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Battle Pets,

Some can be Farmed From Raids, others obtained through vendors,

But some! , are Open World...

So Today we will be going over the, 10 Best Open World Pet Farms,

Let Us Begin.

[1] Crimson Whelpling – Wetlands

Starting off with number 1, we have the Crimson Whelpling Farm,

Located within the zone of The Wetlands,

This battle pet can be obtained best from the Red Dragonkin the zone,

But not just anywhere, You See.

What you will want to do is make your way over to the road on the top right side of the map,

Here you will find Orc's fighting Dragonkin, at coordinates, 66.0 46.6

This is a known instant respawn farm for transmog but these mobs also have a chance of dropping this battle pet.

The Orcs and Dragonkin have a drop chance for this battle pet at around 0.05%, though due to the amount of mobs you can slay per hour is your best choice and the Price is Reflective of the drop chance making this a good farm to start off with.

[2] Hyacinth Macaw – Stranglethorn Vale

Following onto this at number 2 and located within the zone of Northen Stranglethorn,

at coordinates, 48.2 50.0

You will be wanting to slay the Mosh'Ogg Ogres in the area for a 0.02% Chance for the Hyacinth Macaw.

This Battle pet goes for some great gold and with the drop chance being low,

a force respawn farm is required to increase your chances.

These Ogres Force Respawn, once you have cleared the area helping you obtain this high value item even faster than some other farms for this pet.

[3] Disgusting Ozzeling – Swamp of Sorrows

Coming in at number 3 is the, Disgusting Ozzeling Battle Pet,

This Battle Pet is notorious to obtain, but the price for this very much worth the chance if you are feeling lucky.

Make your way over towards the Swamp of Sorrows,

Here you will be wanting to slay, Sorrow Spinners,

at coordinates, 35.8 53.2

Here you will be wanting to move around in a circle slaying all of the Ozzes around the area,

These mobs will respawn once you have completed one lap and as such have a chance to obtain the Oozing Bag.

Which has a 1.4% chance of obtaining this Battle Pet.

[4] Fox Kit – Tol Barad

Next Up at number 4 and in the zone of Tol Barad,

We will be farming for the Fox Kit battle pet,

At a 0.1% Drop chance, this battle pet can drop from any of the Baradin Foxes around the area.

Doing this effectively, you will need to make you way around the area in a circler motion for which, once one lap is complete the first fox will have respawned.

The Fox Kit is a great farm, if you are looking for something different in regards Dungeon, Raid and Material Farming.

[5] Black Tabby Cat – Hillsbrad Foothills

Coming up, next on our list, is a really hard to get battle pet that can sell for some serious gold,

This is the Black Tabby Cat farm, within the zone of the Hillsbrad Foothills.

You will want to make your way over to coordinates, 58.8 74.6

Here you will find Force Spawning Gnolls, meaning that a Gnoll ahs to be up and if looped around the area slaying them you will never run out of mobs,

The drop chance for this battle pet is 0.01% so a force spawn location is best for farming this battle pet.

[6] Emerald Whelpling – Feralas

Next up at number 6 is the Emerald Whelpling Farm.

Located within the zone of Feralas,

You can farm this battle pet from any of the Noxious Whelps in the zone at coordinates, 49.6 8.6,

with a drop chance of 0.1% it is a a lot is easier battle pet to obatin,

I even managed to get this pet while gathering footage for this video and the price on average is pretty stable for most other servers.

[7] Firefly – Zangarmarsh

Moving into the Outland, and into the Zone of Zangarmarsh,

We will be farming for the Firefly battle pet,

This battle pet can be sold on the auction house for a decent chunk of gold.

This battle pet is farmed from the, Bogflare Needlers

which are dotted around the zone of Zangarmarsh,

at a 0.08% Drop chance, we can see why this battle pet is sold for some silly prices,

So if you are feeling lucky, why not give it a shot!

[8] Azure Whelping – Winterspring

Next up at number 8 we have a Zone wide Battle Pet,

This is for the battle pet the, Azure Whelpling,

Zone wide drops for reference means that it can drop from any mob within the zone.

At a drop chance of 0.02% the price for this battle pet is of course going to be worth quite abit, so lets increase our chances by heading to the bottom of the map,

Here we will be wanting to slay the Elementals, as these will force spawn, further increasing our chances and also doubles as a Essence of water Gold farm which means we will also get materials to sell as well as the chance of getting said battle pet.

[9] Gundrak Hatchling – Zul'Drak

At number 9 we have one of my prize pics.

Why? You might ask?

I dunno, …. I just like it.

This is the Gundrak Hatchling Farm within the zone of Zul'Drak.

Here we will be wanting to loop around the top side of the zone starting at coordinates, 74.6 37.2

We will then be wanting to farm the Gundrak Raptors for a 0.1% Chance for this Battle Pet.

This battle pet sells quite well and along with a good gold value on average, this makes it a prize choice along with a simplistic farm in addition.

[10] Sprite Darter Hatchling – Feralas

Coming at last on our list we have the Zone Wide Farm for the Sprite Darter Hatchling,

This battle pet can be farmed for the zone Feralas,

The best farm for doing this is be farming the Yeti's at coordinates, 51.8 31.6

for a 0.02% chance of dropping,

This is a prized farming location for myself as this has a great respawn rate along with providing additional Leather for my Skinner so I am able to gather materials as well as farming for the pet,

But this can also be farmed from the Noxious Whelps in the zone as well for the Emerald Whelpling increasing your chances to get both in one session of gold farming.



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