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Ninth Progress Report for the Flagellant mod.

Idle animation is done, next up is the walking and combat animations.




Didn't expect lipstick, but looks neat.


Such a wild, vicious look to her, I love it. Like she's just aching to spill blood~ Can't wait to see the other color variants ♥


Yea that's not lipstick, I can see what you mean though with the blurry image here.


you did again such a great job on my favourite hero in DD. I can't wait to play her and bring pain and suffering towards the monstrous hordes of evil

Sir Valentine

Welcome to L.L. Server ;) And amazing!


I cannot wait to play the best girl in DD like she's so cool lookin and also lewd and i love her hair so much, question i can only guess her hair will change color depending on palette i know sounds silly~

Matthias Zimmermann

this might be the first character that looks better with clothes^^ if you can even call it that