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Class Based Gold Farms,

A Very Underrated way of making gold and one of my methods I use each week to give great returns in the future.

So today we will be going over the, 7 Best Class Specific Gold Farms,

Let Us, Begin.

[1] Decahedral Dwarven Dice

Starting with the Decahedral Dwarven Dice,

This farm is a Rogue specific farm and is located within the zone of Icrown.

This is where you will want to make your way over towards the Onslaught Harbor.

All Onslaught mobs have a chance of dropping this item at a roughly, 0.3 to 0.7% Drop chance.

You will be wanting to loop around the area in order to make sure you have pickpocketted all mobs.

Once a full loop has been done, all of the previous mobs should have had there pockets filled once again.

This is so we always have mobs to pickpocket for increasing our chances of getting this item.

This Dice sell for a strong gold value, due to the low drop chance and the specific requirments of obtaining this item.

[2] Tome of Polymorph:  Monkey

Next up we have the Tome of Polymorph: Monkey.

Here is where you will be wanting to make your way over towards the zone of The Jade Forest,

And at the Southern Tip, you will find Hozen which have chance to drop this item.

This is of course a Mage Specific farm, which is another reason why this item gains its value.

The Hozen have a Drop chance of 0.6% but the reason why we are farming this area instead of something like the Deadmines.

Is that the mob Density is higher and because the mobs are linked to one of the starting quests for Mop, there respawn rate is incredibly fast, meaning you will always have mobs to slay in this area.

[3] Loaded Gnomish Dice

Following onto this and within the zone of Uldum,

Is a Rogue Specific Farm, Once again.

This is for the Item, The Loaded Gnomish Dice,

This can be pick-pocketed from the Schnottz Infantryman,

Though it is wise to know that if you Sap, the Leader of the packs before pickpocketing,

You are able to have them all stand still and as such make your life a lot easier when doing this gold farm.

This is when I will slay the mobs after pickpocketing each pack to speed up there respawn pockets as these mobs repsawn timer is faster than there pocket timers meaning it is much more efficient to slay them to reset pockets.

[4] Tome of Polymorph: Porcupine

Coming in next on our list is the, Tome of Polymorph: Porcupine

Now I love this Mage Specific Gold farm, due to the tome being easily farmable and sells for a good gold value.

You will need to make your way over towards the zone of the Jade Forest,

and once there head towards the coordinates, 48.6 28.6

This is where you will find Smoky Porcupines and if farmed in a loop, you will always have mobs to slay.

This farm is something I love to do when I have some free time and fancy doing something else than Material Farming.

[5] Worn Troll Dice

Next up is the Rogue Specific Farm of the Worn Troll Dice.

This item is best farmed North of the Argent Tenement.

On the little island of  Hrothgar's Landing,

This is where you will want to loop around the area pick pocketing the Kvaldir mobs.

Once one loop has been done the first mob you started with should have had its pockets reset which means if done right you will always have mobs to pick-pocket for this item.

This items drop chance is around 1.3% and also sells quite well in regards to the other Rogue Specific Farms and such, this is why it is higher on this list.

[6] Tome of Polymorph: Polar Bear Cub

Following onto this and within the zone of Drangonblight,

Is the Mage Specific Farm for the Tome of Polymorph: Polar Bear Cub

This can be farmed from the Mobs, Arctic Grizzly's

at a Drop Chance of 0.5%,

Make your way over towards coordinates, 38.2 53.2

and Loop your way around the area,

These mobs are quite spaced out and as such sometimes your flying mount is required to get to them faster.

Though this Tome of Polymorph tends to be the better selling of the three due to the information I have stated already.

And such this is one farm I do on the regular, due to the returns I can make on this said item.

[7] Tome of the Lost Legion

Lastly and to Finish off our list is the Sealed Tome of The Lost Legion Farm.

This is Where you will want to Take you Warlock over to the Isle of Thunder from the Mists of Pandaria Expansion.

Here is where you will be farming the Rare Elites for a Chance of Obtaining this Item.

At a Drop Chance of, 2%

This is something I enjoy farming for as one loop of the island take roughly 7 minutes, which then I can log each day for a chance of this item.

Though it is wise to point out that this item in Unique.

So once you have one on your person, you should send it off to your banker and than continue farming again for this item, if you are looking to do this on a regular basis.



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