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It's looking very likely that the Nidana Deck that myself and Duncan Barford have put together will be launched next month. At the moment I am working on the website content, along with the promotional material. I thought you guys would be interested in seeing it as it I get through it. Note: The URL won't work until launch day.


A corpse on a gurney, abandoned and alone in the desert, whilst the phantasmic image of a skull looms and grins down from the night sky. Death is mysterious, yet mundane and personal. We encounter loneliness, silence, and darkness on contemplating death.

Divinatory meanings

Death. Inevitability. Fate. Futility. That which we are seeking to avoid. A challenge from which it is our instinct to flinch, or which we cannot face. Inability to see clearly. Sudden and drastic change. An inescapable or unavoidable situation.


Resistance to change. An inability to release from our life what is obsolete. Cowardice in facing the inevitable ending of things. Physical, emotional, or intellectual morbidity.
