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So, I put my head down and worked as solidly as I could to get all the corrections done, and I am happy to say that they are now complete. The files have been uploaded and I am currently in the middle of the usual Amazon dance where they pretend for a few days that they can't send Proofs to Ireland and then decide that they can. They are saying 7 days to give me an answer this time, though. Its usually 48 hours. So we'll see.

Going through it again has been great actually, I'm much happier with it all now. I was able to change some stuff that bugged me such as Speech baboon inconsistencies. I also changed the cover to white as the black wasn't working for me the way I wanted it to.

So watch this space!




I was lucky enough to see Aphex Twin perform Speech Baboon Inconsistencies at a Rotterdam squat rave back in 1994.... Good to hear everything is back on track Tommie.


Santa came early this year and surprised me with a copy of this!! Love it so far and really dig the white cover!!!