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What Is The Most Reliable Gold farm?

Now this is a question that is asked when a Gold farmer is looking for a steady way of making gold.

Having a steady stream of gold every day is great so without further due,

Let Us Begin.

[1]  Azshara's Veil

Kicking this off with number one,

We have the Azshara's Veil farm, this can be farmed best in the Abyssal Depths within Vash'ir.

However, you are able to farm this more effectively if you are using a Druid,

This is because with there Travel form they are able to gather herb within it,

And! Have a swim speed increase while underwater,

Along with doing the Initial Questline for the zone you gain an additional swim speed bonus,

This Stacks make you the Fastest creature in the ocean.

With those buffs you are able to gather more herbs within the hour, brining more gold for your time invested, so this is something you have to do if you plan on farming this material up.

Azsharas Veil gets a high gold value due to it being used in the creation of the vial of sands, this also increases the chances of selling said item aswell and with a medium rate of sale,

This is an item Worth farming.

[2]  Vigil's Torch / Phaedrum Ore

As for number two, you maybe looking for something with a faster Rate of sale and a average gold per hour.

Well look no further than Ardenweald!,

Here you will be wanting to have both, Mining and Herbalism.

This is because you will be flying around the zone looking for Vigils Torch and Phaedrum Ore.

These materials are used in a lot of Shadowlands Crafting from Alchemy all the way to Blacksmithing.

As this is current content, you will be able to sell these without that much of an issue overall.

The one thing to do note is because it is current content materials you might have some competition.

Though, this is not a problem if you choose you farming times wisely. I prefer Early morning as less people are online but later at night helps also.

[3] Volatile Air

Jumping back into Cataclysm Farms at number 3,

We have one farm I love overall. This is the Volatile Air farm in the dungeon Vortext pinnicle.

The reason behind this pick is of course the time it takes to farm. 15 to 20 minutes is all it takes to run the dungeon 10 times.

This will be able to provide you with around 150 to 200 Volatile Air for that lockout.

Volatile Air tends to sell for a good Gold and Sale Rate this is mainly for the same reason I stated before for the creation of the Vial of the Sands mount.

I recommend this userally to people whole tend to not have that much time for farming but still want to gain something.

Hence why it made it on the list.

[4] Dreamleaf

As for number 5, this will takes over to the Legion Expansion, Here we will want to make our way to Val'Sharah and as such enter the dungeon of the Darkheart Thicket.

Now this farm is special in a way, as you are able to farm more Dreamleaf in a 30 minute run than opposed to farming in the zone itself.

Make sure to have at least Rank 2 in Dreamleaf before doing the farm for the minimum best return.

After the first boss you will find a fair amount of Lasher mobs which once Slain will be herb-able.

This mobs will provide a large amount of Dreamleaf and as such if you are running this with your druid you will be able to do this while in Travel form and also TP in and out of the dungeon for resetting with your Dreamwalk ability.

A fun little thing I have found doing this farm is,

If I farm this on my Druid and herb in travel form, If and I mean IF! I use Darkmoon Firewater potion I am able to herb these mobs by just clicking,

i'm sure this is a bug but this does make the herbing process much faster, so Happy Days!!

[5] Fel Iron Ore

Coming in at number 5 we have the Fel Iron Ore Farm. This Ore can be farmed in multiple zones in outland but the farming location I would like to cover is my bread and butter for farming this material.

Make your way over towards Terokkar Forest, here you will be flying around the zone for Fel Iron Ore, Adamantite and Khorium Deposits.

However, the bulk of you gold value will come from the Fel Iron Ore,

But Khorium Ore has a great prices, Right?

Well yes and no...Kinda,

Khorium Ore from a sales perspective is great as it ssell relativly fast for rare old world materials,

However, this ore is based on RNG and is not highly farmable as opposed to Fel Iron Ore, this is why you should be coming for the Fel Iron and if you get lucky and find some Khorium...

Well, that is just a bonus.

[6] Whiptail / Pyrite Ore Multifarm

This then moves us onto number 6 with the Whiptail and Pyrite Ore Multifarm,

Located in Uldum you will be able to move up and down the river following around the mountains and back down the river again while farming with Mining and Herbalism.

This provides a lot of Reasonable selling Items, like Whiptail, Volatile Life, Elementium Ore and Pyrite Ore.

These all sell relatively well and go for a strong gold per hour making it one of the best farms and one of the farms I do on a regular basis to maintain and steady flow of gold.

If you are searching for a route and any other farming route then you are able to get an estimated gold per hour and farming route from the Addon WorthIt I you are not using it already for gold farming.

[7] Zin'anthid Farm

Now BFA was abit, ermmm, Meh?

But something really great that come out of this expansion was the gold farm of Zin'anthid.

This can be farmed in Nazjatar only and as such if you have At least Rank two you will be able to fly around the zone gather a large amount of this material.

This is used mainly for Inscription and Alchemy which means is sells rather well in the grand scheme of previous expansion herbs.

Along with that this also goes on average for a steady rate of gold so this works out quite well for the gold Farmer just looking for something most reliable.

[8] Volatile Fire

Talking about previous expansions, this then brings use into the Cataclysm expansion once again.

Here you will need to make your way over towards the Twilight Highlands to the North West you will find a fair amount of Fire Elementals.

This drop volatile Fire which is a keynote items used in a lot of cataclysm crafts and as such tends to be one of the fastest of the sell material from this expansion.

This farm can be done by yourself and but is best done in a 5 man group as the more mobs you Slay in this area. The more will respawn providing you with more loot per hour.

I would highly recommend using the Potion of Treasure finding for additional Chest containing extra Cataclysm materials equalling in more gold for this farm.

[9] Titanium Ore

This then brings us onto a really great farm, which I have talked about in the past but needs to be reiterated even today.

This is the Titanium Ore Farm within Wintergrasp. This will require you to have Northrend Flying and also mining.

You will than want to fly your way around the zone mining Saronite and Titanium Ore.

These tend to always go for a strong gold per hour and is one of the most reliable in my experience from a selling of the items, the returns I gain from this farm.

One thing to note is if you are farming while a battle is on going you will be nocked off of your mount.

However, if you have a druid you are able to negate this, for when the debuff appears ,

just pop out of flight form and go back in and this will reset the debuff making it so you are able to fly and farm while your competition is on there ground mount.

[10] Desolate Leather

Coming in at last on our list, we have the Desolate Leather farm.

And I know what your thinking....

of course Desolate Leather is going to be reliable, duh?

Well Yes, Maybe, Kinda,

You see a lot of Farming locations in Shadowlands are competetive at the moment due to only a few good farms being able for gold farming specific materials.

However, if you make your way over toward Korthia, and you head towards the Mauler's outlook.

There is a tons of mobs being slain of the regular, this is because it is used for the Korthia Dailies,

This is where you will be farming.

This is one of the best farming locations as most people just kill the mobs and go do the next quests.

However, for us we will be staying put,

these mobs have a great respawn timer as it is used for the Korthia Dailies so there is always something to slay but better yet!

Most players will do the work for you, I have done this farm so many times and I must say, I do get lazy and just run around after people have taken down the mobs a skin them as they are just leaving them.

So in Short, Less work, Steady gold and Fast Sales, that is why it is at the top of this list!


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