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Hi everyone!

Our bouncing baby burbler brought home what appears to be Mega Space Black Death from day care. He's almost over it, but it seems to have evolved into Charizard or something in our systems and both Heath and I are almost comically sick. The kind of sick where you look at what you just coughed up like Temperance Brennan from Bones and are like huh she must have died of typhoid in Victorian London during the alien invasion, you know, the one they had in Victorian London.

Even MORE comically, I had to fly to Virginia to give a commencement address at a high school while said Victorian alien was Charizarding away in my lungs and burbler's. If you've never heard someone nearly die coughing during a commencement address about time and the nature of art and mortality LET ME TELL YOU YOU ARE MISSING OUT. THE RESONANCE, I TELLS YA. Additionally, said baby decided now was a wonderful time to transition from sleeping through every flight to squirming like a sharktopus while trying to latch onto my chin, grab my desperately-needed water, touch the overhead lights, make friends with everyone in a three-row radius, and leave a very loud Yelp review of his aviation experience. I also had to change him in the lavatory which didn't have a changing table and oh my god why, why would you not have SOMETHING that folds down everything is ashes. 

Did I mention we had two flight cancellations and were stranded for almost two extra days in Virginia? MY VERY OWN ROANOKE DISAPPEARANCE. 

I have now stumbled home, still sick, everyone still sick, a house of waifs, palms pressed to foreheads. IT'S A DAMN MESS. Basically, we've just moaned and cleaned up fluids and watched Chernobyl and Drag Race (quelle tonal dissonance) and put out whatever small fires could be lightly spritzed with mucus.

(That said, baby is, miraculously, sleeping through the night, 11 hours a night, and managed to both sleep train and night-wean himself right when I thought I was actually going to lose my mind from exhaustion. I don't understand it, I can't explain it, but it happened. We got ready to do the whole horrible cry it out thing and put him to bed. I said "I love you very much, and you're the very bravest of brave boys, and you're never ever really alone even if it seems that way. I know it can be scary to sleep, but it's okay because that's where we get dreams. 7 pm train to Dreamland approaching the station. Stand clear of the closing doors please." And apparently, Sebastian thought CIO sounded just horrible because he was like LOL OK and just slept 10 hours straight through without even eating, no problem, NBD, and hasn't failed to sleep through the night since WHAT THE HELL BABY YOU COULD DO THAT ALL ALONG? Of course, now I am superstitious AF and say the EXACT SAME THING every night, including doing the last bit in my best NYC subway voice. But somehow it's been almost a month and it's still happening? BABY YOU CONFOUND. ALSO YOU MAY BE A FAE.)

Anyway, the point of all this is that most of May's rewards are a little late. I'm working on them, complicated by baby not being allowed to go to daycare, and therefore lamprey'd to my face at all times. Thank you for your patience! Some will go up tonight, even. All by week's end.

Hopefully. One of the questions on this month's video stream involves me singing, so I'm waiting to be able to, you know, speak, before I do that one. WALK BEFORE YOU RUN SIS

This, therefore, is your open discussion post! I HOPE NO ONE ELSE IS SICK.

How are you guys? What's going on in your world? 

I perish now.



I have also been felled by the Victorian Mega Space Black Death bug. I came home from a Memorial Day weekend camping trip and almost immediately fell ill. Last week was a total loss to fatigue, congestion, chills and a long binge of Gentleman Jack and Drag Race YouTube videos. This week I'm better but still so full on mucus it's absurd. Hope you and the family are on the med soon. This one is a doozy. Rest up!!


I also have Victorian Mega Space Black Death bug, though not as bad as my wife had it. I have mucus trapped behind my eardrums, which is making things sound Very Interesting (also, I've been listening to "Like a Prayer" - just the one song - on repeat for three days, so your Chernobyl / Drag Race combination isn't that strange). Also: Of course your child is Fae. Probably on both sides.