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Does the land remember magick? For instance, if a ritual is performed in a particular place, does that location hold onto that energy and, if so, for how long?




Using temples as an example, they are in a fixed place, they're visited regularly. The energy builds as we feed it. The land is the same...I feel like it wanes if we neglect it. I have a temple space in my garden that I haven't used all summer, and grass has crept in, and I feel a little tug when I go past it. I think I can bring it back to life with some attention. So, yes the land has memory, and indefinitely, and I think it *wants* to participate.


Yes. I believe the land does retain memory of ritual. Some, who practice conjure, even go as far as retrieving soil from certain sacred lands where ritual has happened, e.g., a sample of soil from ancient churches or a sample from cemeteries where those who were before held power. These acts, I suppose, are done in order to enhance or increase manifestation.