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Guys I regret to inform that I caught covid about a week ago and that really caused a blunder on my plans for this month 😥 ive had a headache that just won't go away for the past 5 days alongside all the other symptoms you know about, I dont have any of the serious symptoms so you shouldn't worry about that but it literally immobilized me so I haven't been able to draw anything or be active on Twitter. My plan was to do those 2 botw zeldas and also do the poll and also draw it this same month but I'll sadly have to push that back so I can focus on recovering. Its 4am and I can feel the headache going away (wich is why I can type rn) so I'll try to at least give you some new sketches to at least give you something. On the brighter side, I'll have 2 polls next month so you guys can see some new girls. Hopefully by next month its back to regular business. Again i'm really sorry guys and take care of yourselves, you dont wanna get infected TRUST 


Gaming Eelektross

Your health comes before the art Rest and recover as much as you need to


Hoping for a good recovery 🙏


Take whatever time you need to heal up- hope you feel better!


Don't you even worry about us, get yourself well and rested first and foremost.


Rest up and take good care of yourself. Health is a #1 priority, we can wait for when you're better!


Do take care just take things slow and just stay comfy when possible


Aw geez, that sucks man. Your health comes first.


Get well soon


it's fine dude, health always comes first, rest well and get well soon!


No problem. Hope you get well soon!!

Ghost senpai

take your time and come back when you feel better so dont worry about us, just focus on recovery


No problem, just rest and I hope you feel better soon.


Sorry to hear man. I caught it last year & it was so bad it practically set me back two months to get back to art, so that's why I encourage you to take your time, & prioritize your health above anything else. Goes without saying, but take your time, we'll wait, & hope you get well soon!