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Mad Fiction Mandatory Media Dissection Poll

  • Interstellar (who knows? we can find out together) 57
  • Love Island (oh so negative, it has no redeeming value, but in a fun way) 12
  • The Haunting of Bly Manor (mixed positive) 34
  • Oculus (mostly positive, no strong feelings) 2
  • Absentia (meh) 0
  • Star Trek: Voyager (every value judgment from terrible to superb) 51
  • New Season of Bake Off? (I imagine this would just be about Bake Off generally (love always) & the new choices this season (less love) ) 35
  • The West Wing (the feelings are complex) 36
  • 2020-10-18
  • 227 votes
{'title': 'Mad Fiction Mandatory Media Dissection Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'Interstellar (who knows? we can find out together)', 'votes': 57}, {'text': 'Love Island (oh so negative, it has no redeeming value, but in a fun way)', 'votes': 12}, {'text': 'The Haunting of Bly Manor (mixed positive)', 'votes': 34}, {'text': 'Oculus (mostly positive, no strong feelings)', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'Absentia (meh)', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Star Trek: Voyager (every value judgment from terrible to superb)', 'votes': 51}, {'text': 'New Season of Bake Off? (I imagine this would just be about Bake Off generally (love always) & the new choices this season (less love) )', 'votes': 35}, {'text': 'The West Wing (the feelings are complex)', 'votes': 36}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 10, 18, 17, 17, 53, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 227}


This has not been much of a month for me consuming things other than grief and burritos. And grief burritos. But there is still some stuff for you to choose from!

I'm putting Interstellar back on even though I haven't watched it yet because I'm just so sure I'm gonna have a purse full of sideeye for it. And Love Island is there because I've started remote binge-watching with a friend who was all "I am so stressed out about RBG and the hearings, I need to watch something totally trash to distract myself" and I replied OH YOU WANT TRASH WELL HAVE I GOT A BIN BAG OF UTTER SHIT FOR YOU AND THEY'RE NOT EVEN AMERICAN SO YOU DON'T HAVE TO FEEL ASHAMED OF THEM PERSONALLY.

Voyager is also back because Byron currently starts crying if I am not permanently underneath him, and I need comfort watching to get through my total immobility.

As always, the review judgement is in parentheses so no one gets a nasty shock.

What will I be reviewing this month?


Danyelle C.

Just take care of yourself. Writing is so hard when you're down.

David Baxter

While I don't dislike the new (to me) judges on Bake Off individually; all together, I feel like I'm in a bad improv class.

Catherynne M. Valente

Individually, I’m actually a huge fan of Noel Fielding and I liked Little Britain enough though it definitely had its awful moments. But they are vastly the wrong people to be hosting GBBO. Just this week Noel was smarming about how no one under 40 eats bread (you’re 47 mate, you hardly have your finger on the pulse of the youth anymore) and that’s NOT WHAT YOU SHOULD BE SAYING ON A SHOW ABOUT THE JOY OF LITERALLY BAKING. DURING BREAD WEEK. Neither of them care about baking at all, they’re in it for the paycheck. They are also about the least nurturing comedians out there, on a show so many think of as their soft happy place. Sue and Mel gave a shit, they created the whole feel of the Not Like Other Reality Shows show, and they never joked at anyone’s expense, let alone at the expense of the entire concept of baking. Lucas and Fielding are great. But they are confrontational edgelord male comedians whose bread and butter is making people uncomfortable. It’s wildly wrong. At least Sandi evened Noel out, now it’s just two of the same dude. On top of that, we’ve gone from three wonderful women and Paul Hollywood to three men and Prue, who has all the personality and spine of a wet toilet roll. She never contradicts Paul, she has no presence or stake in the show (what shows her approval? She doesn’t get to give handshakes like a douche stepdad) and though it doesn’t matter for the show, is a huge Brexiteer and sucks. So it’s two guys who hate baking, one woman who hates Europe and speaking up for herself but LOL SHE LIKES BOOZE, and Paul Hollywood, walking #metoo thread, who owns the entire show now. It’s very disappointing and not what Bake Off was supposed to be. I want my little historical mini-docs and Sue and Mel being kind and loving and making gentle pastry sex puns. Not Vince Noir and Dafydd trying to yuck it up so they can get paid.