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My current concept for the second phase of the final boss, that being the second form of the Ancestor and the Absolute Nothingness. Tried something a bit experimental with the Absolute Nothingness, curious what you guys think about it.

The next post will be the final parts of the fight, so you can look forward to that!




As much as I like the design for absolute nothingness, I would like to see more tiddy


i'm not sure about making the absolute nothingness look like a being, rather than just the absence of anything it is supposed to represent. but if you do wanna go with that, i think it's a neat design for it. it has a nice balance of ominous to enticing.


Hey ! If you ever feel like working on mods, you should take a look at the "vermintide" mod, its really high quality :) but before that, do you think you would work on the curios, the loot and items and the trinkets ?


I don't think I would do any mod stuff until I am done with the base game stuff. I am certainly open to doing stuff like curios, but the enemies are going to take me long enough as is so I wouldn't worry about that right now.


The absolute nothingness is so cool xel i lov what you did, although i do have a thing for curvy shadow figures lol


Love the concept of the Nothingness, Changes them in a way to be subtle, yet purposeful, whilst not really being to in your face about it