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And it's not good news...

To be fair 90% of it looks really fantastic and I am very happy with it. But the other 10% is terrible. Basically the issue is that some of the screen-tones just didn't print well at all. Here are a few examples:

It almost looks like the texture is missing, but it isn't - its just not printing well.

I have to admit this is very disheartening as I really thought I would be able to get the book out this week, and that seems unlikely given the work that will need to be done to sort it out.

I really could have done with a win on this one. But such is life.

Anyway, here's a couple of images where the art looks great:

Anyway, back to work it is. Hopefully I'll get through the fixes quickly enough.

And, in other  news, thanks to Black Friday Sales I was able to upgrade the newsletter  software app to "premium" so I have lots more options going forward to  do more interesting things with the newsletter than just try to sell you stuff.

I'm looking forward to getting into it. Sign up if you haven't, it's free.

Be Well,




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