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The Eye shows us that there is a divine plan to all things. It encourages us to remember that all is as it should be.


Text description from the Second Edition of the Grimoire of The Forty Servants:

"When The Eye appears, it is a sign that all is going according to plan, even if it doesn't seem so from your perspective. The catch is that the plan that is on track is the divine plan, which may not be what you had in mind.

The advice given by this Servant is that even if life appears to be going all wrong or falling apart - it will all work out for the best in the end. You will eventually end up in the place you are meant to be in, and when you look back, you will see how every moment had to occur exactly as it did to allow everything to fall into place.

The Eye is also a sign that someone or something from the spirit realm is looking out for you and that you are being looked after and helped, even if you don’t feel it. Ultimately, The Eye is a reminder of the existence of a higher being or beings watching over us, guiding and helping us from afar.

The Eye is your connection to the Super Consciousness, of which your own consciousness is just a microcosm or aspect. Invoking The Eye will infuse you with Spirit and Divine presence. This Presence is the original thought that existed at the beginning of all things and will be there at the very end - it is consciousness in the most absolute and broadest sense. It is all things. It can take many shapes or forms and will present itself differently to every person.

The Eye can be used to help you become more in sync with the higher calling of life. The Eye can be the focus of prayers for the safety, healing and happiness of all sentient beings in the universe."

MORE INFO ON THE EYE HERE: https://wp.me/p75qU6-qP
