Deen-Geer-Kee-Ya-Kan-Pa)

ZI DINGIR ANNA KANPA (Zee-Deen-Geer-An-Na-Kan-Pa)

Spirit of the Earth, Remember!
Spirit of the Sky, Remember!

Take three more deep breaths, then stand up (if you have been sitting),

and walk a few steps around the room looking at all the objects that might be there: furniture, pictures, etc. and touch a few of these objects. This serves two purposes, one: it helps to solidify your astral body if the preceding ritual has caused it to become overly sensitive to passing vibrations, making it weak and vulnerable, and two: it distracts the conscious mind from the basically unconscious process that the ritual has just begun. Now, return to the table on which your seal has been placed.

8. Take the seal you have just made and fold it over, then put it away somewhere where no one will see it. The seal has been charged, in a subtle way, and now can no longer be used for any other purpose except what it was consecrated to do in your ritual. You must not use the same seal twice for different goals.

9. Extinguish the candle. Do not use this candle for other rituals or for any mundane purpose.

10. Keep a record of what happened during the ritual.




Good mon ey 🕯


There is an important word missing in Step 5. It should read ... It must be freely given and NOT cause me or my loved ones any harm.


Thank you for this ritual. I felt a kinship with Ziku, actually. I did not want to stop the communion. We talked about his two eyes, two eyes like mine. His nose. His feet…his spine. He called me redness in the end…like as my name. I asked why redness…he said when I see you, I see mostly red. I thought maybe it was the blood he saw but not sure…maybe he was looking beyond my skin. We stayed together for some time.:.just hanging out. In the end, I felt a baptism of sorts. The energy felt like life…abundant life. So, I also asked for spiritual gifts…more sight, more hearing. And that’s when the baptism happened. A very enjoyable experience.


It’s interesting also because in real life, the evening before this ritual, my children and I came face to face with a robot, walking (or I should say, rolling) down the street here in Los Angeles. There are many of them. They deliver food…and operate mostly like people…sort of. They stop at traffic lights, walk around crowds, etc. In any case, yesterday-night, this one stopped, as if to observe me and the children. A little strange. We noted our differences…the robot and us…for a few minutes…and after some time, he (or she) rolled on…onwards. I guess to continue her duties. So interacting with Ziku was another life form, in my mind, I guess. And someone new to know.