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I can't take credit for this one. Sophie made it for the girls' going away party this year, and she got it off an instagram reel, and I just copied down what she did. To be honest, I feel like it's rife for experimentation...coconut milk, a sugar lime zest ring, I don't know, go nuts, it's just an amazing drink that's so creamy and lime-y and somehow doesn't curdle, but it tastes like summer and summer is almost gone, so LET'S GET LIME DRUNK.

Because yeah, most alcohol goes CRAZY well with this. Gin makes it all floral and fancy and classy, vodka as usual is all "don't pay any attention to me I don't want to be a burden just let me hang out and you do your thing, I support you" and highlights the fruit flavors, rum makes it feel tropical...I didn't try the brown liquors because I thought the color might be weird but YOU DO YOU LIME BOO.


5-6 limes

3 cups whole milk

1 cup cold water

1 cup sugar

Handful of fresh mint leaves

Dash of nutmeg (optional)

Gin, vodka, or white rum (also optional but...I mean. Highly recommended)

Do the Lime Thing

Put it all in a blender.

Yes, all. Skins, pith, seeds, don't care.



Seriously. That's it. 

Thank me later.



Manuela C. Amorim

Oh, we do that in Brazil :) it's called Batida de coco. Some people (me me me do it with lime & vodka), others just the coconut & cachaça (not really rhum but from sugar cane as well)