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Well, I got covid, I suppose it's about time.

I would have told you guys yesterday, but I was pretty much knocked out all day. I'm already starting to feel better though, but I can't really work like this.

I'll keep you guys informed.



Just focus on recovering cause covid aint fun.


Hope you feel better soon <3

Cass Griffon

Take some time off, get rested and get better. Just remember; if you see a bright light, don't go towards it.


Take care


Hope you get better


get well soon man


Ay its alright hope you feel better! ~ <3


If it's affecting you this much, then better rest. Stay well. Health is more important

Morgan Allsing

Do take care! I’ve already had COVID 3 times so I know it’s tough. Take your time to recover. Well wait and explore DD with your mods in the meanwhile

James Watt

Same here my friend. Two and half years of following every rule and recommendation and I still catch it. It took me two or three days to get past the worst of it so stay in bed and get well soon.