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Gold Farms come in many shapes and sizes an overtime some can be lost or even forgotten.

But to the lucky few who remember them, you have the advantage to gain a lot more gold,

So today we will be looking at 10 Forgotten Gold Farms,

Let Us Begin.

[1] Cloud Farming

Starting off this List we have Cloud Farming,

Now for those who don't know, Cloud Farming is doing by the use of Engineering, using the item the Zapthrottle mote extractor.

Here you will want to fly around any zone in Outland, as such use this item of the gas cloud in the zones. You will recive Motes from this.

Each zone provide different motes such as in Zangamarsh you'll get Motes of Water,

Nagrand, Motes of Air,

Shadowmoon Valley, Motes of Shadow,

Netherstorm Motes of Mana,

For myself I prefer farming either Netherstorm or Nagrand as this tends to give the best returns for my time and is a different way of farming in the open world then opposed for gathering professions.

[2] Royal Jelly

Making our way into the BFA Expansion will be looking at another item with prerequisites.

These are,

you have to be Alliance and you have to have atleast become Friendly with the Honeyback Hive.

If you have not and you are Alliance, then the Guide for gain reputation for this is in my addon,

WorthIt Guides,

Next up you will want to fly around the zone of Stormsong Valley and you will be collecting Royal Jelly to sell on. This is able to be sold on the auction house and also is used to gain reputation with the Honeyback Hive.

This gets a good return value due to this reputation having the Bee Mount locked behind it and a fair amount of players are willing buy the Jelly Required for Exalted instead of farming for this.

[3] Pygmy Suckerfish

Moving onto an old expansion and in my personal opinion, The Most Defining Expansions

We have the Pygmy Suckerfish farming from the Wrath of the Lich King Expansion.

Located in Howling Fjord, you will want to make you way over toward the in land river where you are able to fish up these fish.

These can only be fished from the Schools mainly and as such you will need to keep moving around, hence why I prefer a Druid for this Farm.

This demands a strong gold per hour due to it being used in the Alchemy craft for Pygmy Oil which also sells for a good return.

[4] Nethercite Ore / Netherdust Pollen

Another forgotten farm or should I say Farms... is the Nethercite Ore and Netherdust pollen farm.

Located in Outland, you will want to make your way over towards the Natherwing Ledge in Shadowmoon Valley.

This will require you to of course have Mining and Herbalism to farm.

Only on this ledge will you be able to find and gather these items which are used in Daily hand ins for the Netherwing Reputation.

These can fetch a good return, but does depend on your server, I have found through testing that more Role Playing servers see it sell more so there is a little pointer for you there.

This gains its value due to it aiding the Netherwing Reputation which has the Netherwing Drakes locked behind them which makes it quite a handy little farm even if you are farming for this reputation for yourself.

[5] Tome of Polymorph: Porcupine

Coming in at number 5, we have an oldie but a goodie, this of course is the Tome of Polymorph: Porcupine.

This is a Mage specific farm where this item can be obtain from any porcupine in the open world.

By far the best farming location is located in The Jade Forest in Pandaria.

You will want to to farm this location by circling round in a loop making sure you give the mobs time to respawn but also providing a consistent amount of kills.

This item sells on the auction house for a strong amount of gold overall and is one item I must always have on the auction house.

[6] Decahedral Dwarven Dice

Next up at number 6, we have another Class Specific farm, but this one is for all of you rogues out there.

This is of course the Dwarven Dice farm. You will be wanting to first make your way over to the Onslaught Harbor in Icecrown. Here is where you will want to run around the area Pick Pocketting all of the Scarlet Onslaught Members.

This Decahedral Dwarven Dice has a chance of dropping from any of these mobs.

However, if you find yourself to have pickpocketed all of the mobs already, these pockets can be reset by waiting for the to reset themselves.

Or my personal way, is to Slay everyone pickpocket and then by the time I have done a full loop they should have respawned with fresh pockets.

This is where I will repeat this process until the item drops.

[7] Saberstalkers

As for Number 7,

You will want to make your way over towards Tannan Jungle in Dreanor.

Here you will be wanting to complete the repeatable quest “Tooth and Claw” by the Saberstalkers Reputation.

We will be farming for a soulbound item,

Wait, What!?

Dala, how do we make gold with an item we can't sell?!!

Well, you see you'll be farming for a quest item, known as Tannan Jungle Tooth.

Which then upon turning this in will you recive the soulbound item Blackfang Claw

But, still does not answer the quest, huh?

Next up, you will be trading these Blackfang Claws in for the Saberstalkers for the Savage Cub Battle Pet.

This can prove to be quite great in regards to Returns and is something I rarely see farmed anymore,

Hence why it made it on this list.

[8] Shadow Dust

Another Reputation farm, that is much simpler is the Shadow Dust farm.

This is Used, Sold and traded for Reputation with Sha'tari Sky Guard.

To do this farm is you will want to first make your way over to Skettis in Terokkar Forest.

This is where you will find Arrokoa of Skettis which have roughly a 47% chance of droping the Item.

You are able to gain Quite a large amount of Shadow Dust Per hour and with the gold value and Rate of Sale being Reasonable due to the Sha'tari having the Nether ray mounts locked behind the reputation.

This makes it quite a great farm that a lot of people rarely do but still pulls in some great gold everyday.

[9] Enchant: Crusader

Talking about older farms that have been forgotten, how about we go back to Eastern Plaguelands.

Here we will be wanting to make our way over towards the Ruins of the Scarlet Enclave.

From Scarlet Archmages you have a 1.5% chance for the Crusader Enchant to drop from these mobs.

Take note as this recipe is quite rare and can only drop from these mobs making it sell for a truly stupid price in regards to gold.

[10] Sealed Tome of the Lost Legion

Now Let finish this list off with one farm which I feel is one of the best around for Forgotten Gold Farming.

This of course is the Sealed tome of the lost legion farm,

Located on the Isle of Thunder in Pandaria.

You are able to farm this item from any of the Rare Elites on the Isle.

However, the catch is that you Have to be a Warlock for this item to drop.

The drop chance is roughly around 2% which means you will want to park your alt Warlock here and camp these Mobs.

I know for myself that I love doing a lap every morning and that is mostly enough to keep a good supply in my bank and the auction house for regular gold every week.


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