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Hey everyone! Do not fear, the experiment is incoming shortly, as is the winning livetweet--Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death!

Time at Denver ComicCon is proving more scarce than I'd like, and my dog's cancer surgery devoured the better part of what free time I had during this month of constant touring, but I'm scrambling to get it all done for you. 

To that end, I'm announcing a change to the Q & A format. It's proving next to impossible to get everyone together at the same time each month given how many time zones we cover and how busy we all are with pesky old real life. I don't feel like Google Hangouts is working as a delivery mechanism and I don't feel like you're getting what you should out of it. So instead of schedule wrangling that results in most people missing out on the reward entirely, I'm going to take questions from everyone at the Mad Post Doc Student level and higher, and then livestream the answers to those patrons all at once late in the month. That way everyone gets to have some interaction and questions answered in hopefully entertaining fashion, and no one misses out because they had to work an extra shift or they live in Germany. Said question post will go up this weekend along with all the other June rewards. 

I am going to be so glad to get home on Monday and stop forgetting what city I'm in and hug my dog and actually get a chance to write something again!

Stay tuned for a 4th of July firework show of rewards this weekend...


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