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Having fun with it so I am continuing with a (more) female version of N'kari.

It has been a while since I posted non Patreon related drawings here so I would just like to clarify that I make these in my off time, it does not mean I am working less on the Flagellant.




These have me thinking, would you consider making some of these skins for heroes/enemies?


Generally speaking not really a fan of taking something from a different franchise and sticking it into Darkest Dungeon, not to mention I have a lot of higher priorities. That being said, I'm not entirely opposed to the idea.


and now for the real challenge: (sexy) female Ku'gath


Does gimme an idea for the crab monster in the cove though?


After Ku'gath might as well do the demon prince, if you want.


This one is my favourite of your 3 warhammer artworks so far. I'm usually not a huge fan of slaanesh but with this artwork i changed my mind :)