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there wasn't much but I added some extra images I didn't post here, hope ya'll enjoy!

Other than some violent coughing I feel fine to draw now, I'll be starting a poll for sure soon :)

And thank you to those who decided to stay! Got a bunch of people that up and left, guess they wanted me to work when I was dying 😤


Luis Cortes

They’ll probably come back. Some people really take the business side of things seriously ( if they’re not instantly getting something in return for money then it’s not worth paying for). Just glad you’re feeling better. :)


Smh, disappointing to hear that. Apparently horny mfs really don’t care for delayed gratification. Seems they can’t even wait a few days more for some pictures to crank it to while the author is sick, like do these people not get sick? Imagine if your boss came to you after you had to take a week off and just said, “yeah I know you were sick and all but since you weren’t here doing your job, you’re now fired.” Pretty much what those people did.