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Six identical windowpanes, looking out onto the desert. Each reveals a different portion of the landscape, but there is nothing to distinguish any pane from the rest.

Divinatory meaning

Perceptiveness. Clarity. Objectivity. The ability to remain unaffected by prejudice (or a circumstance that will require this). Neutrality. Keen observation. Clear perception of details. Aesthetic appreciation and skill.


Obscured or mistaken perception. A misplaced concern with minutiae. Ignoring the obvious. Vacancy.




wow beautiful :)


Hi, Tommie - I hope you are well. I apologize for this question because I believe you have given us instruction already, but how could I purchase this deck? When I go to the website it only asks for the password (which I have forgotten and it doesn’t have a prompt for password reset…or, I couldn’t find it. Please help.


Hi Sapphira - the deck isn;t actually released until next month and don't worry I'll let you know when. These are just the promotional images I have been working on as we get closer to the release, and I thought I'd share them with you all as I do them :)


Oh, thank you, Tommie! These images are magnificent! Okay, I’ll calm down and wait until next month.