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The Conductor shows us how to take control of our life circumstances. He encourages us to take a more active role in orchestrating and arranging the events of our lives.

"The Conductor is the magician of the orchestra, using his wand to control the music and rhythm to his preference.  He is all about taking control and being in charge of the world around you. Are you the conductor leading the orchestra, or are you one of the minor players? Are you being swayed in time with the music being played, or are you marching to the beat of your own drum?

This Servant suggests that you look at the circumstances of your life and see what roles you are actually playing. Are you merely reacting to life and accepting all that comes your way, or are you taking the lead role and living your life the way you want?

Are you in flow with the music and rhythm of life and the world, or are you out of step with the beat? Is the soundtrack to your life an upbeat triumphant chorus of angels or a lonely solo violin weeping mournfully in the rain?

The Conductor calls to you to take more control over your life and to direct the music of this existence to what you want rather than just marching along to the beat of others. While you may never be fully in control of every event that occurs to or around you, you can compose your own life soundtrack to be more individual, beautiful and inspiring.

The Conductor can help you take control of events, relationships, jobs, circumstances, or anything surrounding you and put your own stamp on it.

The Conductor can show you how to move and manipulate the events of your life so that they become more harmonious and pleasing to you. The Conductor is a wonderful Servant to enlist when you feel that you don't have control or autonomy. Request The Conductor to teach you how to weave the music of life to your liking and rhythm."

