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Multi Farms,

The Method in which you combine Two Gathering Professions Together to increase your gold per hour,

So today we will be looking at the, 10 Best Multi Gold Farms,

Let Us Begin.

[1] Foxflower / Felslate – Highmountain

At number 1 we have the Foxflower and Felslate Farm,

Located within the zone of Highmountain, you will be wanting to fly around the edge of the mountains of the zone.

Items of note are of course Foxflower and Felslate but also Yseraline Seeds and Leystone Ore.

Make sure to have Atleast Rank 2 or 3 in Felslate, Foxflower and Leystone, so you will gain the most amount of materials for your time.

[2] Sinvyr Ore / Windowbloom – Revendreth

Following onto this at number 2 and located within the zone of Revendreth,

We have the Sinvyr and Widowbloom Farm,

These items can be obtained best from the southern area as nodes are more denser.

This farm is great because these current content materials sell relatively fast,

as they are used to create a lot of the higher end Crafts which players purchase more frequently.

[3] Saronite Ore / Adders Tongue – Sholazar Basin

Next up, in the zone of Sholazar Basin,

We have the Saronite and Adders Tongue Farm,

This will require you to flying around the rivers of the map,

I have already added this route within the WorthIt Addon just for ease of use for everyone.

This farm is good because Saronite Ore holds a Good Rate of sale, along with having a steady gold value.

Adders Tongue is best Milled into the Wrath Inks from Inscription as these sell for more gold but you are also able to sell them flat on the auction house if you so wish.

[4] Cinderbloom / Obsidian Ore – Mount Hyjal

At number 4, we have the Cinderbloom and Obsidian Ore Farm,

Located within the Cataclysm Zone of Mount Hyjal,

Cinderbloom is used for the create of two Keynote Item,

that being, the Vial of the Sands Mount and the Potion of Treasure Finding for which is derives its value.

Obsidian Ore sells for a good rate and is one of the keynote Items for Levelling Blacksmithing and Engineering for this expansion, meaning that the Rate of Sale is Slower than Cinderbloom but the yield can be higher given the time.

[5] Whiptail / Pyrite Ore – Uldum

Moving onto number 5 and one of my go to gold farms.

We have the Whiptail and Pyrite Ore Multifarm.

I value this gold farm so much as I use it to gather my keynote items for when crafting the Vial of the Sands mount.

These are the Whiptail and Pyrite Ore but also you obtain Volatiles Fire, Water, Earth and Life.

Along with Cinderbloom and Elementium Ore.

With such an array of Great Selling Materials this is why I always go for this gold farm.

[6] Thorium Ore / Sungrass – Silithus

As for number 6 and in the Vanilla zone of Silithus,

We have the Thorium Ore and Sungrass Farm.

Sungrass is best farmed then milled on the auction house, though you can sell them flat on the auction house if you so wish.

Thorium Ore Sells Best in regards to Rate of Sale but the Keynote Item from the Thorium Nodes is the Gem.

Arcane Crystal, which is used in a lot of high end Transmog craft and typically sell for a high gold value on average.

[7] Heartblossom / Elementium Ore – Deepholm

Another Good Gold farm,

and one I like to do is the Heartblossom and Elementium Ore Farm,

Located within the zone of Deepholm,

Heartblossom and Elementium Ore can be sold on the auction for a steady gold rate.

Though, you are able to gain other items from this gold farm, such as,

Cinderbloom and Volatiles Fire, Earth, Water and Life.

Making this a great all rounder once again.

[8] Azsharas Veil / Obsidian Ore – Vash'ir

Staying with the Cataclysm Expansion,

We will be wanting to make our way over towards the zone of Vash'ir,

Here, we will be heading towards the Abyssal Depths,

This is known for the Azsharas Veil Farm, but this can be made better with combining Mining and Herbalism for Additional Gold.

I do Recommend that you use a druid for this farm as the additional Swim Speed helps you get around the area more effectively, providing more Material equalling in more gold,

For your time Invested.

[9] Titanium Ore / Lichbloom – Wintergrasp

At number 9, we have an oldie but a goodie,

Within the Wrath Expansion and in the zone of Wintergrasp is the,

Titanium Ore and Lichbloom Farm.

Titanium and Sarionite Ore from this area are a brillant gold farm in there own right.

But this can be further increased by bringing a Herbalist with you.

You see, you are able to gain all Wrath Herbs from this zone, which you can either Sell them Flat on the auction house.

Or turn them into this Expansions Inks which you can either sell though or create the Glyphs from this expansion.

This is something I do to increase my overall Gold Per Hour and works quite well for steady gold.

[10] Zin'anthid / Osmenite Ore – Nazjatar

Coming in at last on our list and in the zone of Nazjatar is the,

Zin'anthid and Osmenite Ore Farm.

It is Wise to have Atleast Rank 2 or 3 with Osmenite Ore and Zin'anthid due to the increase of materials gathered.

These material still sell pretty well for a previous expansion and the gold per hour on average is typically great compared to other previous expansion materials.



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